Chapter 147: Divorce? How Would You Handle If I Insist?

"Is that you, Natsuhane?!"

The unexpected visit from Natsuhane in the dead of night caught Mei Terumi off guard. Despite the time, Natsuhane still had the energy to get out of bed, displaying an uncommon level of stamina and vitality.

"It's so late. What do you want?"

From outside, Natsuhane's light-hearted chuckle was heard.

"On our wedding night, it's a bit rude to let you listen to everything. There are still a few hours until sunrise. I thought I'd come over and lie down for a bit to keep you company, so no one says I've neglected you."

"That's not necessary!"

Mei responded angrily:

"I'm not feeling well. Go away. I need to sleep! If you dare force your way in, don't blame me for being rude! Don't underestimate the Mizukage of Kirigakure!"

Mei's attitude was firm. She quickly spread out her hands, her gaze fixed on the door, which she had locked. If Natsuhane dared to force his way in, she was prepared to retaliate with her Lava Release without hesitation.


There was no more sound from outside the door. After a moment of silence, only the sound of footsteps gradually fading away could be heard.

"Did he leave?"

Once the footsteps completely disappeared, Mei finally relaxed, letting out a long breath. Her tense chest began to ease.

But for some reason, a strange sense of disappointment welled up inside her.

She climbed back into her soft bed, pressing her ear against the wall, trying to listen to the sounds from the next room.

Mei had expected to hear the lewd sounds resume.

But after listening for a while, there was nothing, only the faint sound of light snoring.

One person's snoring.

The soundproofing was so poor that she could even hear the breathing during sleep.

"Strange, did Natsuhane not return to the bedroom?"

While Mei was lost in thought, the door suddenly knocked.

Soon, Natsuhane pushed the door open and entered.

Mei was so startled that she quickly jumped out of bed and yelled, "You really dared to force your way in!"

"Jingle jingle..."

Natsuhane innocently raised his left hand, jingling the keys he held, "Who forced their way in? I used a key to open the door."

"How... how do you have a key to my room!"

Natsuhane chuckled, "The entire Daimyo's mansion is mine. Having a key isn't too much, is it?"

"You...!" Mei was at a loss for words, not knowing how to respond.

Since Natsuhane hadn't used force, she naturally didn't dare to be the first to be aggressive, and could only watch as Natsuhane approached her window step by step.

Natsuhane put the key back into his pocket, extended his right hand towards Mei, offering her a steaming cup.

"Here, drink some hot water."


Mei didn't take the cup, continuing to watch Natsuhane warily, "I don't need it!"

"Okay." Natsuhane placed the cup on the floor, disregarding Mei's attitude, and lay down on the bed, closing his eyes and sighing contentedly.

"Husband is so tired. I'll rest here for a bit, if you don't mind. Can you give me a back rub?"

You bastard!

Mei's face turned red with anger. She had never encountered someone so shameless. She wanted to kill Natsuhane on the spot, but since he hadn't been aggressive, she had no legitimate reason to attack him.

Thinking quickly, an idea came to her. To ensure her own dignity, she decided to bring up the divorce issue right now!

"Natsuhane, stop calling yourself my husband. I don't acknowledge it."

Natsuhane slightly opened his eyes, lazily replying, "Hmm? What do you mean? We had a formal wedding, and my brother, the Daimyo of the Land of Water, was our witness."

"Hmph." Mei scoffed, "So what if we're married? We can still divorce. I'm in a bad mood and want to divorce right now. You'll agree, right? I'll explain it to my country's Daimyo."

"Hahaha, women are indeed fickle, especially beautiful ones. Although I've been married many times, I've never been divorced. I don't want my first time to be with you!"

Natsuhane sat up, his eyes narrowing mischievously, laughing loudly, "You want a divorce? Well, don't blame me if I insist!"
