Chapter 52: The Day of Danzo's Funeral, Uchiha's Day of Joy - Part 2

Konoha Village, Memorial Plaza

It was a beautiful day with clear skies and the scent of blooming flowers in the air. The majority of Konoha's villagers, all dressed in black, had gathered at the memorial plaza to respond to the Hokage's call and attend Danzo's funeral.

Hiruzen Sarutobi stood alone before the grave, scanning the crowd with a furrowed brow. He signaled to a nearby ANBU member who immediately appeared by his side.

"What's going on? The number of attendees is off, and why are there so few women? Are the women in the village really that scarce?"

"Lord Hokage, the Uchiha clan members... they haven't shown up."

"Hmm? Didn't my men notify them?"

"They were notified, but they didn't come."

Hiruzen's face darkened before he shook his head. "Forget it, let them be..."

He understood why Natsuhane didn't show up. After all, Natsuhane knew the truth about Danzo. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone after Danzo in the first place.

As the funeral ceremony reached its midpoint, with each person placing a white flower on Danzo's grave, Hiruzen cleared his throat, preparing to address the crowd.

However, before he could speak, a series of explosions echoed from the distant sky.

"Boom! Bang!"

"Crack! Pop, pop, pop..."

The crowd turned towards the noise.

"What's that sound? Did Danzo rise from the dead? Or did lightning strike his grave?"

"No, it's fireworks! Someone is setting off fireworks in the village!"

"Who would dare to set off fireworks on Danzo-sama's funeral day?"

"Looks like it's coming from the Uchiha compound..."

"I remember it was Natsuhane Uchiha who brought down Danzo. Setting off fireworks at this time... tsk tsk..."

"Bold, very bold!"

Hiruzen's face turned ashen. He immediately ordered the ANBU member beside him, "Go, see what the Uchiha are up to."

"Yes, Lord Hokage."

The ANBU operated swiftly. Within minutes, the member returned to Hiruzen's side.

"Lord Hokage, Natsuhane Uchiha is... holding a wedding."

"A wedding? Didn't he have one a year ago?"

"Uh, Lord Hokage, this time... it's a wedding for Natsuhane and his newly taken wives..."


Hiruzen was almost fuming with rage. Natsuhane was blatantly disrespecting him. But Hiruzen, a master at concealing his emotions, smiled slightly.

"Never mind, perhaps it's just a coincidence. Once Danzo's funeral is over, we'll visit the Uchiha compound."

"Yes, Lord Hokage."

After giving his orders, Hiruzen stepped forward. "Everyone, stop looking at the fireworks and focus on me. I have a few words to say to conclude this funeral."

The crowd turned their attention to Hiruzen.

"First, I thank you all for attending Danzo's funeral. Let's start with his achievements. Danzo served Konoha throughout his life, passing away at the age of 65. His life was indeed extraordinary."

"Next, I will address his sins, which I know you are all curious about."

Everyone craned their necks, eager to hear.

This wasn't mere gossip; they genuinely didn't know the extent of Danzo's crimes. What sins could drive such a powerful man to suicide?

Clan leaders and all those who had participated in the battle between Natsuhane and Danzo were particularly curious. Despite the time that had passed, the Hokage had not given a clear explanation.

It seemed explosive news was about to drop...

Hiruzen paused before continuing.

"His crimes are threefold. First: Two and a half years ago, Shisui Uchiha, the genius of the Uchiha clan, was murdered by Danzo, who then took Shisui's Sharingan for himself."


The crowd fell into a stunned silence.

Before they could recover, Hiruzen dropped another bombshell.

"Second: Danzo actively transplanted cells from our First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, into his own body."

"Third, and most importantly: Danzo was the true mastermind behind the Uchiha massacre a year and a half ago."

"He coveted the power of the Uchiha's Sharingan, brainwashing the young and impressionable Itachi Uchiha into exterminating his clan. Danzo then took the Sharingan from the bodies of the Uchiha clan members and implanted them into his arm..."

"After these crimes were exposed, Danzo, unable to bear the immense pressure, or perhaps feeling guilty towards the village's ancestors who nurtured him, committed suicide in the mental hospital at dawn today..."

Hiruzen's words were like bombs exploding in the minds of everyone present.

"Wait, wait... Shisui Uchiha was killed by Danzo?"

"How could Danzo do that! Shisui was a hero in the Third Shinobi War! Just hearing his name made enemy ninjas flee!"

"Treating the village's hero like this, wasn't Danzo afraid of breaking our hearts!"

"He even had the nerve to transplant Hashirama-sama's cells. What a disgrace to our predecessors!"

"So the rumors about the Sharingan arm were true!"

"Committing such atrocities against the Uchiha! No wonder Natsuhane went after him!"

"If I were Natsuhane, I'd have skinned Danzo alive!"

The villagers erupted in curses.

While the more established ninja remained outwardly composed, their hearts seethed with anger as they looked towards Hiruzen.

They were bewildered.

Usually, scandals involving the higher-ups were dealt with internally, big issues made small, small issues made to disappear.

Especially news this explosive.

But today, the Hokage himself was revealing everything!

Previously, everything was covered up. Now, it was all laid bare!

Shikaku Nara, observing Hiruzen's calm demeanor, was shocked by these "truths." He never expected the Hokage to make them public.

"Lord Hokage... What's going on? Why can't I understand a single thing you've been doing recently..."

Shikaku felt that the Hokage had become a different person.

"Inoichi, Choza, I have a bad feeling. I fear Konoha will soon face a drastic change..."

"Boom! Bang! Pop..."

The sky above the Uchiha compound continued to resound with fireworks, echoing far and wide...