Chapter 70: Owing You a Favor

On a rocky plateau.

Raikage and Tsunade stood ready, poised to battle. Jiraiya, acting as both technical advisor and referee, called out, "Are you both ready?"

"Yes!" came the unified response.

"Then... 3, 2, 1, begin!"

As soon as the words left Jiraiya's mouth, powerful auras erupted from Raikage and Tsunade. The sheer force of their energies would have overwhelmed any ordinary person, but Jiraiya held his ground with ease.

"Haah!" Tsunade shouted.

"Yaaah!" Raikage countered.

The two clashed fiercely, neither giving an inch. Raikage was shocked, "This woman... she's matching my strength! No, she's even stronger!"

Observant onlookers could see Raikage's face contorting with effort, while Tsunade remained calm and collected, a slight smile on her lips. The outcome of this arm-wrestling match seemed clear.

Realizing his impending loss, Raikage thought desperately, I can't lose! If I do, Karui will...!

Suddenly, an idea struck him. In a flash, Raikage released his grip.

Tsunade, caught off guard by the sudden lack of resistance, couldn't muster any strength.

"Ha!" Seizing the opportunity, Raikage grabbed Tsunade's hand and slammed it down with tremendous force, shattering the rock beneath them.

"Haah... I won!" Raikage exhaled deeply.

Shizune exclaimed, "How is this possible? Lady Tsunade lost in a contest of strength!"

Jiraiya remained silent, while Tsunade, regaining her composure, protested angrily, "You tricked me! You created a gap between our hands and used your speed to push my hand down!"

"You didn't win with strength; you won with speed!"

Raikage stood up expressionless, "Call me deceitful if you want, but we agreed to an arm-wrestling match."

Tsunade dusted off her clothes, "Hmph, don't worry. I'm not that petty."

Amai quickly approached, "Then, Lady Tsunade, you'll help my comrade Karui, right? This way, please..."

Raikage added, "Tsunade, I won't take back what I said. This time, I owe you a favor."

Tsunade nodded, "Fine. All treatment arrangements will follow my instructions."

"Agreed," Raikage replied, relieved.

Jiraiya, walking beside Tsunade, whispered with a grin, "Hehe, you've changed a lot. I thought you'd..."

Tsunade shot him a glare, lifting her chin haughtily, "Losing is losing. I'll honor the bet. Besides, Raikage is still a Kage. I'm not a child anymore."

At a ruined location.

Amai rushed into a dilapidated stone hut, comforting his groaning comrade on the stone bed, "Karui! I brought the best medical ninja, Lady Tsunade. You'll be okay!"

Tsunade approached slowly, using her healing technique to examine Karui's wounds, frowning, "How did this happen? Tell me the truth. Keeping secrets will hinder treatment."

Raikage, fearing for Karui's life, explained, "We were in the Village of Sugi to seize their secret technique. Unexpectedly, they hired the Xuan Yuan Group..."

Tsunade nodded, "I've heard of them. Mercenaries who hunt ninja, known for using explosive bugs. These bugs grow by absorbing chakra and eventually explode."

Jiraiya, observing Karui's condition, sighed, "Looks like I was right. Your comrade is infected with these bugs."

Raikage clenched his fists, "Can he still be saved?"

Tsunade withdrew her healing hands, "Now that we know the cause, we can treat it. Shizune, prepare for surgery! Everyone else, leave. The explosive bugs could detonate at any moment. Amai, can you perform hemostasis?"

"Yes, I can."

"Good. Stay and assist Shizune."

"Yes, I'll prepare the disinfectant!"

As Tsunade turned to leave, Raikage asked, "Tsunade, why aren't you performing the surgery? I want you..."

"Silence! Shizune will operate. I won't be participating."

"What?! If I didn't believe you were the best, I wouldn't have tolerated this... wait."

Raikage noticed Tsunade trembling and sweating, her previous composure gone, replaced by fear. He didn't understand, but Jiraiya did. It was Tsunade's hemophobia acting up.

Not wanting Raikage to learn of Tsunade's weakness, which could be exploited in future conflicts, Jiraiya firmly dragged him out, saying coldly, "Raikage, we're here as a favor. We agreed to follow Tsunade's lead. If you object, I'll challenge you to another contest, right here and now."

Seeing Jiraiya's determination and knowing his comrade's life was at stake, Raikage relented, leaning against the wall, "If anything happens to Karui, I'll hold you accountable."

Jiraiya reassured him, "Trust us. We'll see this through."

"Hmph! I can't trust that girl's skills. I must see for myself!" Raikage moved towards the operating room.

"Everyone, quiet! I need silence!" Shizune's voice came from inside, "Starting chest incision and bug removal surgery. Amai, assist with hemostasis."


Ten minutes later...

"Surgery complete. Amai, handle the chest suturing and disinfection."

"Yes! Thank you for your hard work."

Shizune emerged, holding a pale explosive bug, tossing it at Raikage's feet, "The surgery was a success. Your comrade is safe. Don't underestimate me. I inherited all of Lady Tsunade's medical skills."

Raikage was stunned. What his elite medical ninjas couldn't achieve, this young girl had accomplished effortlessly. Konoha truly was remarkable...

With the situation resolved, Tsunade and Jiraiya prepared to leave. Before they departed, Raikage called out, "Tsunade, and you, young lady, thank you. If you ever need my help or that of the Hidden Cloud, I will repay this favor!"

"Hmph..." Tsunade snorted, turning away.

Fire Country, Konoha Village.

At the village gate, young Izumo Kamizuki and Kotetsu Hagane diligently performed their gatekeeping duties. Recently promoted to Chunin, they took their job seriously, not finding it boring at all.

A group approached the gate. Recognizing the leaders, Izumo exclaimed, "Look, who's back?"

Kotetsu's eyes widened, "It's Jiraiya and Lady Tsunade! Quick, inform the Hokage!"