Chapter 105: The Daimyo's Residence in the Land of the Sea

Natsuhane's boat bobbed on the calm sea, perhaps due to the waves, and what should have been a half-day journey stretched into an entire night. As the sun rose, the silhouette of Dairou Island came into view, and finally, the boat stopped vibrating, settling back into calm waters.

"Natsuhane, you must be exhausted. Let me cook something for you," Honoka said, her face glowing with warmth. She looked at Natsuhane with eyes even softer and more reliant than the night before.

Natsuhane put on his jacket and responded gently, "You don't need to cook. Let's eat on the island. You've used up a lot of energy too, not just me."

Honoka threw herself into his arms, playfully acting like a little girl, "Alright, I'll listen to you~"

Upon arriving on the island, Natsuhane immediately noticed the stark contrast between here and the lifeless Mother Island. Dairou Island was vibrant and full of life.

Walking through the bustling streets, with directions from friendly locals, the two soon found the Daimyo's residence. However, as they approached the entrance, guards promptly blocked their path and asked sternly, "Who are you?"

Natsuhane spoke calmly, "We're here to claim a reward..."

"A reward? For what?"

"I've dealt with the menace on Mother Island. Inform the Daimyo that he can return to the island now."

"Oh?" The guards scrutinized Natsuhane and Honoka, seeing their youthful appearances, and burst into mocking laughter, "Early in the morning and already spouting nonsense. Leave! The Daimyo is very busy and has no time for foolish kids like you."

As the guards moved to push them away, Natsuhane's face darkened, and he was about to teach these insolent guards a lesson when a middle-aged man in armor approached, shouting, "Stop!"

"Lord Kaisei?"

The guards immediately straightened up, bowing low in respect.

This man was Kaisei, one of the three pillars of the Land of the Sea.

Kaisei walked up to Natsuhane, smiling, "Young man, have you really dealt with the monster on Mother Island?"

"Yes," Natsuhane replied with a calm nod.

Satisfied with Natsuhane's response, Kaisei said, "Alright, follow me. I'll take you to see the Daimyo."

The guards were astonished, "Lord Kaisei, you can't believe this kid's nonsense!"

Kaisei glared at the guards, "Whether to believe or not is not for you to decide! I can sense the power on Mother Island. Since yesterday, the strong presence there has indeed disappeared."

"What?" The guards exchanged shocked glances, their attitude towards Natsuhane turning to one of fear and awe.

Ignoring the internal squabbles, Kaisei led Natsuhane and Honoka into the Daimyo's residence. Inside, Kaisei bowed to the Daimyo, "My lord, as I suspected, the menace on Mother Island has indeed been dealt with. I met these two at the gate, and they confirmed it."

The Daimyo, delighted, exclaimed, "Wonderful! The long-standing trouble is finally gone. The Land of the Sea can now be at peace, hahaha..."

At this moment, a middle-aged man to the Daimyo's left spoke, "My lord, how can you believe these children's words so easily? Even the Hidden Mist Village couldn't handle that monster. How could these two manage it? I suspect they're here to deceive us, and Lord Kaisei might be in cahoots with them."

"Lord Kaizan! You...!" Kaisei roared in anger, "I have absolute confidence in my sensory abilities!"

"Tch!" Kaizan turned his head in disdain.

"Enough, enough. Stop arguing in front of the Daimyo," said another middle-aged man on the Daimyo's right, trying to mediate. His name was Kaitan, and like Kaisei and Kaizan, he was a trusted confidant of the Daimyo. They were known as the Three Pillars of the Land of the Sea.

Ignoring the internal strife, Natsuhane said, "Daimyo, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, send someone to Mother Island to check. You'll find no trace of the monster."

The Daimyo nodded vigorously, his chubby body jiggling, "Good, we'll do just that. If the monster is truly gone, you will receive your reward in full, hahaha..."

Kaitan whispered in the Daimyo's ear, "My lord, we are supposed to send a tribute to the Hidden Mist Village the day after tomorrow. If we give this young man the reward, we won't be able to pay the tribute."

"Right..." The Daimyo smacked his forehead, finally realizing the dilemma. After a moment of thought, he signaled to Kaizan with his eyes. Understanding the unspoken command, Kaizan smirked and bowed, "My lord, I'll handle the investigation on Mother Island."

"Good..." The Daimyo then turned to Natsuhane and Honoka, "You two stay here for half a day. Once my men confirm the situation, you can claim your reward."

"Fine, no problem," Natsuhane agreed.

"Kaisei, take these young people to rest. Treat them as honored guests."

"I understand, my lord," Kaisei replied, leading Natsuhane and Honoka out of the residence.

Outside, Honoka whispered to Natsuhane, "I have a bad feeling about the Daimyo and Kaizan. There might be a conspiracy."

"Who cares?" Natsuhane, having seen through their intentions, remained unconcerned. "Whatever their schemes, I must get that reward. If they try anything, I won't hesitate to bring this place down."

In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies were futile. Natsuhane was more interested in getting some sleep after a sleepless night.

Soon, Kaisei brought them to a relatively decent inn, apologetically saying, "This is the best inn we have. Please don't mind the accommodations. Our country is economically challenged. Also, I don't know your relationship, do you need one room or two?"

Before Natsuhane could answer, Honoka quickly raised one finger, "One room is enough~"

Natsuhane sighed slightly. It seemed that he wouldn't be getting a peaceful rest…