Chapter 4: Plan Execution - Part 1

After Xia Yu left, Hiruzen Sarutobi led Danzo back to the Hokage's office.

Hiruzen set his cane aside and sat on the sofa. Danzo, frustrated, started immediately, "Hiruzen, you're too soft. Why waste words on Xia Yu? And that brat Sasuke, who's still lying in the hospital unconscious from a genjutsu. Just kill them both!"

Hiruzen took a deep drag from his pipe and replied sternly, "Danzo! What are you saying? Sasuke's life is Itachi's condition for becoming a spy. We can't touch him! And Xia Yu's survival is already known by the village gossipers. If we kill him now, it'll raise too many questions!"

Danzo retorted, "I'll take the blame for you! What are you afraid of? The clan's extermination plan has succeeded. Our goal is achieved. Even if we kill Sasuke now, what can Itachi do? If he dares to come back, it'll be the perfect excuse to finish off the Uchiha line completely!"

Hiruzen shook his head decisively, "No, Danzo! You are not to lay a hand on Xia Yu or Sasuke. We're in a sensitive period. There are already rumors about the truth of the massacre. Don't add more fuel to the fire!"

Seeing Hiruzen's firm stance, Danzo huffed and stormed out like an angry wife.

Hiruzen sighed, "See, there you go again! Every time we argue, you just walk out. Can't we communicate better? Stay a while longer, talk things through."

Danzo, still fuming, retorted, "I don't understand why Tobirama recommended you for Hokage. I'm the one who inherited his stern policies, yet he made me your assistant. Hmph! If not for me, Konoha would've fallen apart long ago! Sacrificing a Hyuga branch member three years ago when Hinata was kidnapped by the Cloud was a sign of weakness that disgusted me!"

Hiruzen shook his head wearily, "I did it for Konoha's sake. Peace is hard to come by. Sacrificing one to maintain peace with the Cloud is better than plunging the entire village into war."

Danzo scoffed, "Peace? Your leniency only emboldens the Cloud. They come for our Byakugan, and we apologize? Ridiculous..."

Hiruzen moved closer, patting Danzo's shoulder, "Alright, let's not dwell on past grievances. Stressing over it isn't good for your health. By the way, how did you handle the Uchiha corpses?"

Danzo's eyes gleamed, "Don't worry about that. In life or death, they serve Konoha. Even in death, I'll ensure they continue to be of use…"


Meanwhile, in Orochimaru's secret base.

Kabuto Yakushi stood by a table cluttered with jars, reading a list aloud:

"Uchiha Pao, one pair of three-tomoe Sharingan."

"Uchiha Hui, one pair of three-tomoe Sharingan."

"Uchiha Pao Hui, one three-tomoe Sharingan."

"Uchiha Hui Pao, half of a three-tomoe Sharingan."


Kabuto commented, "Orochimaru-sama, these are fresh Sharingan from that old fox Danzo. There are quite a few, but the quality is rather poor. They're mostly from cannon fodder."

Orochimaru, leaning elegantly against the experiment table, played with an earring as he replied, "Tsk, tsk… No matter. My true desire is now within reach. That's what matters. The rest is insignificant…"

Kabuto blushed, his face flushed with excitement, "Your true desire? Is it… me, Orochimaru-sama? You make me feel... a bit shy…"

"Don't misunderstand, Kabuto," Orochimaru said, fiddling with his "Sky" ring. He turned, dashing Kabuto's hopes, "Last night at the Akatsuki base, a new member joined. Guess who it is?"

Kabuto frowned and shook his head.

Orochimaru's tongue flicked out, eyes gleaming with greed, "It's my true desire, Itachi Uchiha."

Kabuto's eyes widened, "Itachi Uchiha! The one who massacred his clan last night? He joined Akatsuki?"

"Yes, I didn't expect him to become my colleague after the massacre. He arrived with the prospective member, Tobi. It seems Itachi, like me, views the village, clan, and comrades as burdens. How can I not desire such eyes…"

Kabuto fell silent.

Orochimaru donned the Akatsuki cloak, "I'm heading back to the Akatsuki. You handle the rest. How's Shin's body holding up?"

Kabuto reported, "Shin's physique is unique. He doesn't reject any transplanted cells or organs, making him perfect for cloning experiments."

Orochimaru nodded approvingly, "Good. Try transplanting Danzo's Sharingan into Shin. If it works, it'll be a breakthrough for my cloning research."

Kabuto hesitated, "All of them? Orochimaru-sama, won't you keep a pair for yourself?"

"Don't be absurd, Kabuto. I am Orochimaru. I won't use the eyes of cannon fodder. My goal is Itachi Uchiha. He's within my reach now. This is a rare opportunity for me."

With that, Orochimaru left.

Watching him leave, Kabuto sighed wistfully, "Every night, it's just me and these experiment subjects. Orochimaru-sama, when will you understand my loneliness…"


Late at night, at the entrance of the Konoha hot spring inn.

This was a place Xia Yu often frequented in the past.

As soon as he stepped inside, he was greeted by a sultry voice, "Oh, isn't it little Xia Yu? You finally remembered me~"

"Heh heh… Boss lady, you look stunning today."

"Oh, you're so naughty~"

The boss lady, fiery and enthusiastic, leaned close to Xia Yu, "Stay with me tonight. You must have been scared by what happened to the Uchiha clan…"

Xia Yu grinned wickedly, "Sure, but one night might not be enough. I'm on an important mission now, with little time and much to do. I can only stay for a while."


Xia Yu's plan was now officially underway.

The entire village of Konoha was his target.

"Konoha, just wait! You destroyed my clan? I'll wipe you out at the roots!"

"In the future, everyone in Konoha, big and small, will be Uchiha!"


To be continued.