Chapter 37: It's Time to Reclaim the Uchiha Power, Part 2

In the Hokage's office of Konoha Village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared deeply at Natsuhane Uchiha and Kurenai Yuhi standing hand in hand before him, almost biting through his pipe.

"This little Uchiha upstart! He stole my son's fiancée!"

Hiruzen was furious but knew now was not the time to show it. He understood Natsuhane's purpose clearly: it was about Danzo.

As expected, Natsuhane's first words were precisely what Hiruzen anticipated.

"Hokage-sama, I heard Danzo has gone mad?"

Hiruzen had his excuses ready:

"Yes, he went mad last night. The village's best doctors diagnosed him with a mental illness. He's now confined to a mental hospital..."

Before Natsuhane could speak, Hiruzen continued:

"Sigh, Natsuhane, I know you have strong feelings about this, but Danzo has already fallen to such a state. He dedicated his life to this village, tirelessly working for decades. His past merits should offset his crimes. He's not deserving of death..."

"Please, let this matter rest. Accept my arrangements..."

"Danzo represents Konoha's political face. If this blows up, it will tarnish the government's reputation among the people, which would be bad for both Konoha and the Uchiha clan..."

"The truth is sometimes less important than the outcome. A peaceful resolution is in everyone's best interest, don't you agree?"

"A complete fallout will only bring suffering to the clan and villagers. Natsuhane, you don't want Danzo's remnants to harass your family, do you?"

Hiruzen's words carried a subtle threat, hoping Natsuhane would consider the bigger picture. If Natsuhane let it go, all would be well. If he pursued it further, another massacre could ensue.


Natsuhane sneered internally.

Hiruzen, if you had the guts to kill me here like that old dog Danzo, I might respect you as a man! But since you prefer these underhanded tactics, don't blame me for rising up against you in the future!

"Hokage-sama, I understand. The Uchiha clan will not pursue this matter further. As part of this village, we have a duty to maintain its peace and stability."

"Ah, that's the spirit!"

Hiruzen's face lit up with a smile, his already deeply wrinkled face folding further, resembling layers of grilled pancakes, with age spots scattered like onions.

"Natsuhane, you are indeed a sensible person. Your attitude and strength remind me of Shisui Uchiha. I like that!"

"Thank you for your praise, Hokage-sama. I'm still far from Shisui's level."

"Hehe, you know, I've been covering for you. Many have protested against your polygamy, but I've managed to smooth things over. Natsuhane, as long as you remain dedicated to Konoha, I will always have your back!"

"Rest assured, Hokage-sama. I will. Thank you for your efforts."

"No problem at all! It's all for the development of the Uchiha clan. We all have our challenges."

"Hokage-sama, I have one more request."

"Go ahead."

"I hope you will allow the Uchiha clan to retake control of the police department."


Hiruzen was taken aback.


This was unexpected!

The Konoha Police Department was established by the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, and handed over to the Uchiha clan to keep them concentrated in one place for easier monitoring.

Hiruzen wanted to agree immediately but didn't want to seem too eager. He put on a conflicted expression and said:

"Sigh, I've considered this before, but right now, the Uchiha clan only has you capable of handling the heavy responsibility of combating crime."


In the Uchiha clan, Natsuhane was likely the only man who could work at the police department.

Having just one officer manage the entire village's security was unreasonable.

To ease Natsuhane's burden, Kurenai quickly spoke up, "Hokage-sama, I'm now part of the Uchiha clan. With my help, it should be manageable."

Kurenai confidently declared her relationship with Natsuhane to Hiruzen, showing no fear.

"Kurenai, do you... not like my son Asuma anymore?"

"Hokage-sama, it was your son who broke up with me."

"...Ah." Hiruzen was speechless.

Natsuhane seized the moment, "Hokage-sama, several of my wives are exceptional ninjas, fully capable of handling the police department's duties. Also, I believe that in a few years, my children will grow into elite defenders of Konoha. Please trust in the Uchiha clan's abilities."

After a long silence, Hiruzen nodded, "Very well. From today, the Konoha Police Department will be officially returned to the Uchiha clan."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama!"

Having achieved his goal, there was no reason to stay. Natsuhane and Kurenai left hand in hand.

Hiruzen watched the couple leave with a smile.

Once the office door closed, Hiruzen's smile vanished, replaced by a stern, somber expression.

The pleasantries were over; it was time for serious action.

He waved his hand.


In a puff of white smoke, an Anbu member appeared in the office, kneeling on one knee.

"Hokage-sama, your orders?"

"I have an important long-term espionage mission for you. It's classified as S-rank, not due to danger, but because it requires significant personal sacrifice."

The Anbu member responded resolutely, "From the day I joined the Anbu, I swore to make any sacrifice for you and the village!"

"Good." Hiruzen nodded approvingly, "Remove your mask. This mission requires you to reveal your true identity."


The Anbu member stood, swiftly removing the mask.

Beneath it was a stunningly beautiful face, with long purple hair cascading down, captivating to all who saw her.

"Yugao Uzuki, your mission is to become Natsuhane Uchiha's wife. Stay close to him and gather all information about him, including his true strength, daily activities, and any other movements. I want to know everything about him."

Yugao Uzuki: "..."
