Chapter 69: The Muscle Man and the Violent Woman


Tsunade was startled, letting out a cold laugh of surprise. "Heh... It seems I've encountered quite a significant figure today."

Shizune, wide-eyed with shock, looked at Raikage and another Cloud Village ninja. As if realizing something, she exclaimed loudly, 

"I remember you! Last night, in the forest outside the Tetsu Town, you two were near Lady Tsunade and me..."

"Oh?" Jiraiya's eyes grew colder. "Raikage, how did you know Tsunade was here? Have you been following her? You stalker..."

"..." Raikage remained silent, standing expressionlessly.

The Cloud Village ninja beside him stepped forward, respectfully explaining,

"Lord Jiraiya, you misunderstand. We weren't following Lady Tsunade. We were on an important mission and happened to pass by..."

"My name is Amai, a Jonin from the Cloud Village. I'm here today to urgently request Lady Tsunade's help."

"Please, use your renowned medical ninjutsu to save my comrades. I would be eternally grateful!"

With that, Amai knelt down and bowed deeply.


Jiraiya and Tsunade were stunned by this unexpected gesture. They never imagined that the usually arrogant Cloud Village ninjas would kneel to outsiders.

Tsunade didn't immediately agree. Instead, she questioned, "I can tell you're also a medical ninja, right?"


"Hmph... If your comrade is injured, you should use your own skills to treat them instead of wasting time begging me."

"Lady Tsunade, my abilities are insufficient. When I saw you last night, I hoped you might still be nearby. I searched house to house and finally found you. Please, help me as a fellow ninja..."

"Heh... I refuse."

Tsunade sneered, sipping her drink leisurely while reprimanding,

"Cloud Village ninjas dare to ask for help from a Leaf Village ninja? You, who once tried to kidnap the Hyuga Clan's Byakugan..."

Amai quickly explained, "That matter was resolved amicably between Leaf and Cloud Village..."

"Shut up! Do you call sacrificing a life 'amicable resolution'?"

Amai's face turned red with shame. "Please, let bygones be bygones..."

Tsunade smashed her cup on the ground and shouted, "I told you to shut up! Leave now and don't interrupt my drinking!"

"Lady Tsunade, I'm begging you..."

"Amai, that's enough..." Raikage finally spoke after a long silence.

He slowly approached Tsunade, his face grim. "I knew you wouldn't agree easily. Tsunade, if you refuse, I'll use force to take you."

Tsunade smirked, "Force? Do you know who you're talking to?"

Jiraiya closed his eyes, a smile on his face but with underlying menace, "Mr. Muscular Raikage, is this how you ask for a favor? Are you ignoring my presence? If you touch Tsunade, I'll kill you..."

Facing two legendary Sannin, Raikage felt some trepidation. But for his cherished subordinates, he showed no fear and said, "Meet me in the backyard if you dare..."

He turned and left.

Tsunade, with her fiery temper, wouldn't let Raikage off. She downed her drink, furious, ready to fight Raikage.

Shizune desperately held Tsunade's arm, "Lady Tsunade! Please restrain yourself. If this leads to a war between Leaf and Cloud Village, Lord Hokage will blame you!"

Tsunade glared at Shizune, "Let go of me!"

Tsunade's anger was evident. Shizune hadn't seen her mentor this angry in a long time. Reluctantly, she let go, worriedly watching Tsunade walk out.

Jiraiya patted Shizune's shoulder, "Don't worry. With me here, things won't escalate that far..."

"Trust your mentor. She only had two drinks, her mind is still clear..."

"Tsunade is no longer reckless. She won't endanger the villagers of the Fire Country because of personal matters. She's experienced war and loss; she knows better..."


Backyard Tavern


Tsunade, Jiraiya, Shizune, and three ANBU members faced Raikage and Amai.

Considering the situation and his critically injured subordinate, Raikage was silent for a moment, then spoke softly, "Tsunade, I don't want to escalate this. If you agree to come with me, I swear on my honor as Raikage, I'll repay the favor."

"Alright! Let's make a bet!"

"A bet? On what?"

"Hmph!" Tsunade confidently extended her pale arm, smiling, "You mentioned using force, right? If you can beat me in an arm-wrestling match, I'll go with you!"

Raikage was momentarily stunned but quickly agreed. With his immense strength, he believed he couldn't lose to Tsunade.

The key point was that arm-wrestling allowed some physical contact, which he found appealing.

Raikage thought of Tsunade as his equal in strength, age, fame, and attractiveness. He even felt a slight infatuation.

"Alright! It's a deal!"
