Chapter 73: Counterfeit Ninjutsu?

"Ninjutsu: Heart-to-Heart Technique!"


Two beams of pink light shot out from Natsuhane's body. Only he could see these beams.


The pink light landed on Tsunade and Shizune. Their bodies shuddered as their minds went blank. Once the pink light fully integrated into their bodies, they slowly regained their senses.

"Strange, Shizune... what just happened?"

"I... I don't know. It felt like something happened, but at the same time, it felt like nothing did..."

"...Never mind, let's go."

As they took their first steps, both women simultaneously paused.

For some reason, they felt a strange aura behind them, drawing them in.

Both turned their heads to look at the handsome young man sitting on the bench...

And then...

They just walked away.

Just like that, they walked away...

Watching their departing figures, Natsuhane was bewildered.

"What just happened?"

"No effect?"

"System! Wasn't this supposed to be the ultimate charm technique?"

"Give me a reasonable explanation!"

The system seemed perplexed as well:

[This shouldn't be happening. What's wrong with these two...?]

While both Natsuhane and the system were confused, around the corner, Tsunade and Shizune leaned against the wall, their chests heaving, faces flushed, and breath coming in gasps.

"Shizune, my heart is racing..."

"Mine too, Tsunade-sama..."

"Did you notice that handsome guy on the bench?"

"Yes, I did..."

"I don't know why, but I can't stop thinking about him. It's like an old desire has suddenly reawakened..."

"Tsunade-sama, I don't know what an old desire is, but... I just want to see him again. It feels like something warm is growing inside me..."

"It seems we're talking about the same thing, Shizune."

"Master... what should we do? Should we go talk to him?"

"Great idea! You're indeed my disciple. You go first! I'll follow..."

"But... but, I don't know how!"

"Fool! What kind of disciple are you if you can't handle such a simple task?"

"When have you ever taught me this?"


"Master, you should go first. I'll learn from you..."

"Stop dawdling, just go!"

Tsunade, one of the Legendary Sannin and a village elder, would never let her desire push her to approach a young man first. She grabbed Shizune's sleeve and pushed her into the hallway...

"Tsunade-sama, you...!"

Shizune hadn't expected her master to throw her out there. She was about to protest but remembered that getting angry might be seen by that handsome guy. She quickly calmed down, putting on her usual gentle and kind demeanor.

After quickly tidying herself up, Shizune looked out the window, pretending to be casual, "Ah, what a nice day..."

While commenting on the weather, she subtly glanced towards the bench down the hallway.

Tsunade, getting impatient, whispered urgently, "Shizune! Stop talking about the weather and get to the point!"

Shizune ignored her, staring silently down the hallway, her mouth slightly open.

"What are you doing? Why are you just standing there? Go! Take a few steps forward, I'll follow you! I'll back you up, don't be afraid!"

"Tsunade-sama... that young man, he's gone..."


Tsunade, stunned, peeked around the corner. The bench was empty...

"Where did he go? So quickly?"

Tsunade felt a deep sense of disappointment, like something important was missing...

"Shizune! If you had gone sooner, he wouldn't have disappeared!" Tsunade vented her frustration on Shizune.

Shizune meekly replied, "Master, don't be angry. Since he was at the Konoha Hospital, he's likely from our village. Finding him should be easy..."

This reminded Tsunade. She pondered for a moment, "His looks... he seems like an Uchiha..."

Shizune nodded in agreement, "Yes, I think so too! Could he be Natsuhane Uchiha?"

Tsunade: "..."


Outside Konoha Hospital.

Just as Natsuhane was still arguing with the system, the four women had finished their check-ups and brought him out.

"System, your technique really doesn't work..." Natsuhane was still grumbling as they walked back to the clan grounds.

[Impossible! Absolutely impossible! My rewards are flawless! Something must have gone wrong. Try it again the next time you see those two girls!]

"I don't believe you, you old crook..."

Before he could finish venting, a figure dressed in black appeared in front of Natsuhane.

"Natsuhane-sama, the Hokage needs to see you urgently..."

The person was one of Hiruzen Sarutobi's subordinates, an Anbu.

Thinking about his recent encounter with Tsunade, Natsuhane had already guessed the Hokage would call for him again. It was likely about joining Tsunade and Jiraiya to deal with Orochimaru.

"System, I think I'll be seeing Tsunade again soon. When that happens, I'll test this so-called ultimate charm technique of yours once more! If it still doesn't work, I demand a refund! Triple compensation for fakes!"

[Hehehe, don't worry, my young friend. If it still doesn't work, I'll make it right!]

Feeling somewhat reassured by the system's response, Natsuhane relaxed a bit.

"Kurenai, Hana, Anko, Yugao, since the Hokage needs me, you all go back first. I'll return to the clan grounds after I'm done."

"Alright, go ahead. Don't worry about us."
