His Reward



Raven felt her day could not get any worse than seeing Storm Ace twice in one day.

She entered her house and went to soak in the bathtub, anything to get her mind distracted from Storm and keep her wolf at bay.

She did not need a mate who would ruin her and not even stand up for her.

As soon as she stepped out of the tub a call came through her phone. Answering, she did not bother with the caller ID and placed it on her ear.


"Asteria Gold." Raven twisted her lips trying to figure out the owner of the voice. "Remember me, darling?"

A cheeky smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Alpha Kent. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"You do not have to be formal with me." 

As much as Raven wished to accept, she did not want anything to do with Alphas. After all, they all stood watching while Storm humiliated her. 

However, the reason she was in talking terms with Kent was because he recommended her to the last alpha's company she helped plan their event.

"Alpha Kent, what's up?"

He groaned in disapproval but Raven treated it as nothing. 

"Fine. You win. There's a dinner party hosting the elite of the elite in Vox Ville and some from Crescent Pax Nova."

"Okay…" she drawled, waiting for him to explain where she fit into that.

"Guess who's invited, darling?"

"Definitely not me."

Kent groaned again. "Stop being a killjoy, Ast. I'm invited. I'll also love for you to be my plus one."

"Inviting me through a phone call?" Raven shook her head, folding her hand under her bosom.

"If you'd check your window you'd know I intended for more." 

Confusion crossed her face. Quickly she checked her window. Just like he said, she saw a brown haired man standing close to the latest Range Rover with a shopping bags on his car bonnet.

He looked up at her window, smirking at her. 

"First of, how did you know my…" she shut her lips, recalling how she had worked late when she did an event fir him and he took her home. 

"What say you? Would you be my date, darling?" Raven gave it a little thought. "Well?"

"Looks to me like you got yourself a date, Kent. Come up."


Due to the joy of attending such an elite party where she could broaden her connections through Alpha Kent, Raven's anger was abated a little. 

She couldn't let her bestfriend family's actions ruin her mood and spoil things for her. 

However, when she agreed to the party, Raven wasn't expecting such an elaborate event. 

Having attended parties before, this was on a different level. Everyone who was someone was present. 

Raven's lips lifted at the corner. 'Just my kind of event.' Her eyes sparkled as she walked hand in hand with Alpha Kent. 

Clad in a floor-length, strapless deep, rich blue gown, almost black, that hugged her curves in all the right places, its silk fabric shimmering in the light, with a high slit that showcased her toned leg, Raven snagged the attention of every eye present.

The fitted bodice accentuated her waist, and the sweetheart neckline framed her face. Her hair was styled in loose waves, cascading down her back like a golden waterfall.

But the pièce de résistance was her shoes — blue glass stilettos that seemed to glow from within. 

They added a touch of whimsy and fantasy to her overall look, making her stand out in a sea of designer gowns and tuxedos. 

Every head turned to gaze at her, mesmerized by her beauty and poise.

"Wow, who's she?"

"Heard of her?"

"No, but she must be a hidden gem for Alpha Kent to show up with her to this event."

"Is she his woman?"

"Does it matter? They look good together."

"Even better, I'll snag her for myself."

Raven battered her eyelashes, smiling as though she couldn't hear the whispers around her.

Dashing in his blue and black suit, Kent couldn't help but smile proudly as he gazed at Raven. 

Amidst the admiration and envy, Storm felt a growl rise in his throat as his eyes locked on Raven and where her hand locked with Kent's.

Silver stirred restlessly as the word "mate" echoed in Storm's mind. His eyes narrowed, his gaze fixed intently on Raven.

"Our mate," Silver growled possessively.

"What's she doing with him?" Jealousy washed over Storm. 

Not wanting to cause a scene, he walked away from the couple he was discussing with. 

Just then, a man dressed in an all-black outfit blocked Storm's path. "Alpha King Storm, going somewhere?"

Storm's expression relaxed. Sporting a smile, he nodded, "Alpha King Zev. Enjoying your party?"

Zev smiled. "That's not the question I asked," he said, tipping his glass against Storm's. "Going somewhere?"

"Just to get a bit of fresh air." Storm moved past Zev. He barely got two feet forward when Zev placed his hand on his shoulder. 

"Talk to me, old friend. What got Silver riled up?" 

Storm held his breath. Zev was always nosy. They'd been friends for twenty years, but still, when he became like this it frustrated Storm. 

"Nothing. He needs air and space."

With that, Storm went outside. After several minutes, he returned only to see Raven mingling with the elite, getting support and eager customers. 

Most of the men who met her no doubt wanted her for themselves and would do anything to support her just to get in her good graces. 

That was good but what irked Storm was the way their lustful eyes were glued to her and her curvaceous body.

The night they shared flashed before his eyes, how that perfect body lay beneath him, begging for more of his kisses and tongue and…

He shook his head, unable to contain the snarls slipping out from Silver who felt like ripping heads off. Without giving it a thought, he walked in her direction. 

After talking endlessly with most of the young bachelor alphas silently seeking a partner, Raven was tired out of her mind. 

Just then Kent walked up to her, handing her a drink. "Cheers," he clinked their glasses. "I see you've successfully gotten most of these Alphas to your side. Congratulations."

Storm halted, turning his back quickly to them before Raven and Kent saw him but she did.

Raven's smile brightened, more about Storm's silly hiding than Kent's congratulations. 

"I have you to thank, Alpha Kent." She winked, taking a sip of her champagne.

Kent smirked. "Then, how about repaying me by becoming my girlfriend?"

Cough! Cough!