The Search

11 months ago…

Captain DeMarcus, a seasoned veteran with a stern face and a commanding presence, was facing his nephew, Lyra. His armor gleamed, and his sword by his waist heightened his aura.

Lyra, with silver hair, wore a velvet knee-length gown adorned with intricate golden embroidery. After escorting Elena, the young maiden of House of Luxfield, back to their estate, she just returned, and greeted him with utmost respect, kneeling on one knee.

"Stand," DeMarcus commanded, his voice steady and authoritative. "Do you know anyone named Jaxon?"

Hearing the name of the person he despised, as he had been familiar with Elena in a dishonorable way and being a commoner as well, Lyra's expression tightened. A cringe of disdain crossed her face. "I know him, Uncle," she replied, her brow furrowing. "But why do you ask?"

"Well, I was searching for his body, but I couldn't find him. His bravery has marked the academy's history as well as the Kingdom's. This leads me to one conclusion: he is either still alive or has been kidnapped."

"Why do you have to find him? It's not like he saved the Academy," Lyra said, her tone laced with disinterest as she failed to see the importance of Jaxon's existence.

"Lyra, he saved the academy. If not for him deactivating the protective barrier covering the whole premises, we wouldn't have been able to enter and capture the terrorists," DeMarcus insisted, his eyes burning with conviction.

Lyra's face twisted with visible disbelief. She couldn't fathom what she was hearing, but a part of her was starting to believe her uncle's words. A slight shift in her perspective of Jaxon occurred as she pondered his actions more deeply.

DeMarcus could see the conflict in Lyra's eyes. He continued, his voice softening. "Jaxon's actions were pivotal. His bravery and sacrifice deserve our respect, and we must find him. The academy owes him a debt of gratitude, as does the Kingdom."

Lyra's gaze dropped to the ground, her thoughts churning. The animosity she felt toward Jaxon clashed with the new information she had received. A moment of silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken emotions.

Finally, Lyra looked up, a flicker of determination in her eyes. "If what you say is true, Uncle, then we must find him. Not just for the academy, but for the truth."

DeMarcus nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. "Thank you, Lyra. Together, we will uncover what happened to Jaxon and ensure his actions are honored."

'If what Uncle said is true, then I must find him and thank him. He saved the Academy and Lady Elena's life,' Lyra vowed silently. Resolve etched on her face, she headed back to Elena's estate to ask for permission for her absence to search for Jaxon.

Lyra's heart pounded as she approached the grand entrance of the estate. The weight of her resolve made each step heavier, but she knew this was something she had to do. She knocked on the heavy wooden door, her knuckles rapping sharply against its surface.

Elena herself opened the door, her eyes widening in surprise. "Lyra, what brings you here?"

"Lady Elena," Lyra began, bowing slightly, "I need your permission to leave the estate for a while. I must search for Jaxon, the one who saved us."

Elena's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes. "You have my permission, Lyra. Bring him back safely if you can."

"Thank you, my Lady," Lyra replied, gratitude and determination mixing in her voice.

With Elena's blessing, Lyra packed her essentials and set out on her journey.


11 months later, present time…

Lyra had reached the last town she had yet to search among the surrounding Ring City. After this town, if she resulted in finding nothing, she would travel to the South, still looking for Jaxon. Her determination drove her; without it, she wouldn't have bothered continuing the search.

Entering a tavern, Lyra knew unfiltered information flowed freely here. She positioned herself at a table, cloaked in black with the hood drawn, blending into the shadows. The tavern was bustling, located within the Nux Territory, governed by Count Orca Nux, the current patriarch. Lyra marveled at how a merchant family, also exporters of soldiers, could wield such economic power within the kingdom but still didn't have a city.

Pushing aside these musings, Lyra resolved to stay for a month before heading South. Eleven months had passed since she started searching, yet she had found no trace of Jaxon. Hope was her only companion.

Days turned into weeks as she frequented the tavern, listening intently to drunken ramblings and local gossip. In the first week, she adapted to the town's reliance on the Nux Family for employment and stability. Even the tavern, like many businesses here, operated under Nux ownership, ensuring the circulation of wealth within the town.

By the second week, Lyra noted the absence of slums, a stark contrast to other cities she had visited around Ring City. This town promised prosperity and security, a haven for those seeking a stable life.

In the third week, a hint emerged: the Nux Family had integrated tribes from the Giant Valley into their territory, offering jobs and homes. This revelation solidified Lyra's suspicion that the town was strategically built to attract settlers.

Feeling disheartened by the lack of leads, Lyra considered leaving in the fourth week. However, she observed the townsfolk actively recruiting outsiders. The Nux Patriarch promised rewards for every newcomer brought to town.

Initially dismissive, Lyra's instincts kicked in as she noticed the town's rapid expansion. Something didn't add up. Her investigation intensified, driven by the possibility of uncovering information about Jaxon or related matters. If none were found, or if it was just a normal growing town, she would take the path to Jaxon's hometown in the Northern Mountain Range, passing through Malakus's Territory—a journey slightly to the South.

During this small investigation, she noticed something peculiar. As a swordsman who also excelled in magic, the townspeople's energy seemed to have been lower than in previous days. Day by day, she noticed oddities in the wind and the general atmosphere of the town. It was an unexplainable vibe that could make her nape tingle.

"What is wrong with this town?" she mumbled in confusion as she delved deeper into her investigation, her curiosity growing as she tracked traces of mana from afar.

A/N: I want to interact with some of my readers. I've decided that with every author's note, I'll include a paragraph for you to comment on any questions. It would help me to know if you are genuinely interested in the book.

Let's do Q and A here.