Tribesmen [2]

"Calm down…" Jaxon's voice cut through the tension, causing everyone in the party to eye him warily. The speed with which he had immobilized the tribesman left them all stunned.

"I'm warning you, Oliver. If you don't stop this nonsense, I will leave."

Jaxon's behavior was becoming increasingly unlikable. His demeanor didn't match the ferocity I knew him for; instead, it was oddly calm and detached, which annoyed me.

"Hey kid, you're bothering the young master," the main tank said, stepping towards Jaxon with caution. He placed a heavy hand on Jaxon's shoulder, applying pressure threateningly. "Or else, I'll pin you down."

Jaxon remained silent, his cold gaze fixed on the main tank.

Sighs… This is ridiculous.

It was clear the main tank was trying to draw my attention, hoping to be recognized. But his approach was futile. If they really wanted to subdue Jaxon, they should have surrounded and overwhelmed him, not approached one by one.

As expected, Jaxon lowered his stance and swiftly swept the main tank's leg. Considering the main tank's size and height, it should have been impossible to knock him off balance. However, Jaxon seemed to be using his technique of channeling pure mana to amplify his physical strength.

Everyone, anticipating the opposite outcome, was stunned to see the big man fall. Jaxon, maintaining his calm demeanor, planted his foot on the man's chest.

The tribesmen were visibly agitated by this. They remained on guard, but witnessing us fighting among ourselves must have been hurting their pride.

I wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the situation, but I restrained myself. Despite my indifference, I needed to show these insects the true power of the Nux Family if they chose to defy us.

"You… making fun of us! You surely want to die," exclaimed the tribal leader, or chief, whatever, in a voice that sounded almost comical. "Showing no respect to our tribe. Killing our brothers."

Jaxon turned his back on us, facing the tribe. Though I couldn't see his face clearly, his shoulders seemed to sag slightly.

"Please do me a favor. I know the death of your brothers is unforgivable, but think of the future of your tribe. We are not here for your resources but for manpower. The Nux Patriarch wants you to work under the Nux Territory. So, choose—hostility or the death of your tribe."

Although our methods differed, Jaxon seemed determined to complete the mission in his way. Despite my disdain, I couldn't stop him from pursuing what he believed was the better option.

Jaxon always nagged me about kindness and benevolence. He refused to kill this kind of insect, deeming them innocent.

Innocent! What a joke! They are not innocent!

If Father wanted these people to work under our territory, I had no choice but to let Jaxon do as he wished. The credit would still be mine, not his.

However, the party members seemed to be overreacting, desperate to prove themselves. They surrounded Jaxon, interrupting his heartfelt plea to the tribe.

One warrior raised his daggers, ready to throw them at Jaxon while preparing his bow and arrow. Another warrior raised his sword, assuming a battle stance. The two mages began chanting their spells, and the other tank braced behind his shield.

Jaxon looked at them in disbelief. He hadn't drawn his swords, showing no intention of fighting.

"What are you doing? Did Oliver order you to do this?"

One of them sneered. "It's obvious you're a traitor. The young master isn't stopping us, so we take that as his desire."

Jaxon glanced at me with an unreadable expression. He shook his head before kicking the downed tank, sending him rolling away.

"Come at me."

Offended by his calm provocation, they attacked Jaxon with all their might. Watching this, I could only slap my forehead in disappointment. They had failed to realize Jaxon was not just a fighter but a mage as well. He could cast spells faster than average mages and they just gave him time to react.

It was like jumping into a volcano with a bucket of water, hoping it would solidify the magma. Their decisions were clouded by greed and desperation.

Personally, I found this offensive. Did they think I would be impressed by such actions? I disliked people openly trying to impress me. I preferred to read people, not the other way around, with them presenting themselves like an open book, hoping I'd read them.

Shaking my head, I watched as everyone except the tribesmen and I was blown back by an invisible force Jaxon had released. It was pure mana, and I could feel its hazardous nature.

Seeing them defeated, I sighed, eyeing Jaxon with disdain. Yet, deep down, I knew I owed him thanks for reminding me of an important lesson I had forgotten.

"Oliver, if you truly want me to serve you, heed my advice," Jaxon said in a monotone voice before turning to the tribesmen, speaking to them persuasively.

I exhaled heavily. "Get up. Let's move to the peak. We still have a clearing mission to finish," I ordered everyone, who sluggishly rose, clearly feeling the effects of Jaxon's invisible attack.

Why did I ever think Jaxon was different? He always insisted on having his way. Despite my distaste for his entire demeanor, I knew he wouldn't betray me. That was certain.

I had grown accustomed to Jaxon. He cared for people, a trait opposite to mine. Though I personally felt his attitude brought little gain, it was a burden I had to bear. I should let him be.

Moreover, his actions could yield positive results for the family, even if our approaches clashed.

As we ascended the peak of the first mountain, we focused on our mission without waiting for Jaxon. We left him to negotiate with the tribesmen while we began battling monsters.

Dealing with people was not my forte. The lesson from the Malevolent Bear had opened my eyes to unexpected abilities. Fighting monsters, it seemed, was a talent of mine that I had only just realized, enhancing my standing within the family.

After a while, Jaxon joined us. The result of the mission was success and Father praised me for the accomplishment. 

A/N: Do you want me to haggle for power stones? Bonus Chapter?

It's 100 power stones for 1 Bonus Chapter within 10 hours after the daily updates. How about it? I'm just trying to see if I can ask for support. Come on!