Chapter 146: Dilemma

"Is that you, Ao?"

Mei Terumi furrowed her brows and quickly opened the window just a crack, whispering harshly, "Are you insane? What are you doing here at this hour? Natsuhane is right next door. What if he finds out?"

"As a man, I can assure you he won't notice me right now. He's too... preoccupied."

In the mist, Ao's figure slowly emerged. He slipped through the window into Mei's room, his expression troubled, struggling to find the right words.

Mei, irritated, growled, "Spit it out! What's so urgent?"

Taking a deep breath, Ao's face turned serious and resolute, "Lady Mizukage, the Daimyo has decided... tomorrow's plan... is canceled!"


Mei was stunned but surprisingly calm.

"Tell me why..."

Ao quickly summarized everything that had transpired, including all the information they had gathered about Natsuhane.


"No wonder he's so handsome. Turns out he's an Uchiha man..."

"Lady Mizukage, what did you say?"

"Oh... nothing." Mei's expression remained stoic as she changed the subject, "The Daimyo made the right call. We can't confront Konoha right now. I'll follow the new plan tomorrow. Now leave before Natsuhane notices, or we'll be in serious trouble..."

Ao glanced towards the neighboring room, smirking, "What's with those two? Only starting their wedding night now. At least they chose this time, or sneaking in would've been harder..."

Mei's face flushed, and she averted her eyes, "You've got it wrong. They didn't just start now. They've been at it since dusk..."

"What? That's impossible!" Ao couldn't believe his ears, "That's not even physically possible!"

As an experienced man, Ao knew how challenging it was for a man to sustain such a performance.

"Enough chatter! Leave now!" Mei had no interest in discussing this further and issued another order for Ao to leave.

From his pouch, Ao pulled out a small scroll, tearing off two pieces and rolling them into tiny paper balls, handing them to Mei, "Lady Mizukage, put these in your ears to block out the noise..."

Mei shook her head, declining Ao's offer, "With the plan failed, my frustration is gone. Now I'm just curious... how long they can actually last!"

Mei was genuinely curious...

Back when she was a Chūnin, countless men pursued her, but she had rejected them all. She wanted to focus on honing her skills. Love seemed like a waste of time to her.

Eventually, she became a capable kunoichi and joined the ranks of the Mist's higher-ups. When she finally considered romance, she realized her suitors had disappeared, either out of feeling unworthy or due to the repeated rejections.

Despite her strength and status, Mei remained a virgin, never having even experienced a first love.

She was like a blank slate in this aspect, her knowledge derived from hearsay, never from personal experience.

Her friends often said that handsome men were unreliable, just eye candy with no substance.

But she disagreed; she liked handsome men.

Unfortunately, every attractive man she met was either an enemy or a target, ending up as a puddle of blood thanks to her.

For the first time, Mei found herself close to understanding the truth, eavesdropping as an unintended observer.

Her friends' statements were clearly wrong.

Not only was this handsome man capable, but he was also impressive, to say the least.

How impressive? She would have to wait and see how the night unfolded...

Ao, puzzled by Mei's thoughtful expression, asked, "Lady Mizukage, are you seriously interested in Natsuhane? You seem quite intrigued by him..."

"Are you still here..." Mei glared at him, "Say one more word, and I'll kill you..."


With Mei's signature icy look, Ao didn't hesitate any longer, disappearing into the night like a puff of smoke.


Mei returned to her bed, lying down, feeling conflicted.

She hadn't been interested in Natsuhane at all earlier, not having the energy for it.

Because she knew Natsuhane was destined to die by her hand the next day.

But now things had changed.

The plan was canceled, and Natsuhane wasn't going to die.

He was the first handsome man she had encountered who hadn't dissolved into a pool of blood by her doing.

And a capable one at that!

Her status was now tied to his.


"If only we had met under different circumstances..."

Having her thoughts consumed by one person was a first for Mei.

This night, with the sounds from next door and the turmoil in her mind, Mei was doomed to sleeplessness...

Eventually, the sounds from next door ceased.

After five minutes of silence, she wondered if they had finally stopped.

"Have they... finished?"

"Well, it's been so long. Anyone would be exhausted by now."

Just as Mei thought they had gone to sleep, there was a knock on her door.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

"Who is it!"

"It's me, your husband. Still awake? Or were you too disturbed to sleep?"
