Leaving Deadwood city

Outside the city.

Emilia flicked her sword to remove the blood from it and looked at the huge mushroom cloud in the city direction.

Suddenly, the face of a naive black-haired boy appeared in her head.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

David moved with incredible speed, his body covered with thunder from head to toe. With every step, he covered a huge distance. Behind him, Mary also moved at incredible speed, having no trouble keeping up with him. The entire city was in disarray with people panicking all around.

Not long after David left, the teleportation array stabilized and released a pillar of light that pierced the sky. Soon, the light disappeared, and hundreds of Sithians clad in leather armor appeared on the charred ground.

"Move, I want this city under my control in one hour."

"Kill everyone who dares to resist."

A Sithian woman at the forefront of the group calmly ordered. She was fully covered in black armor, with a sword on her back and a slightly bigger gem embedded on her forehead than the woman who had just exploded. Her black hair wildly swung in the wind as she surveyed her surroundings.

"Sister! I won't let your sacrifice go in vain." The Sithian woman calmly muttered in her heart.

"Captain, a man has survived." Someone shouted from the back, seeming to have found Andrew's unconscious body.

"Stupid! If he has survived, just kill him, why are you shouting?" The Sithian captain said in dissatisfaction. After hearing the words, the soldier who had shouted felt ashamed. He quickly drew his sword and attacked.


However, the sword just bounced off after hitting Andrew's body. The soldier's hand vibrated as he felt the impact through the sword.

"Just capture him and put him in the sealing formation." The Sithian commander said in a calm voice after seeing this scene.

Several teams of Sithian soldiers fully armed from head to toe appeared all over the city. In a matter of minutes, the city turned into a slaughterhouse. The Sithian soldiers brutally killed anyone who dared to resist and get in their way.

"Help me." A woman cried out in fear, tears running down her cheeks, her clothes torn in several places, exposing her skin. "Please let me go, my children are waiting for me at home." She pleaded once more.

A Sithian soldier was just about to hack her to death when he was suddenly stopped by a crooked-nose Sithian. The soldier looked at the crooked nose with an inquisitive glance.

"Hehe...Let me have some fun with her." The crooked nose smiled and said while looking at her body.

"Noo! Someone help me." Hearing the crooked nose's words, the woman cried in despair.

"Shut up, human bitch!"

The woman wasn't a cultivator; she was just a normal human. The force of the slap made her fall to the ground. The crooked nose appeared in front of the woman and slapped her again. Just as he was about to slap her one more time, a chair covered in purple thunder came flying in his direction and hit him in the head.

David hurriedly picked up his chair and left. This was the least he could do. He was currently hurrying towards the bank to regroup and leave this place as soon as possible. This city wasn't safe anymore.

He had seen a lot of similar scenes while running. No matter how rich or famous you were, it seemed to have no effect on the Sithians. They were brutally killing anyone who moved.

Barely five minutes later, David and Mary arrived near the bank. Judging by the sounds of fighting coming from inside the bank, the situation was worse than he expected.


Sebastian exploded the skull of the last remaining Sithian with a punch and looked in the direction of the towering Origin Guard with curiosity. The bank's first floor was filled with the corpses of dead soldiers.

There were some even at the Foundation Establishment realm lying on the ground beside the Origin Guard. Ruby wasn't alone either; she was also surprised by the corpses.

At this time, David rushed inside and said in a hurry, "Let's go, we are leaving."

Sebastian nodded at his words, and Ruby remained silent just like always.

"Let's go." Without even bothering to go inside his room, David left in the direction of the forest. He had no idea where he was going next, but he couldn't stay in this place any longer.

Kronos City, Capital of Blackthorn Empire.

"Your majesty! Deadwood City has fallen."

A man came running in a hurry with a panicked expression on his face.

"What did you say?" Emperor Kronos Blackthorn said in disbelief and asked the man to repeat his words once again.

"Your majesty, the report has been confirmed that Deadwood City has been captured by the Sithians." The messenger repeated his words once again while shivering. He was frightened by the gaze with which the Emperor was looking at him.

The reactions of the Emperor had nothing to do with David, who at this time was looking at the group of Sithians guarding the exit out of the city. He was hidden in a small house near the exit. Beside him were his four subordinates.

At this time, David received a notification flashing in red light.

"The bank branch location has been compromised."

David looked at the location and didn't say anything as it was something that was bound to happen.

"There are at least two of them at the peak of the Foundation Building Realm and three at the initial stage," Sebastian's calm voice echoed in the room. David nodded at his words, and the frown on his face deepened.

"Any ideas on how we can escape safely?" David looked at the three of them deeply and asked in a plain voice.

Although he had some ideas, he wanted to hear their opinions as the three of them had more experience than him. So it would be stupid if he didn't listen to what they had to say.

Moreover, his main concern wasn't the two peak Foundation Building Realm Sithians but what happened afterward.