Chapter 104: A Typhoon Approaches? Not Exactly...

Hearing Natsuhane's suggestion, Honoka nodded in agreement. His reasoning made sense. Clothes indeed make the person, and for a woman, it was even more significant. Having such a "big" beauty dressed in a waterproof tarp was a bit too much.

"Alright, we'll head to the Daimyo's residence in the Land of the Sea to claim the reward," Natsuhane decided. "But just in case, I'll leave four shadow clones here to guard her."

Looking at the peacefully sleeping creature, Natsuhane's expression became serious as he formed the necessary hand seals. Four shadow clones appeared around her.

"Your task is to protect her. If anyone tries to harm her, don't hesitate to eliminate them. Once she wakes up, you'll disperse and I'll summon her to me."

After making these arrangements, Natsuhane and Honoka packed sufficient supplies and left the laboratory, heading towards the boat anchored by the shore.

"Where is the Daimyo's residence now? Is it far from here?" Natsuhane asked as they walked.

"It's not far," Honoka replied. "If everything goes smoothly, it'll take about half a day. It's located on the nearby island of Dairo."

When they reached the shore, Natsuhane's boat was still where he had left it. Once aboard, they enjoyed a rare moment of peace.

Natsuhane set the sails and, after ensuring the boat was sailing smoothly, sat casually on the deck. He turned to Honoka and said, "The night is falling. There's a place inside where you can rest. You should get some sleep."

Honoka looked worried, "What about you, Natsuhane? Aren't you tired? You used a lot of chakra earlier. Maybe you should rest first. I'll be fine."

Natsuhane chuckled, "I'm alright. Go ahead and rest. I'll wake you when we arrive."

Honoka shook her head, sitting down beside Natsuhane. "No, I want to stay with you. I don't sleep well when you're not around."

As she spoke, Honoka leaned her head gently on Natsuhane's shoulder.

Alone together on a vast, serene ocean, they shared a peaceful moment, watching the moonrise.

"This is so romantic," Honoka whispered, sneaking a glance at Natsuhane to gauge his reaction.

Understanding her sentiments, Natsuhane felt a surge of affection. If they were back in Konoha, he might have taken things further. But here, certain truths needed to be addressed first.

Natsuhane spoke softly, "Honoka, do you have feelings for me?"

Blushing furiously, Honoka nervously fidgeted with her hands. She hadn't expected such a direct question. Before she could answer, Natsuhane continued, "I... I'm already married."

Honoka's face fell, her excitement and joy dissipating. She forced a smile, "Your wife must be very lucky. What's her name?"

Natsuhane smirked, "Which one do you mean?"

Honoka looked puzzled, "What do you mean, 'which one'?"

Natsuhane chuckled, "I have over three thousand wives. I can't possibly tell you all their names."

"Th-three thousand?" Honoka was stunned, her eyes widening in disbelief. But then she saw a glimmer of hope. If Natsuhane had that many wives, perhaps she could join them without causing much disruption.

"Well, in that case, I... I'd like to be your wife too. Would that be okay?" Honoka asked shyly.

Seeing her adorable, bashful face, Natsuhane decided not to hold back any longer. He pulled her into his arms...

Some time later, a small merchant ship appeared on the distant horizon. A young boy playing on the deck spotted Natsuhane's boat and shouted, "Dad, Mom! A typhoon is coming!"

"What?" His parents rushed out from the cabin, scanning the calm seas. There was no sign of a storm.

The father scolded, "Son, you shouldn't lie about things like that. It's not right."

The boy insisted, "I'm not lying! Look at that boat over there, it's shaking like crazy! There must be a typhoon!"

Puzzled, the father grabbed his binoculars. Through them, he saw Natsuhane's boat rocking violently on the calm water. The father quickly realized what was happening onboard and blushed.

"What's wrong?" the mother asked, noticing his red face.

"Uh, honey, maybe you should take a look yourself," he said, handing her the binoculars.

When she saw the scene, her face turned crimson as well. She quickly looked away, breathing heavily.

The father turned to his son, "Come on, let's go back inside."

"But I want to see!" the boy protested.

"Not now," his mother said, picking him up. "There are some things you shouldn't see yet."

Frustrated, the boy was carried back to the cabin. "Why? What are you going to do?"

"You'll understand when you're older," she said, locking the door behind him. "Your father and I have something to take care of."

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