Titan One

Everyone was amazed and in disbelief at what had just happened. They had been close to death, trying desperately to escape when a giant metal golem suddenly appeared. It quickly defeated the two giant mutants with ease, precision, and power.

Darius and Elara's eyes met before they cautiously approached the golem, which seemed to be watching them. They sensed no harm from it and thought it had saved them.

"What kind of golem is this…" Darius mumbled, feeling both curious and relieved as the golem remained still.

With care, Darius placed his hand on the golem's surface, feeling the cold, smooth metal under his fingers.

"Be careful," Elara warned, keeping a safe distance from the golem.

Darius nodded, enjoying the feel of the metal. A few seconds passed, and the other members stood behind them, inspecting the golem with the same caution.

Suddenly, the golem moved, alarming everyone. They got ready to fight, but the golem jumped high into the air, leaving them to brace against the gust of wind it created. Away from the students, the golem seemed to have completed its mission.

The students could only watch as the golem disappeared into the distance, the memory of this event etched into their minds. This moment turned into a legend as they returned to the academy to report what had happened. Everyone suspected it was a monster, but Darius and Elara knew otherwise.

The tale of the mysterious golem became a popular topic at the academy until, eventually, it faded into a memorable encounter from their past.

Days turned into weeks, and the story of the golem became part of academy lore. Darius and Elara, however, couldn't shake the feeling that the golem's appearance was more than a random event.


After settling with the siblings and giving the rest of the money for the artifact, I promised I would return for the extra favor. I didn't want to feel guilty for taking it from Lando, thinking I had just bought it. Despite giving the money, they needed proper guidance as I had left them with a large amount.

I advised Lando to get an education at the Adventurer's Guild. It suited him because in the guild, members could take tasks ranging from easy to extreme. However, due to his age, he would only be allowed to take requests around the city's premises.

As for Marie, I wished her a good life. She had the potential to be a mage, but I didn't mention it. I wanted her to discover it when the time was right and with the right people around her.

I left the Mining City and headed towards Nux Territory, with the Mecha already assembled in an open plain. Of course, I cast an invisibility spell so travelers wouldn't notice me.

[You've succeeded in creating your first Mecha, Jaxon. What will you name it?]

A smile curled up my lips as I watched the Mecha stand tall. It exuded an unexplainable aura that even I, its creator, couldn't fully understand.

"I want to call it Titan One, since it is my first prototype."

[Gadgets: Titan One]

I had many plans for this Mecha. Multiple units around the world, remotely controlled, could stop the impending revival of the dragons. I also intended to uncover the Dragon Disciples' whereabouts while deploying the Mecha to key locations I remembered from my first life.

Thinking about my journey, I considered visiting my family, but I decided to reroute my trip. I had to go to Nux Territory for two reasons: the Nux family and an artifact lying under the Giant Valley.

During my trip, I noticed a few students from Margaux Academy clashing with a variant giant. I watched them, reminiscing about my academy days—though they weren't particularly pleasant. Social status had hindered me from fully enjoying my studies.

"They are good…" I noticed how well-coordinated the two parties were. They seemed to have planned it thoughtfully, but as the clash continued, I was baffled by the giant's actions. What the hell? Did I just see a giant leaping? That was unheard of!

I continued watching until I flinched. A student had just died. However, I didn't intervene... I couldn't.

[Jaxon, I believe that waiting for the dragons' revival and eliminating them is still the best course. If you think about it, it would be difficult to stop the Dragon Disciples with their secrecy covering their movements.]

Here it goes again.

Although I had already thought this through, the system was still fixated on it.

'It wouldn't hurt to try. If I fail, I will consider your advice. How about it?' I commented, without taking my eyes off the students.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath as another variant, taller than the current one, appeared.

Controlling the Mecha, it lifted its legs, moving at a decent speed. This would be the first time I would test the capabilities of Titan One. At first, I planned on testing it here in Giant Valley. But since I had seen the students, I decided to watch them first.

I wasn't thinking of saving them, but this was the best time to see it for myself.

I had inserted the Spell Buster into Titan One's core stone, adding Special Arrow and Beam Light. For better results, straight projectile offensive spells would suit the Mecha. Of course, this was just a hypothesis, and I was still experimenting.

From a vantage point on a cliff above the battlefield, I directed the Mecha to clash with the shorter giant. I feared it would destroy the frames with its swing, but it seemed my Titan One was more durable than I expected.

A grin formed on my face as the Mecha pinned down the giants. Blasting one in the jaw and smashing the other's head against the ground, I defeated the two variant giants.

Now, my only concern was where and how to hide Titan One if I decided to work undercover for the Nux Family.

After a few minutes of contemplation, I decided to hide Titan One on top of the mountain in Giant Valley, where the entire Nux Territory settlement could be seen.

I still hadn't gotten the artifact to divide my vision with the Mecha. I still had to do more, collect better artifacts, and create a weapon to defeat dragons around the world.

Now, I must see how feasible it was to get useful artifacts.

Artifacts are divided into two categories: common and unique. Some artifacts only amplify spells and can be replicated by gadgets. They fall under common artifacts. Unique ones, however, offer abilities that exceed common logic but are possible under the Universe Order. For example, the Spell Buster can hold at least 20 rounds of different spells. Although it seems impossible as it couldn't be replicated as a gadget, it is still possible under the Universe Order.

There are plenty of unique artifacts around the world. Because of this, gadgets are created to replicate the functionalities of common artifacts, bringing convenience to daily life. For that reason, I studied intricate theories of mechanism as well as practical ones. It helped me in my first life, surviving different battles against revived dragons.