Metal Golem?

Two months after the demi-human attack on Margaux Academy, the academy had recovered. Students and faculty returned, though with lingering fears of another assault. Classes resumed, now including lessons on defense and survival. The curriculum was revised to enhance all students' skills, regardless of social status.

Extracurricular activities and training sessions flourished, marking the academy's evolution. Despite the dark chapter of the assault, the academy regained its beacon of hope and strength. Students and faculty persevered, learning not only for themselves but also for the kingdom's future.

In Giant Valley, Nux Territory, the murmurs and focused breaths of Margaux Academy's students echoed. They divided into two balanced parties, prepared to face an enormous challenge. An eight-meter-tall monster loomed ominously in the distance, its heavy footsteps shaking the ground.

This variant of giant surpassed previous records, posing a greater threat than typical C-class giants due to its immense size and formidable defenses. The fourth-year students faced a daunting task, strategizing to gain any advantage against it.

"Alright, team," Elara whispered, leading the first party. Her determined green eyes gleamed as she tightened her grip on her staff. "We've planned this. Stay focused and remember your roles."

Beside her, Finn, the party's healer, nodded nervously. His hands glowed faintly with blue light, ready to cast protective spells. "Got it, Elara. Just… try not to get hit too hard."

Across the field, the second party, led by Darius, stood equally prepared. Darius, a tall and imposing figure, surveyed the scene with calm confidence. "We take it down piece by piece," he instructed, his deep voice authoritative. "Archers, aim for the joints. Mages, keep your distance and hit it with all you've got."

As the two groups advanced, the giant let out a deafening roar, swinging its massive club. The mages swiftly dispersed, forming a strategic circle around the beast. Elara raised her staff, and a brilliant fireball shot towards the giant, striking its shoulder and causing it to stagger. Darius followed with a powerful bolt of lightning that crackled through the air, striking the giant's leg.

The giant retaliated, swinging its club wildly. The students dodged and counterattacked with precision. Finn cast a barrier around Elara just in time to deflect a crushing blow, while Darius's team focused on weakening the giant's other leg to bring it down, causing its club to fall.

"It's showing weakness!" Darius shouted with exhilaration, preparing another bolt of lightning. However, before they realized it, the giant jumped, escaping their circle and inadvertently stepping on one of them as it staggered to face them all.

"Shit!" Finn exclaimed, rushing to a party member who coughed blood, body severely damaged. "Damn it!" Desperation tinged his voice as his hands continued to glow blue. He attempted a healing spell but failed to save his classmate.

Elara stared blankly at the scene. "This is beyond our abilities. Giants don't jump."

The monster stood ready, as if preparing to charge. Anxiety pulsed through them as the ground rumbled with each of its steps.

"Disperse!" Darius roared, rallying everyone's attention. They couldn't afford to be trampled by the monster. Memories of the demi-human attack on their academy fueled their determination.

"The reason I strive to become stronger…" Darius muttered, casting a spell. "…is to bring honor as a member of the Nux family!" Lightning bolts shot from his hand towards the giant's open mouth.

Despite their efforts, this variant possessed wit and agility, abilities uncommon for giants, allowing it to jump and dodge.

"Why the hell is this giant…" As Elara muttered with blank eyes, her classmates' eyes widened in surprise. The land trembled despite the giant not taking any steps. It was then she realized another variant had appeared, taller than the current they were fighting.

"Fucking life…" Finn cursed under his breath as the two giants teamed up and leaped toward them.

Darius, his gaze fixed unwaveringly on the advancing giants, observed their fury and menace. For some reason, he found himself rooted to the spot, unable to move his feet, frozen until a blinding flash nearly overwhelmed him.

A gust of wind surged from behind them, and sunlight glinted off a massive metal structure that materialized above. The scene that unfolded next left them speechless and motionless.

"Metal Golem?" Darius muttered disbelievingly.

The giants roared, their colossal fists hammering against a golem that matched their height. The golem responded with powerful swings of its own. Each impact reverberated through the valley—a clash of sheer strength and engineered precision.

Darius could scarcely believe his eyes. The golem moved with a fluidity that defied its metallic frame, evading the giants' onslaughts and retaliating with calculated strikes. Sparks flew as metal met flesh, and the ground trembled under the force of their battle.

One of the giants bellowed in rage, swinging an arm the size of a tree trunk at the golem. The golem sidestepped, its glowing eyes flashing as it unleashed a massive ball of fire that exploded against the giant's jaw, sending it crashing lifelessly to the ground.

The second giant lunged at the golem, attempting to grapple it with both hands. The golem's chestplate shimmered, and a powerful beam of white light surged from it, striking the giant's shoulder in a circular blast. Slowly, weakened by blood loss, the giant faltered and collapsed.

Without hesitation, the golem leaped onto the giant's head, smashing it against the ground until it ceased its struggles.

Darius's heart raced as he witnessed this extraordinary display of strength and magic. This was no mere battle; it was a dance of devastation. Despite being outnumbered, the golem held its ground, using its superior agility and strategic acumen to outmaneuver the giants. What's more, it cast a spell.

As the fight concluded, the golem turned to face them. Darius saw its entirety.

The metal golem stood tall at approximately six meters, its edges unpolished. Its head, surprisingly human-like in proportion despite its metallic construction, featured two dimly glowing eyes and a basic, angular mouthpiece, evoking a blend of machine and living sentinel.

Its massive arms, as thick as tree trunks, extended from broad shoulders with visible joints, gears, and pistons clanking and hissing with each movement. Its hands were large and powerful, each finger articulated yet lacking the finesse of a more refined creation.

The legs resembled towering pillars, designed for stability rather than grace, supporting its formidable bulk. The upper body appeared almost oversized, with a rough-hewn chest plate housing a prominent, pulsating circle of light at its center— hinting the powerful core within.

 A/N: Yo! Here comes the first appearance of the Mecha! I wonder how it looked to the students' eyes. But I must ask for a favor. Please ask questions if you find any parts of the story confusing.