Chapter 9: The Chaotic Inuzuka Household

Xia Yu's vision was blurry, but he could still recognize a beauty when he saw one. He thought he had reached heaven and met an angel.

The "angel" quickly moved her hands with a surgical knife over Xia Yu's back, urgently instructing, "Don't speak. Just lie still. The poison has penetrated your muscles and bones. I need to scrape it out. Bear with it."

"Ow!" Xia Yu groaned. It was like having his flesh sliced without anesthesia—impossible to endure. He wasn't a saint like Guan Yu, and soon, he passed out from the pain.

He didn't know how long he had been unconscious when he slowly woke up in bed. The pain in his back had subsided, though he couldn't tell if his wound was better or worse.

The first thing he saw was Inuzuka Hana sitting by his bedside, looking worried.

"Turns out... I'm still alive…" Xia Yu mumbled.

"Big brother, you're awake!" Hana exclaimed, rushing to the door to call out, "Mom! Aunt Akisame! Big brother is awake!"

In no time, two women came running in. The first, a middle-aged woman with spiky hair and a fierce, animalistic gaze, was Inuzuka Tsume, the head of the Inuzuka clan. The second woman had snow-white skin, wavy brown hair, wore rimless glasses, and a red tight dress under a white lab coat. Around her neck was a collar with a golden bell that jingled as she walked, complementing her mature, businesslike charm perfectly.

"Wow… I didn't notice before, but this woman is definitely good for bearing children," Xia Yu thought. "The Uchiha clan's revival plan definitely needs her!"

Who wouldn't like a woman who wears a bell around her neck? Xia Yu almost sat up in surprise despite his injuries. This goddess was the one who had saved him.

The "angel" approached his bedside, her bell tinkling with each step. She gently said, "I've neutralized the poison using a new technique I developed. I've also applied some pain-relieving herbs to your back. You should be able to get up by tomorrow."

"Thank you, miss. It's all thanks to you…" Xia Yu said gratefully.

The "angel" smiled, "It's alright. I should thank you. You were the first person I tried my new bone-scraping detox technique on. Don't blame me; your condition was critical, and I had no other choice. The fact that you're alive proves my method works. Please don't mind that you were my clinical trial."

Xia Yu chuckled, "You saved my life. How could I mind? Uh… cough, cough!" Speaking so much left his throat dry, causing him to cough.

The "angel" handed him a cup of water, "Don't rush. Take off your mask and drink some water. If it's inconvenient, we can leave the room."

There was an unspoken rule among ninja clans: unless absolutely necessary, never remove another person's mask or helmet. Masks concealed a ninja's identity, crucial for those on secret missions. The Inuzuka clan knew this well.

But for Xia Yu, they were overthinking it. He wore the mask only to avoid being recognized by fangirls on the street.

"Heh… it's not inconvenient at all. I can take off my mask," Xia Yu said.

"Oh, that's good. The mask might hinder your breathing, and removing it could aid your recovery. Let me help you with it," the "angel" offered.

As she removed his mask, time seemed to stand still. The "angel," Hana, and Tsume were all stunned. They couldn't take their eyes off Xia Yu's face.

How could someone be this handsome?

So handsome it took their breath away!

Even Tsume, who usually had no interest in men, felt a stirring in her heart.

"Wait… you, you're not…" Tsume began.

"Hello, I'm Uchiha Xia Yu," he introduced himself.

"Of course!" they exclaimed in unison. They had heard the name. The rumors of a stunningly handsome young man in the Uchiha clan named Xia Yu had spread through Konoha. His looks were said to make women stop in their tracks, completely captivated by his face.

But they had also heard that despite his looks, Xia Yu was a good-for-nothing playboy who only brought trouble to women.

The Inuzuka clan respected strength above all. They had heard the rumors about Xia Yu but had no interest, even disdained him. Thus, they had never paid him any attention until now.

Now, they understood the rumors were true. He was indeed handsome—so much so that other men paled in comparison.

Seeing their expressions, Xia Yu feigned ignorance, asking, "What's wrong?"

The "angel" blushed, "Oh, nothing. I just remembered you need your bandage changed. Let me help you. I'm Inuzuka Akisame, the flower of the Inuzuka clan and the head of Konoha's advanced technology research institute. Pleased to meet you."

Hana added, "Mom, I think I'm in love…"

"Quiet!" Tsume snapped. No wonder she was the clan head; few women could stay rational in Xia Yu's presence. She grabbed Hana and Akisame, scolding, "Did you hear his name? He's a notorious playboy! I forbid you from getting involved with him!"

Akisame, still dazed by Xia Yu's looks, protested, "Those are just rumors. Look at him, he seems so polite! We shouldn't believe gossip…"

Hana chimed in, "Yes, Mom. Big brother can't be that kind of person. Don't forget he helped us catch that clan disgrace. We shouldn't speak ill of our benefactor!"

"Everyone's been young. Do you think I don't know what you're thinking?" Tsume raged. "Hana, you're too young for romance! Go to your room and stop embarrassing the Inuzuka clan! Xia Yu, leave at once. We don't welcome playboys here!"

Xia Yu sighed, "You misunderstand me. I'm not a playboy."

Tsume retorted, "Your search for wives is known throughout Konoha, and you still say you're not a playboy?"

Xia Yu explained firmly, "After the massacre, I can't let the Uchiha clan fall. Every clan needs people to thrive! Reviving the Uchiha is my goal, and there's nothing wrong with that!"

"And being a playboy doesn't suit me anymore. I want to be a responsible man, for the sake of the Uchiha clan."

"I will take responsibility for every woman who bears my child…"

"Wow… Brother Xia Yu, you're so cool!" Hana's eyes turned into hearts. This was the first time she saw someone dare to stand up to her mother.

Tsume gritted her teeth, "Find whoever you want! But no Inuzuka women will be part of it!"

Xia Yu chuckled, "Big sister, you're overthinking. I never said you should bear my children. That's all in your head!" He then got up from the bed and left.

As he walked out, Akisame called after him, "Xia Yu, be careful not to reopen your wound…"

Before she could finish, Tsume's stern glare silenced her.

"Hmph!" Tsume snorted. After Xia Yu left, the three women exchanged glances and returned to their rooms without a word.

In her room, Hana tore down all her posters of celebrity ninjas, vowing, "When I grow up, I'll marry Brother Xia Yu. He's the real deal!"

Tsume, in her room, took off her pants and changed into a fresh pair. She looked at the picture of her late husband, who died in the Nine-Tails attack seven years ago, and muttered, "Damn it! What should I do…? Hana seems to be falling for that playboy…"

"Honey, you wouldn't want our daughter to marry an Uchiha playboy, would you? For her future, I must make a sacrifice. Don't blame me; it's for her own good…"

With that, unable to suppress her instincts any longer, Tsume jumped out the window to find Xia Yu, intending to sacrifice herself to make Hana give up.

After running a few steps, she passed by Akisame's room and noticed it was empty.

"Where is Akisame?" Tsume wondered. She had seen her go to her room earlier.

Seeing the wide-open window, Tsume realized, "Damn, did she move faster than me?"

Indeed, Akisame had already jumped out with a medicine box, chasing after Xia Yu…