Chapter 53: Hiruzen Sarutobi's Profound "Apology Edict"Konoha Village, Memorial Plaza

As the crowd's curses grew louder, with some even hurling insults at Konoha's leadership, Hiruzen Sarutobi remained calm and composed, a faint smile on his lips. The ANBU member beside him, however, was worried.

"Lord Hokage, please say something to calm the villagers. I'm afraid they might lose trust in the village's leadership."

"It's fine..." Hiruzen replied softly. "Let them vent their emotions. After all, it's the leadership that erred first. This is deserved punishment."

"...Understood, Lord Hokage," the ANBU member responded, reluctantly retreating.

Below the stage, the offensive shouts and accusations continued unabated. The villagers expressed their anger and dissatisfaction towards Danzo and the higher-ups. The harsh words pierced Hiruzen's ears, but despite his discomfort, he felt an immense relief.

The "Danzo" case was finally over.

In the web of accusations, Hiruzen had extricated himself flawlessly.

The cause of Shisui Uchiha's death? He genuinely didn't know.

The matter of Hashirama's cells? He had no knowledge of it.

But the Uchiha massacre? He was fully aware of it.

With Danzo dead and unable to testify, Hiruzen could easily shift the blame for the Uchiha massacre onto Danzo, preserving his own image.

The key to maintaining his reputation lay in the "apology edict" he was about to deliver.

Hiruzen raised his hand, signaling the crowd to quiet down. With a face full of guilt and self-reproach, he began to speak:

"Danzo was my high-ranking advisor. He committed numerous crimes under my nose, and I failed to notice. Truly, the one who is unforgivable here is me."

"If I had discovered Danzo's schemes earlier, perhaps Shisui wouldn't have died, Hashirama's cells wouldn't have been desecrated, and the Uchiha clan wouldn't have been massacred."

"Listening to your scolding, I feel as if a thorn is stuck in my throat, a needle in my back, and a seat of nails."

"Your criticisms are justified. Your anger is justified."

"This is Danzo's fault, but it is even more my fault as the Hokage."

"Today, I have gathered everyone here to sincerely apologize and to promise that such things will never happen again."

"As long as I am in office, I will ensure that there are no more corrupt officials like Danzo among Konoha's leadership."

"However, this presupposes that I remain in office. Sigh..."

"Huh?" The crowd was taken aback by his last statement.

Hiruzen's son, Asuma Sarutobi, quickly asked, "Lord Hokage, what do you mean by that?"

Hiruzen shook his head, tears of remorse flowing from his eyes. "As the leader of this village, I have failed to manage it properly. How can I remain in this position? Today, I am prepared to step down as a form of penance."


The entire crowd fell silent.

The curses, the accusations, everything ceased.

Quickly realizing the gravity of his words, the villagers collectively knelt, desperately urging him to reconsider.

"Lord Hokage, you can't step down! The village needs you!"

"No one else has your strength and wisdom!"

"It was all Danzo's doing! It has nothing to do with you, Lord Hokage. You mustn't do this!"

"Lord Hokage, you are too kind and capable. There is no one else like you in the village!"

"We were cursing Danzo, not you, Lord Hokage. Please, take back your words. We beg you!"

Listening to their earnest pleas, Hiruzen wept even harder, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

"Do... do you truly want me to remain as Hokage?"


The crowd's unified response echoed, as loud as the fireworks in the distance.

"Sigh... very well. If you still trust me, I will stay in this position for a while longer. Please believe me, such incidents will not happen again."

"We believe in you, Lord Hokage!"

"Thank you for your trust," Hiruzen said, bowing deeply to the crowd.

The ninja remained composed, but the villagers were moved to tears.

"Our Hokage is truly great! There's no one else like him in the world. Konoha cannot do without you..."

Hiruzen straightened up, making his second announcement:

"Due to Danzo's actions, the Uchiha clan has suffered greatly. Therefore, I have decided to provide substantial compensation to the Uchiha."

"Although no amount of compensation can heal their wounds, this is my way of atoning on behalf of the village leadership."

"The details of the compensation will be announced tomorrow. I hope everyone will see our sincere repentance..."

His words deeply touched the villagers' hearts.

"Lord Hokage, you care so much for the clans and the people. We feel safe living in Konoha!"

"Even if something like this happens to us, we know you'll stand up for us!"

Hiruzen slowly smiled. "Alright, everyone, go back to your daily routines. Don't let Danzo's actions affect your mood. Let's put the past behind us and look forward."


After dispersing the crowd, Hiruzen turned, his remorseful and self-critical demeanor instantly replaced by a stern and severe expression.

He addressed the ANBU squad behind him. "Come, follow me to the Uchiha compound."

Leading the squad, Hiruzen marched towards the Uchiha territory.

He already knew how he would "compensate" the Uchiha clan.

To destroy a group, one must first drive it to madness.

"Natsuhane, the grand gift I have for you, you must accept it well..."

"While you still have your life..."