Monkey vs Clown

Nine months later...

Nux Estate, Nux Territory...

It was evening when the banquet started. People from different families and societies came to celebrate my coming of age. I, Oliver Nux, am officially 16 years old. Tonight is my social debut.

Excitement filled me as I raised my chest and walked down the carpet towards the grand staircase. As I reached the center, everyone was watching me. I could see them beneath me, a smile curling up my lips.

My eyes surveyed the grand hall, watching them in awe as I walked down the stairs, dressed in a burgundy velvet doublet with gold embroidery, paired with an ivory silk shirt and an emerald green cloak lined with sable fur. My black leather trousers tucked into knee-high boots, and a tooled leather belt with a silver buckle adorned my waist. No one else could possess this. This was a masterpiece from a renowned tailor, known for creations that royals wore.

I could feel like I was a royal myself. That's right, I am equal to a royal.

These people gathered here to witness and grovel for my recognition. Of course, they would want me to like them, and I would choose who would be given this chance.

I am now prepared to be great… no, I am already great. I will be so almighty that people will bow down before me for their lives.

I couldn't help but snort as these people looked at me with admiration. Despite their fancy attire, I could smell the pigsties they came from. But I should show I am humble towards them, or people would see me as arrogant.

"Congratulations, Sir Oliver."

"Your attire complements your already good-looking face. I am happy to see you in it. I must say, garments from the capital are indeed world-class."

Flattering words came at me from different directions. I knew what they were aiming for, but I didn't show them the disrespect they deserved. Today was my day; no commotion should happen. Despite where they came from, I knew how to control myself because I am great.

The gathering continued with music playing from a gadget behind the staircase, and food was served, which they loved. Of course, it would be the first and last time they'd taste such heavenly gourmet. But for me, I could have these anytime I wanted.

The grand hall, filled with murmurs, suddenly went silent as my father arrived. His menacing aura made everyone fall quiet, strengthening my determination to reach the same heights he achieved.

My father was my role model. His legacy was my driving force, and I would do everything to achieve it.

"Father..." I bowed before him as he went straight to his circle, the shady people from outskirt nobility families. Even though they weren't on our level, I couldn't understand why my father still gave them his attention.

My father was a renowned noble merchant. The Nux Family was known because of his legacy. We were also the number one exporter of soldiers, as he personally trained those who went to the capital to become soldiers.

He had good and talented knights, which I wanted as well. The servants and warriors under me lacked what he had, except for Jaxon. He was the talented card I had, and he couldn't want anything more than money. He'd do anything for money.

"Congratulations, dear cousin." My eyes narrowed at the voice I heard. I turned around, facing a blonde, ugly young monkey from a relative family. Despite us being greater, his family was more known in the central government in the capital. I despised that he thought his family was better than mine because of it.

"Thank you." My disinterest was evident, making his eyes darken.

"Are you not happy that I am here? You should be honored." An arrogant smile followed, with his four henchmen sneering the same.

For the world's sake, this is my night. What are they doing here, trying to ruin my moment?

"What do you want? Are you jealous of my party? Why did you approach me?"

He snorted at my words, replying with a scornful tone. "Why would I be jealous of your cheap gathering? I am asking if you are honored by my presence. Of course, because spoiled kids like you wouldn't have the chance to see someone from the capital."

For heaven's sake. I really hated it when this monkey, Polus, who was just as tall as me, acted proud because his family was from the capital. Their family hadn't got any territory because of how much lesser they were compared to us. Although they managed agricultural land and also came from a military family, they weren't on the same level as the Nux who had a flawless history of management.

I managed to control my contempt towards this monkey. "Alright. If it was so cheap, why did you even bother coming here? Was it because you can't afford the food even though you come from the capital?"

Hiding my snort, I watched as the monkey's face turned red. Fumes seemed to be leaking out from his nose and ears as he replied, "Nope. It tastes bad. I came here for entertainment, to watch how much of a clown you are." Then he and his henchmen chuckled. Monkeys pack with their own kind...

"Tsk. Clown, me? Who has the face of a monkey if I am a clown?"

"What did you say? I have the face of a monkey?"

I grinned. "No, I didn't say you have the face of a monkey. But, it seems like you admitted to having an ugly face by the way you reacted. I will believe you, trash."

"Fuck you." He hissed as he moved from his position, aiming to punch me, but someone stepped forward, blocking and protecting me from the monkey's attack.

"That's enough." A hoarse, deep voice from a face with a crescent-shaped scar appeared in front of the monkey.

The monkey looked at Jaxon with a questioning expression before retorting, "Who are you?"

"That's none of your business. The way you act, you are stepping over the line. If you want a verbal war, so be it, but if you want a physical fight, I will step forward as it is my job."

I couldn't be prouder of my most loyal fighter, Jaxon. He had already made the monkey flinch with his words, despite being just the same age as us. Although he was talented, it was only because he was born to be my fighter.

"Hey, if you want to talk with fists, I'll be your guest," a huge person replied, who I hadn't noticed standing behind the monkey. He was so tall that he almost dwarfed us with his cold stare. His bulky body hinted at harsh training.

Jaxon, as usual, stared at the huge monkey with disinterest.

A/N: Are you enjoying the story? Want more? Please vote for this book to keep me motivated!