Chapter 36: It's Time to Reclaim Uchiha's Power - Part One

### Chapter 36: It's Time to Reclaim the Uchiha Power, Part 1

After breakfast, Natsuhane Uchiha and Kurenai Yuhi walked hand in hand towards the entrance of the Uchiha clan territory.

People passed by, visibly surprised to see Natsuhane and Kurenai together.

"Wow, wasn't Kurenai with the Hokage's son, Asuma Sarutobi?"

"I can't believe the village's flower has fallen for Natsuhane Uchiha's charm."

"Ah, when will us single folks get a chance..."

"What else can we do? Get stronger! Honestly, when I saw Natsuhane's blue giant yesterday, I wished I were a woman..."

"Man, that's too much..."

The whispers were endless, some pleasant, others harsh, but Natsuhane paid no heed.

He had heard it all since he started proposing to wives.

For Kurenai, it was her first time experiencing such attention and, truthfully, she was quite shy.

She occasionally glanced at Natsuhane's expression.

Natsuhane's calm demeanor made Kurenai admire him even more.

"This man is so steady. Despite his immense strength, he's endured so much until now. It's something not everyone can do..."

Kurenai's affection for Natsuhane grew stronger.

Soon, they were approaching the Uchiha clan's territory.

Every time they returned, they passed a certain place: the Konoha Police Department.

Once managed by the Uchiha clan, the police department was located close to the clan's area for convenience. After the massacre, with no Uchiha left to manage it, the department was temporarily taken over by Ibiki Morino and his subordinates from the Interrogation Department.

Natsuhane stopped, gazing at the police department's gate, deep in thought.

"What's wrong, Natsuhane?"

"Kurenai, come with me. I want to check on Danzo's interrogation progress."

"Oh, okay..."


*Knock knock knock.*

Ibiki Morino's office door sounded.

"Come in."

Ibiki was puzzled. It was early in the workday; who could be visiting him so early?

Natsuhane Uchiha and Kurenai Yuhi entered.

"Oh, it's Natsuhane. And Kurenai? What brings you here...?"

Ibiki was stunned. These two had no apparent connection; why were they here together?

He didn't dwell on it long, considering Kurenai was Asuma Sarutobi's girlfriend.

He never imagined that Kurenai's partner had changed.

Now, Ibiki's attitude towards Natsuhane was a complete turnaround.

Respecting a strong person was natural.

Natsuhane got straight to the point, asking calmly, "Ibiki-san, has the interrogation of Danzo yielded any results?"

"Uh... no. To be honest, the progress is zero."

"What? Why?"

"Because he's gone mad... so the interrogation is currently on hold."

"Mad? You mean that old scoundrel Danzo is insane???"


Natsuhane couldn't believe it.

"That's impossible. Madness doesn't hinder interrogation! I'm well aware of Haiichi-san's abilities! As long as Danzo is alive, Haiichi-san can extract every bit of dirt from him!"

"Well... I understand that, but..." Ibiki's eyes shifted evasively, replying haltingly, "The higher-ups won't let the Intelligence Division take over."


Natsuhane understood, suddenly enlightened.

It must be Hiruzen Sarutobi's doing.

That day, he had vowed to uncover the truth and give justice to the Uchiha, but the reality...


Surprisingly, Natsuhane wasn't angry.

He had anticipated this; those two old foxes were in cahoots. Hiruzen Sarutobi would never expose Danzo's actions publicly.

To fully expose Danzo's crimes, both of them needed to be brought down together.

Dealing with Danzo was easy; Natsuhane had already made him pay.

But to take down Hiruzen Sarutobi, Natsuhane knew he wasn't strong enough yet.

Strength, power, and public support—he needed all three.

Increasing his strength was simple; he just needed to keep having children. With the number and quality of his wives rising, Natsuhane believed his power would soon surpass every ninja in Konoha.

As for power and public support, he needed to employ some tactics.

Natsuhane pondered for a moment, his eyes gleaming.

If he wanted to dabble in power, laying a solid foundation was crucial!

First, he needed to reclaim the power once held by the Uchiha!

Starting with the police department beneath his feet!

Becoming the head of the police department would grant him a voice in the center of power.

Moreover, the police department was directly connected with the villagers.

Everyone's eyes were sharp.

Doing well would win him the people's hearts.

Failing would lose him the people's hearts.

As long as he stayed true to his duties and helped the people promptly, it would be hard to perform poorly!

"Kurenai, accompany me to the Hokage's office."

"Uh… I..." Kurenai was hesitant, considering she was once the Hokage's son's girlfriend.

Seeing this, Natsuhane smiled, holding her hand and kissing her cheek softly, "If you feel awkward, you can wait for me outside the building. I'll come out as soon as I'm done talking with the Hokage."

This kiss made Kurenai's head spin.

Now that she belonged to Natsuhane, the Hokage would know sooner or later. What was there to fear? Besides, it was Asuma who broke up with her first!

Summoning her resolve, Kurenai said, "No, Natsuhane, I'll go in with you to meet the Hokage."

"Good. Let's go."


The two left the office, leaving Ibiki Morino bewildered.

"What... what on earth is happening!"