Chapter 72: Ninjutsu: Heart-to-Heart Technique

Just as they were about to leave, Jiraiya suddenly turned back and asked, "Old man, how is that child doing now?"

Seeing Jiraiya's concerned expression, Hiruzen Sarutobi replied, "You mean Minato's son? He's doing well. I've always had someone protecting him, so don't worry..."

In Konoha Village, at the Konoha Hospital.

Natsuhane accompanied Kurenai Yuhi, Anko Mitarashi, Hana Inuzuka, and Yugao Uzuki to get their check-ups. All four of them were pregnant. Moreover, this was the second pregnancy for Anko and Hana.

Natsuhane always acted swiftly when it came to the revitalization of his clan. He left no room for delay.

"Ding-ding... ding-ding..."

Hana Inuzuka said, "Husband, since we're here, you should get a check-up too. With all your daily hard work, your body must be exhausted. It's better to check early and treat any issues right away."

Anko Mitarashi added, "Hana, don't worry. I tested him the other day. He's perfectly fine, even stronger than before."

Kurenai Yuhi countered urgently, "That's because he's young! It might not show now, but in a few years, it'll be different. To maintain his health, we need to take precautions early."

Yugao Uzuki, looking concerned, asked, "Kurenai, are you angry?"

Kurenai quickly realized her tone might have been too harsh. Blushing, she explained, "No, no, I'm just worried about Natsuhane's health. I married him before getting pregnant, and we've never... been together. I don't want him to have any issues in the future."

Understanding dawned on the other three women. Anko, grinning mischievously, nudged Kurenai, "Oh, Kurenai, so that's what you're worried about. Hehehe."

Seeing Kurenai's face turning as red as a tomato while Anko continued to tease her, Natsuhane coughed lightly to break the awkwardness, "Ahem, alright, enough teasing. Kurenai, you don't need to worry. My body is in great shape. I won't disappoint you in the future."

To put Kurenai's mind at ease, Natsuhane decided to get a check-up as well.

As they entered the hospital's first floor, Natsuhane walked in the middle, flanked by two stunning beauties on either side, instantly drawing everyone's attention.

Patients and doctors alike couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

"Damn it! How can he have four gorgeous wives? Ah, doctor, why are you sticking the needle in my head?!"

"Sorry, sorry! I got distracted. I mistook your head for your arm. Stay calm; I'll remove it right away."

A young nurse approached Natsuhane, "Hello, how can I help you?"

Natsuhane replied, "My wives are pregnant. Where should we go for a check-up?"

The entire room buzzed with astonishment at his words.

"No way! These four are really all his wives?"

"Who is this guy? He's my hero!"

"Don't you know him?"

"I'm from a remote village in the Land of Fire. I came to Konoha Hospital because I heard it has the best medical facilities."

"Oh, that explains it. He's Natsuhane Uchiha. What you see here is just the tip of the iceberg. He has over 2,000 wives!"

"!!! What?! How does he manage that? Can he handle it?"

"I don't know about that, but he has over a thousand children already."

"Oh my gosh! That's more than my entire village. How does he support them all?"

"He's well-off. Many of his wives are wealthy, so money is no issue."

"Man... I feel like I've wasted my life..."

Amidst the chatter, Anko grew impatient and waved her hand dismissively, "Husband, why ask the nurse? I know where to go. I had many check-ups last year. It's on the third floor, at the corner. Let's go straight there."

Amid envious stares, Natsuhane led the four women upstairs.

Upon reaching the third floor, the women, surprisingly united, insisted on pushing Natsuhane into the men's health department first. Despite appearances, they were genuinely concerned about his health. This was a matter of their lifelong happiness and couldn't be taken lightly.

After a thorough examination by an elderly doctor, the doctor was amazed. "Young man, I noticed you have an extraordinary physique when you walked in. I was right..."

"Your body functions are like new, with no signs of wear or deficiency, and full of vitality!"

"Incredible... Truly incredible..."

The women let out a sigh of relief. It seemed their lifetime of happiness was secured.

Kurenai Yuhi remarked, "Is this what it feels like to marry the right person? So reassuring..."

Hana Inuzuka added, "I knew Natsuhane was exceptional when I first met him. He conquered my heart from the start."

Anko Mitarashi declared, "I've decided. I'm going to have ten kids!"

Yugao Uzuki, blushing, stammered, "Natsuhane, with this pregnancy, my body isn't very convenient, but... could you occasionally use that genjutsu on me? The one that makes me dream of being with you..."

Anko, curious, asked, "What genjutsu?"

Yugao shyly explained, "It's... a genjutsu that doesn't strain the body but lets me dream of being intimate with Natsuhane..."

Hearing this, the other three women were astonished.

"Is there really such a thing?"

"Natsuhane! Why didn't you use it on me before?"

"Husband! I want to learn it! It's perfect for times when you're busy and can't be with me!"

Listening to the women arguing around him, Natsuhane quickly tried to calm them down, "Alright, alright, calm down. Let's finish the check-ups first, then we can discuss this at home, okay?"

Upon hearing this, the four women quickly turned and entered the women's examination room.

After they left, the elderly doctor, showing his true nature, stared greedily at Natsuhane's body, drooling slightly.

"Young man... could you let me study your body? I wish I had such vitality..."

Indeed, men never truly grow up. Despite his age, the old man's interests remained unchanged.

"Sure, no problem. Look into my eyes..."

Natsuhane didn't refuse. In an instant, his eyes turned into the three-tomoe Sharingan.

The moment the old man saw the Sharingan, he felt a wave of dizziness before falling into a deep sleep.

"Sleep well; everything you dream of will come true..."

Natsuhane walked out of the men's health department alone.

He found a bench in a hallway, sat down, and closed his eyes to rest while waiting for his wives to finish their check-ups.

Shortly after closing his eyes, he heard the sound of high heels approaching. The crisp, clear sound grew louder, seeming to carry a magical allure, compelling any man to see who it was.

Natsuhane opened his eyes slightly and looked in the direction of the sound.

Two women walked towards him, one with long twin tails, exuding confidence, and the other a sweet, short-haired beauty.

One had a strikingly alluring figure, the other had delicate, white legs peeking from beneath her dress.

"Whoa! That's Tsunade and Shizune!"

"Did they return already? That was fast."

The sight of the master and disciple filled Natsuhane with excitement.

Tsunade noticed Natsuhane too, momentarily taken aback. "What a handsome young man."

But she quickly dismissed the thought; other men never really interested her.

Tsunade and Shizune walked past Natsuhane...

Watching them walk away, Natsuhane slowly stood up.

It was time to test that technique...

"Ninjutsu: Heart-to-Heart Technique!"