Chapter 10: The Uchiha Announcement

By now, it was the next morning.

"I can't believe I spent the entire night at the Inuzuka clan's place," Xia Yu sighed. He felt restless. According to Inuzuka Akisame, he would need at least another day to fully recover. While a day wasn't long, for Xia Yu, it was a precious day lost. After all, his grand plan to green the Hidden Leaf Village was urgent.

"Damn it! This is all because I'm not strong enough! If I were stronger, I wouldn't have been hurt by a mad dog's random attack!" Xia Yu thought angrily. In the brutal world of ninjas, being weak meant that even walking down the street could be dangerous. A single misstep could lead to injury or worse, death.

To become stronger, he needed to father many children. And to do that, he needed to stay alive until his children were born.

"I need to find a way to improve my efficiency," Xia Yu mused. "I can't afford to waste time like this. It's affecting my progress..." After thinking for a moment, his eyes lit up.

"I've got it!" he exclaimed. "Since the Third Hokage has already announced my intentions to the whole village, why do I need to go door-to-door every night? I might as well have them come to me directly at my home!"

"Staying home not only keeps me safe but also saves time. Plus, it gives the women of the village a place to call home. It's perfect," he thought.

Xia Yu was confident in his looks and charm. While well-known female ninjas might not come, ordinary women certainly would. And for his plan, they were the main force.

Seeing a stationery store nearby, Xia Yu went in and bought a pen and a large stack of paper. He started writing fervently.


Initiator: Uchiha Xia Yu.

I am a male, 18 years old, from a prestigious clan, handsome, and wealthy. Due to the current severe shortage of members in the Uchiha clan, I am seeking women willing to bear children and help revive the clan.

Requirements: Female, aged 18-35, above average looks, in good health. Age is flexible if other conditions are met.

Interested parties can submit their resumes and attend interviews at the Uchiha clan's grounds. Successful candidates will be treated as family members and will not be neglected under any circumstances.

Note: This announcement is open-ended and valid indefinitely.

"Perfect!" Xia Yu exclaimed. "This will do."

He quickly copied the announcement several dozen times and posted them at all the prominent bulletin boards around the Hidden Leaf Village before returning to the Uchiha grounds to heal.

As he stepped into the clan grounds, a sense of familiarity and warmth washed over him. Although the scene before him was dilapidated, the memories of its former glory were gone, this was still his true home.

"Soon, Uchiha, everything will get better," Xia Yu said, walking slowly toward his house.

Before he could enter, several women from the neighborhood rushed out to greet him. These women were the first group of his small-time admirers.

The owner of the hot spring inn said, "Xia Yu, you're finally back. I missed you so much yesterday!"

The florist said, "Xia Yu, I followed your instructions and moved the flower shop here~"

The owner of the dumpling shop said, "You don't know how heartbroken I was when Anko took you away that night. I couldn't sleep at all… I felt so empty."

The waitress from the dumpling shop added, "555... Xia Yu, I couldn't even make dumplings without seeing you…"

Xia Yu smiled and said, "No need to cry. I'm glad you moved here. As I promised before, I won't abandon you. To show my sincerity, let's get married, okay?"

They were both surprised and delighted:

"Marriage? Really?"

"So, I will become part of the Uchiha clan? How exciting!"

In the Hidden Leaf Village, particularly among noble clans, women would take their husband's surname after marriage and wear their clan's emblem. For ordinary people, marrying into a prestigious clan like Uchiha was an unattainable dream.

Initially, they only wanted to stay close to Xia Yu. They never imagined he would give them such status.

"I'm willing to marry you, Xia Yu! From today on, everything I have is yours!"

"Me too! Xia Yu... No, husband! Come in and rest; we'll take care of you…"

Xia Yu quickly waved his hand and smiled wryly, "No, not today. I'm injured."

"What?" they exclaimed in unison, quickly checking him over. "Where are you hurt? Is it serious? Let us see…"

Xia Yu pointed to his back, "I got scratched by an Inuzuka clan member, but it's okay. I've received professional treatment, and I'll be fine after a few days of rest."

The hot spring inn owner was furious, "How could this happen! Even the dog clan is bullying the Uchiha now? Back when the Uchiha clan was powerful, the Inuzuka clan wouldn't dare to breathe loudly!"

The florist was also enraged, "This is intolerable! I'll get my Jonin ex-husband to help you get justice!"

Xia Yu chuckled, "Ladies, I appreciate your concern, but there's no need. It's all in the past, and my wounds were treated by the Inuzuka clan. I need to rest now. Once I'm fully recovered… well, you know what I mean."

They all nodded eagerly and helped Xia Yu to his room.

"Xia Yu, rest well. If you need anything, just call. I'll be right outside," the hot spring inn owner said.

"I'll make you some nourishing soup to help you recover," another added.

"Remember my friend from the dumpling shop? Her family runs a massage parlor. She's the best! She'll move here too and give you a great massage," another chimed in.

"Alright, let Xia Yu rest. He needs quiet to heal. We'll talk later," the hot spring inn owner said, ushering the others out.

Reluctantly, the women left the room, and Xia Yu soon fell asleep. He was exhausted from walking all over the village posting announcements and dealing with his injury.

He slept through the entire afternoon, only waking when he felt someone moving around him and heard a familiar jingling sound.

"Jingle, jingle…"

"Huh?" he mumbled sleepily. "Who's there?"

Inuzuka Akisame's voice replied softly, "Shh… don't talk. I'm changing your bandage. Does it hurt?"

Xia Yu turned his head and saw her clearly, "Akisame?"