Chapter 103: Honoka Uzumaki’s Intentions

The creature's body was flawless, a vision of pure white perfection, more ideal than most humans. Every curve was in its proper place.

Natsuhane's gaze lingered on the creature's face, feeling something was amiss despite its beauty. When it finally stood straight and turned to him, it asked softly, "Master, how is it this time? Did I evolve perfectly?"


At first glance, Natsuhane found the creature genuinely beautiful. However, the longer he looked, the more something felt off. The eyes, the face, the nose, and the mouth were all exquisite, but together, they seemed unnatural.

Next to him, Honoka marveled, "Wow, she's beautiful! The most beautiful woman I've ever seen… Wait, she talked? A summon beast talked?"

The creature pouted and huffed, "I've evolved to this state; speaking human language isn't strange. I could always talk, but I chose not to."

"Amazing…" Honoka muttered in awe, but then her face turned red as she realized something, "You… you should cover up!"

The creature arrogantly replied, "Cover up? I have no clothes, Master."

Honoka's face flushed even more as she pointed to the large waterproof tarp on the ground, "Use that tarp! As a girl, you can't just be exposed like this!"

"I'm not a girl. I'm merely Master's summon beast. I follow his commands because he feeds me chakra. Others can't order me around."

Feeling the tension between the two, Natsuhane intervened, "Wrap yourself in the tarp, for now. We'll be going outside soon, and this form isn't appropriate."

"Yes, Master~" The creature obediently picked up the tarp and wrapped it around herself.

Natsuhane turned to reassure Honoka, "She's like a child and only recognizes me as her master. Don't take it personally."

"It's fine, I understand…" Honoka smiled and nodded.

She realized that as Natsuhane's summon beast, the creature would always be with him. Since she had decided to stay with Natsuhane, she would not let the creature's attitude bother her.

Children's moods could be unpredictable, but they also had the inherent trait of remembering kindness. Whoever treated them well would receive their loyalty in return.

Looking at the tattered tarp wrapped around the creature, Honoka made a silent vow in her heart…

After wrapping herself in the tarp, Natsuhane continued to scrutinize the creature's face. Finally, he couldn't help but ask, "Why does your face look so strange to me?"

"Strange?" She touched her smooth cheeks, "I think it's fine. When I was starving, I ate many women, including beautiful ones. I combined their best features into this face."

"Oh…" Natsuhane finally understood why he felt something was off.

It was a typical "perfect" face, like a social media filter. Each feature was flawless, but together they lacked harmony. It missed the natural touch.

Honoka interjected, "Is it not beautiful? I think it's the most beautiful face I've ever seen. I wish I looked like her…"

Honoka's genuine admiration was understandable. She had never encountered such an idealized face before.

The creature, feeling somewhat dejected, muttered, "If you don't like it, Master, I can change it again."

Natsuhane quickly reassured her, "No, no. We have plenty of time. You will evolve again when you're hungry, and I'll feed you chakra. In the meantime, I want to show you human society. Remember, no eating people or other summon beasts. Tell me when you're hungry."

"Okay~ I won't worry about starving anymore~" She yawned, her excitement giving way to drowsiness, "Master, can I nap for a while? Take me out when I wake up."

"Sure, sleep well…" Natsuhane began to say, but she had already fallen asleep.

Natsuhane was surprised, "She fell asleep so fast…"

Honoka explained with a smile, "When she's too full, she sleeps for days and only wakes up when she's hungry again."

"So, she does this often?"

"Yes. You fed her a lot of chakra, so it's no wonder she fell asleep quickly. She'll probably sleep for about ten days, very deeply."

"Ten days…" Natsuhane thought it was a long time but quickly accepted it, "Alright, ten days isn't too bad. We can stay here and wait for her to wake up."

"Actually, Natsuhane, we could use this time to visit the capital of the Land of Waves."

"For what?"

"To claim the reward. The daimyo of the Land of Waves offered a large bounty. Now that you've neutralized the threat on the island, you can claim a significant reward."

"There's no rush. We can go after she wakes up."

Natsuhane was concerned about leaving the creature unguarded. She was no longer a fearsome beast but resembled a giant woman, making her vulnerable.

Honoka understood his worry and gently encouraged him, "Don't worry, Natsuhane. This island is forbidden, and people avoid it. Plus, the entrance to this lab is well hidden. No one will find her. She's safe here."

"I'm not in a hurry for money. I want to buy fabric to make her a proper dress. This tarp is hardly fitting for her…"

Seeing Honoka's determination and care for the creature, Natsuhane smiled, "Alright, we'll go to the capital. Let's get her some decent clothes."

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