Explosion is an art

It looked as if someone had placed a miniature sun in the middle of the hall. The intensity of brightness was so high that people sitting in front of the stage instantly lost their sight.

"You check the surroundings, I will stop her for a moment." Klaus' calm words resounded in Andrew's head, his earlier carelessness disappearing like smoke on a windy day.

Klaus Blackthorn finally reacted. He hurriedly got up from his seat and disappeared like a ghost, instantly appearing in front of the stage as if he had teleported. However, he hadn't really teleported; his speed was just so fast that it looked like he had.

But he was too late. As soon as Klaus arrived on the stage, the Sithian woman exploded.


A white-colored ball expanded outward, filled with terrifying energy, erasing everything in its path. Kylie, standing on the stage, was the first to bear the brunt of the explosion. Before it could even reach her, she was vaporized into nothingness. When she died, her eyes were still filled with confusion, not understanding what was going on.

"Divine Stillness." Klaus looked at the rapidly expanding ball with a stern expression and used his Crystallisation of life to buy as much time as possible. With his words, the area of 50 meters around Klaus suddenly came to a standstill, as if time had stopped flowing. However, it seemed to have no effect on the white ball as it continued to expand.

Seeing this, Klaus gritted his teeth and roared, "I said, stop!"

Huge hands made entirely out of mana appeared behind Klaus and grabbed the expanding ball. At that moment, Andrew appeared. Without hesitation, he decided to help Klaus. In the next moment, thick white chains appeared and started to coil around the ball to stop it.

Andrew, trying his best, suddenly stopped, his face filled with despair. He flicked his wrist, and a huge shield made of an unknown material appeared in front of him. Klaus also seemed to realize something and hurried towards Andrew, but it was too late.

The ball, now at a diameter of one meter, exploded.


An explosion of insane proportions occurred, making the ground cry in pain. Before Klaus could even take his next step, his body was swallowed by the tyrannical energy of the explosion. And just like that, the City Lord of Deadwood died a tragic death. When yesterday he was enjoying his day, he would have never thought that this was going to be his last.

Poor Emilia, she would never be able to meet her father and ask him why he had abandoned her. Life was uncertain; you never knew what was going to happen next.

Andrew, hiding behind the shield, although protected, wasn't spared. His body was thrown backward in the air and struck the wall. He felt as if his internal organs were rearranged, blood starting to leak from the corner of his mouth. In the next moment, he too was swallowed by the explosion. His fate remained unknown. If only they had focused on escaping, they might have made it out alive.

The entire auction hall was completely swallowed; no one was spared. The richest man in the city, the famed two-star alchemist whose reputation and fame were enough to win the crowd's confidence, and the mysterious young man who was here under the family head's orders—all of them died a brutal death.

However, this was just the start. David, who was running while using his movement technique, felt the searing heat from behind him. He stopped, grabbed Mary's hand, and hugged her tightly. Mary didn't resist, as she could also feel the terrifying heat. In the next moment, they ducked behind a table that appeared in front of them.

David realized it was too late; he wouldn't be able to outrun the destruction. If he had left directly and not stopped to settle the trades, he could have easily escaped this predicament. He could only helplessly look at Bryan, who was a little slow. In the next moment, everything around him was hit by a terrifying shockwave, sending everything, including Bryan, flying backward. Following Bryan's disappearance, David heard the sound of a bank's notification, but he was definitely not in a position to check it.

Just after the shockwave, the heat arrived, and David was swallowed by it. All the surroundings brightened for a moment, visible even from outside the city. The normal people and cultivators who were outside looked at the scene with horror. The Allison Auction Hall and the area 500 meters around it completely disappeared.

David was having trouble keeping his eyes open, but thankfully, the table was able to bear the brunt of the explosion. He tightly held Mary in his arms, hearing her heartbeat accelerating, her face turning red. David could even feel the two soft mounds touching his chest, blood starting to rush to his lower body. He hurriedly shook his head to clear his mind of unnecessary thoughts.

After some time, things finally calmed down, allowing David to survey his surroundings. All the buildings had completely disappeared.

"Who is that?" David was able to spot someone lying on the ground with a huge shield on top of them. Mary also got up from the ground and dusted her clothes. She looked at David with a flustered expression on her face. Although she was old, a man had never touched her before. Seeing her expression, David didn't know what to say. All the time, she acted so seductively; now that he had touched her, she was acting like a young girl.

Suddenly, the scorched ground lit up, and unknown symbols started to appear out of thin air. David looked at these symbols with a clueless expression.

However compared with David, Mary was someone who had seen a lot of things in her life.

"Let's run, master. A teleportation formation is going to open here," Mary recognized the symbols and said with her brows scrunched up together.

David understood the implication behind her words and started to move with Mary following behind him.