Another Fallen Hero

Two months ago…

The dawn broke over the Margaux Academy, casting a soft light over the grounds that had witnessed so much turmoil. The halls were filled with the sounds of soldiers and medics, working tirelessly to restore order and provide aid to the injured.

Other students stood at the entrance of the dormitories, their eyes scanning the courtyard. The once chaotic scene dealt with by demi-human terrorist attack was now a hub of activity, with students being tended to and debris being cleared away.

The military had taken control, ensuring the safety of everyone within the academy walls.

In the heart of the Ring City, the story of the academy's siege and the subsequent liberation spread like wildfire.

The city, too, was recovering from the smaller groups of demi-humans that had terrorized its streets during the chaos at the academy. Shops were reopening, citizens were emerging from their homes, and the city guards patrolled diligently, ensuring the safety of the populace.

The grand plaza of the Ring City was bustling with activity. Stalls were set up, offering food and supplies to those affected by the attacks. Groups of people gathered, sharing stories and news.

The mood was a mixture of relief and lingering fear, but there was a palpable sense of unity and resilience among the citizens.

"Did you hear? The academy has been liberated," a merchant said to a customer, voice filled with awe.

"Yes, I heard. The military really stepped up. I can't believe the demi-humans dared to attack both the academy and the city," the customer replied, shaking his head in disbelief.

In a corner of the plaza, a group of students who had managed to escape the academy sat together, their faces a mix of exhaustion and relief. They recounted their harrowing experiences to a crowd of curious onlookers.

"It was terrifying," one student said, her voice trembling. "But Jaxon… he fought so bravely. He saved so many of us."

"Right! I saw him fighting with a raven demi-human and a human that seemed to be a demi-human in disguise."

The mention of Jaxon's name brought a murmur of respect from the crowd. His actions had already become a legend, and his bravery was a beacon of hope in these dark times.

As the day progressed, the academy slowly returned to a semblance of normalcy. Classes were suspended, and the focus was on recovery and rebuilding.

The headmaster, who had been rescued and was now recuperating, addressed the remaining students and faculty.

"We have endured a great trial," the headmaster said, his voice strong despite his frailty. "But we have emerged stronger. We will rebuild, and we will be prepared for any future threats. Together, we will ensure that the academy remains a beacon of knowledge and hope."

The students cheered, their spirits lifted by his words. The sense of camaraderie was stronger than ever, forged in the fires of their shared struggle.

As night fell, the Ring City and the Academy settled into a tentative peace. The scars of the recent battles were still fresh, but there was a determination to move forward.


DeMarcus stood in the central courtyard of the academy, the morning sun casting long shadows across the cobblestones. His eyes swept over the scene, taking in the remnants of the battle–scorched earth, and the signs of hurried medical treatment.

The military was conducting a thorough sweep, ensuring that all threats had been neutralized, but DeMarcus had a different mission.

"Where are the students who fought back?" he asked a nearby soldier, his tone urgent yet calm.

The soldier, a young man with a bandage wrapped around his arm, pointed toward the infirmary. "Most of them are in there, sir. But a few are still unaccounted for."

DeMarcus nodded and headed towards the infirmary, his mind racing. The attack had been unprecedented, and the fact that students had managed to repel such a well-coordinated assault was nothing short of miraculous. He needed to find those students, to understand how they had managed it, and to thank them for their bravery.

Inside the infirmary, the scene was one of organized chaos. Medics moved swiftly between beds, attending to the wounded.

DeMarcus approached a group of students who were huddled together, their faces pale but resolute.

"Are you the ones who fought back the attackers?" he asked, his voice gentle but firm.

One of the students, a girl with a bandage around her head, one of Jaxon's fellow member of the club and one of those he had saved, nodded. "Yes, sir. We did our best."

"Can you tell me who led you? Who was the one who took charge?" DeMarcus inquired, his eyes scanning their faces for any signs of recognition.

The girl hesitated, glancing at her companions before speaking. "It was Jaxon, sir. He… his actions motivated us that led us to fight as well even though he only wanted us to be safe. He was incredible. He fought harder than anyone, saved so many of us."

"Yes, he recaptured the Mechanism Club, seizing the Control Panel artifact that controlled the central defense of the academy. He took down the barrier!" one student explained, admiration evident in his voice.

"Not just that," another chimed in, awe mixing with concern. "He fought nearly a hundred different kinds of demi-humans, never once fearing for his life."

"Such bravery, but…" The girl trailed off, her eyes darkening.

"But what?" DeMarcus pressed, sensing there was more to the story.

"He's gone," another student, a boy with his arm in a sling, interjected. "We haven't seen him since the battle ended."

DeMarcus felt a pang of concern. "Gone? Where did he go?"

The students exchanged worried glances. "We don't know," the girl said softly. "We haven't found his body. The last time any of us saw him, he was fighting a raven demi-human in the now collapsed corridors of the main building."

DeMarcus felt a knot form in his stomach. Jaxon had been the key player in repelling the terrorists, and now he was missing. "Another fallen hero?" he muttered to himself, the thought was heavy in despair.

He couldn't let this go unanswered. "There's still hope," he said, willpower hardening his voice. "Not retrieving his body doesn't mean he is dead."