Chapter 5: Execution of the Plan - Part Two

Two hours had passed...

As the proprietress was still in a daze, Xia Yu had already put on his coat, ready to leave.

"Xia Yu, can you stay a bit longer?" the proprietress asked reluctantly, not wanting him to go.

Xia Yu gently brushed her long hair aside and said softly, "If you want to be by my side, then move to the Uchiha clan's land. Only then will we live closer together, and it will be easier to meet. Don't you agree?"

The proprietress looked troubled. "Xia Yu, I'd love to live near you, but I have this huge hot spring inn to run. It's really..."

"What's the difficulty? Just move your hot spring inn to the Uchiha clan's land. There's plenty of space for you to choose from. As a member of the Uchiha clan, I don't want to see the streets in our clan's area remain lifeless," Xia Yu insisted.

"But... I don't belong to the Uchiha clan. There's a strict rule prohibiting non-Uchiha members from entering our land," she replied hesitantly.

"That rule is obsolete after what happened last night. You can move your inn without any worries. It's perfectly fine," Xia Yu assured her. "The rent must be high in the village center. I guarantee you an 80% discount on rent if you open your inn in our clan's area."

The proprietress smiled wryly. The Uchiha clan's land was indeed vast, but it was located at the edge of the village, close to the Konoha Police Department and the village prison, making it less commercially viable compared to the bustling village center. Opening the inn there would likely result in a loss within a month.

Seeing her hesitation, Xia Yu kissed her forehead and smiled mischievously, "Having trouble? Don't you want to live near me? You can always come over to my place."

Her heart fluttered at his charming smile and mesmerizing voice. 

He's so handsome... How can anyone be this handsome?

She was completely captivated and lost her rationality. "Alright, I'll move! I won't open the inn tonight. I'll start moving now!"

"Hehe, then I'll rent you the biggest shop next to my house. Pay the rent for three years, and I'll give you an extra year for free."

"No problem, I'll rent it for thirty years! Money isn't an issue for me... I just want to see you every day," she agreed eagerly.

"Don't worry, we'll have plenty of chances to meet," Xia Yu reassured her.

"Yes, yes!" she responded enthusiastically.


After leaving the hot spring inn, Xia Yu stood at the entrance, shaking off the remnants of sleepiness, pondering his next "target."

There were many people he had interacted with in his memory. The plan to "greenify" the entire Konoha village seemed like a physically demanding task, but it needed careful planning and execution.

"Let's start with the wealthy ones," he thought. 

Just like the proprietress of the hot spring inn, she was willing to move her business to the Uchiha clan's area, boosting the economy. This would make the deserted Uchiha land flourish, generate significant rental income, and possibly result in more offspring— a win-win situation.

"Perfect... Let's continue. The flower shop owner across the street, we last met nine days ago."

"Wait for me, Uchiha Xia Yu is on his way~"


The next morning.

Xia Yu woke up on a large white bed, disturbed by the incessant buzzing in his head:

[Ding! Yesterday's summary: In ten months, at least six new Uchiha offspring will be born. Their mothers are...]

"Ugh, system, you're so noisy!" Xia Yu groaned, rubbing his sleepy eyes as he lazily sat up.

Everything around him was unfamiliar – the bed, the furniture, the entire place.

"Where am I... again?" he wondered, trying to recall the events of the previous night. "I remember being at the dango shop with a group of beautiful women... My head hurts."

Xia Yu had no recollection of who had brought him here, but he wasn't surprised. He was used to waking up in different bedrooms every morning.

Once he gathered his thoughts, Xia Yu yawned and asked, "System, were you joking about the pregnancies? Did it happen so quickly?"

[Hehe... You might not believe me, but you can't deny the power of our technique. It's designed for efficiency.]

[Keep going, kid. I believe in you...]

"Ugh..." Xia Yu wasn't entirely satisfied with his performance. "It's not up to my usual standard. It's all because of the alcohol! If I hadn't been drunk, the results would have been twice as good!"

[Hehe... I believe you. Remember, last night, you and the owner of this house went through seven rounds! Such a waste...]

"Really? I blacked out. I was so drunk, I don't remember anything," Xia Yu said, scratching his head. He got dressed, preparing to leave and go back to his own home for a proper rest. He needed to recharge for the night's activities.

Just then, the bedroom door opened.

A woman whom Xia Yu knew all too well walked in.

"Xia Yu, you're awake? I made breakfast. Want to join me?" she asked.

"???" Xia Yu was bewildered.

"Anko Mitarashi!!!" he exclaimed.
