Chapter 5: I don’t want to be a common programmer

"You know the stunt he pulled in the morning? Since many women are interested in him, your pictures were posted on the school site for students. He might have seen it, which also explains why he was always texting me about where we were," she said, and she was having so much fun teasing us.

"What are you talking about?" Ren replied

"It is not about that. It was because of that guy at the cafeteria," he said while aggressively chewing his bread.

"Stop making something up and just be honest with yourself. I know I am right on point," Hana argued.

While listening to them, I looked for the yogurt drink Ren bought and heard the cracking sound of the bottle opening. He took my hand and placed the bottle in my hand.

"Thank you very much!" I told him

"Can you open mine, too?" Hana asked

"You can do that by yourself," he said, and his voice was so cold when it came to Hana.

"It's quite unfair. You only do that to Aki," she said, which made me laugh.

"Aki… Can you be the first to test the app I am creating?" Ren started, and this time, I felt him looking at me. I am curious about what face or reaction he is showing me now.

"Of course! I really loved the app you created last time. I bet all your creations will help many people like me." I smiled at him genuinely.

"Ren doesn't create any other apps. He was always creating something with those unprivileged people. He never creates any dating apps, delivery apps, or even gaming apps. With that skill of his, it's a waste," Hana shared.

"Everyone is making a lot of those apps already. All I can do is help someone," he replied

"Ren… Can you go home early? You can leave Aki to me for a while," she said, embracing my arm.

"No. You're up to no good again. I can't leave her to you," he said, and I knew he was glaring at her.

"What do you mean up to no good? I just want to spice up Aki's college life, and this is a girl's hangout," she said, her voice being playful.

"It's okay, Ren, I can handle it. I am not a child anymore," I responded

"Don't forget you still have a curfew," he reminded which made me even more upset now

"How can I forget about that? I have a rigorous family and a very strict friend," I said, and he tapped my head. I knew he was making that face again, with a broad smile, and his eyes couldn't be seen.

"Stop that. I am not a dog." I slapped his hand off, and Hana was laughing loudly.


"Where are we going? Can you at least tell me?" I asked Hana

"It's a surprise," she said, and she was literally pulling me and was excited.

"You're killing me," I told her and was struggling to keep up my breathing.

"Wait here… Let me just see if everything is okay," she said, stepping away for a bit.

"I really am impressed that your brother was the one dressing you. He has a high taste in fashion." Hanna commented

"Okay then, let's go? I can't apply makeup on you because you are naturally beautiful; even your lips are pinkish and plump." She said and pulled me again.

"Hello there~" Hana greeted while her voice was awkward.

"Woah~ if you can see right now, I bet you will really fall for him deeply," Hana whispered, her voice in awe.

"Why?" I asked.

"I can't really explain it because I will not be going to swerve and replace my precious Mukai Kichiro," she whispered, focusing back on her target.

So I came as a third wheel or a cupid to match them.

She pulled me beside her, and we sat very close to the counter.

"Aki," he called. That deep, soothing voice.

"Huh?" I said, and I was locating where he was.

"What do you want to order?" he asked, giving me the menu.

I can't even see what they are offering. Can I just guess any beverage?

"Do you have hot chocolate?" I force myself to smile.

"Hot chocolate it is, then," he replied and started making it.

"I will have a king Dutch beer, please!" Hana announced, which made me ask myself how I became friends with her.

"Are you sure you can handle that one?" Kichiro told her.

I am not sure if she can handle it. This was her first time drinking because she couldn't do that when we were in high school; she had a very early curfew.

"I can!" she said with so much power.

I can smell a very familiar odor, but this time, it is much tastier.

"There he goes again, showing off his skills," his friend said.

"I am amazed a college student like you two can still manage a shop like this," I commented.

"Well, I am just making use of Kiyoshi's appeal for people, especially women, to attract a lot of customers, and we both basically thought of it when we were in other countries for the U17 tournament," he explained. His voice was very sure and firm.

"I handle everything, and all he can do is handle the customers," he continued.

"Here it is, your hot chocolate." He said while placing it a bit far from me, I immediately located it.