Chapter 29: Battle Between Young Masters Part 1

After their steamy session, Li Wei pulled away from Lady Chen Xi and stood up, sweat now covering a good amount of his body. He let out a satisfied sigh while looking down at her. "You really know how to relieve a man's stress, Lady Chen Xi. I'm beyond impressed."

Lady Chen Xi, still breathing heavily, showed Li Wei an alluring smirk as she replied, "I'm only doing my duty as your host. If you would like more, I am open to relieving more of your stress."

Li Wei chuckled at the offer. Inwardly, the post-nut clarity had him thinking something else. 'As great as that session was, I probably shouldn't entertain her too much, or she might start getting some strange ideas.'

"As entertaining and relaxing as that would be, I will have to decline Lady Chen Xi's offer. I think now I am more than ready to take a rest. But I may require your hosting skills at another time."

Lady Chen Xi was inwardly disappointed that Li Wei didn't want more in that exact moment, but since he hinted at the possibility of more down the line, she didn't press the matter and soon sat upright from her lying position. "Of course, Hero Li Wei. Feel free to seek me out whenever you require me."

At this time, Li Wei had already turned away from Lady Chen Xi, not wanting to be turned on by looking at her erotic body anymore. He proceeded to begin dressing as he replied, "I'll be sure to do so. As you make your way out, please tell my escort to come in." 

Li Wei didn't want to tell her to leave directly but worded it in a way that came across as him just revealing it in a casual manner rather than outrightly asking her to leave. Once again, though disappointed, Lady Chen Xi didn't speak out. In her mind, Li Wei had already left room for further activity in the future. There was no need for her to press the matter and risk losing him altogether.

As Li Wei finished dressing, he peeped into his spatial ring and picked out a single heaven-grade elixir. As much as he boasted publicly, he mostly did this for his image and quest triggering. 

Since it was only him and Lady Chen Xi here, he didn't see the point of being overly extravagant, especially to the wife of another man whom he had already tasted. He felt a single heaven-grade elixir was more than enough for her. Any more than that would make Lady Chen Xi overestimate her own value in Li Wei's eyes.

Li Wei purposely chose to pick a heaven-grade elixir that tailored toward cleansing the body, something many female cultivators took very seriously. For most cultivators, the particular heaven-grade elixir he chose helped to cleanse the body of impurities and clear blockages in the meridians, which in turn helped in advancing to the higher realms. In a lower world like the Azure Sky World, such an elixir was definitely of high value, so he felt it was more than adequate.

He took it out in the next moment and turned around to hand it to Lady Chen Xi, who he found had proceeded to walk over toward the door to collect the clothes she had left in the passageway. 

Li Wei approached as she began dressing up, and hearing his footsteps coming behind her, Lady Chen Xi made sure to begin dressing slowly, arching her back in an exaggerated manner and showcasing her hips and curves.

'She's really good at this,' Li Wei thought, but didn't comment on it, knowing full well that it was just bait to entice him a bit more. "Did you come to see me out?" she asked.

Li Wei chuckled and nodded. "Yes, it would be rude to let my gracious host walk out alone and with nothing despite showing me such great courtesy." As Li Wei said this, he extended the elixir to Lady Chen Xi, who graciously received it before giving a bow. 

'Heaven-grade!' she inwardly exclaimed, already sure of the elixir's quality just by feeling the aura that surrounded it. She tried her best to maintain a steady expression because she didn't want Li Wei to think she was overly materialistic.

"You are too kind, Hero Li Wei, but even without this gift, I, Chen Xi, am more than willing to be of service in whatever way I can. It is my duty as your host after all." Lady Chen Xi grew increasingly bold with her flirtations but chose to draw a line and left room for interpretation so as not to come across as too needy or too desperate. Li Wei, however, could clearly see through her words, but he played along and nodded in understanding.

"The rest of the Liu clan can learn a lot from you, Lady Chen Xi."

"You're too kind, Hero Li Wei."


Meanwhile, in one of the main markets of Crescent Moon City, Jia Lin, Mei Yue, and Ning Xue were currently making their way through the streets with Zhou Wen as their escort along with numerous elders from the Liu clan who carried various large containers and baskets of food.

It was an extremely strange sight for bystanders who could easily recognize important members of the Liu clan due to their distinguishing robes.

As this group walked by, bystanders began to murmur, "Isn't that an elder of the Liu clan? Why is he carrying items like a servant?"

"Yes, I'm familiar with that old man. He's a very respected member of the Liu clan and the city," one contributed. Another focused his attention on Jia Lin, Mei Yue, and Ning Xue. "They seem to be carrying items for those three women. Why do they have so many elders from the Liu clan carrying packages for them like servants? Who are they?"

One after another, bystanders continued to murmur, but for the most part, they minded their own business as they didn't want trouble. 

At the front of the group, Ning Xue was constantly looking around at the various stores and restaurants present in the market. She herself didn't know much about the best foods in Crescent Moon City, so to gather the foods they had so far, she, along with Jia Lin, Mei Yue, depended on Zhou Wen's advice and recommendations, which he more than gladly gave every time they approached a certain restaurant he was familiar with or knew served good items.

They had already passed through the major establishments but still had quite a lot of spirit stones in their possession. The reason they hadn't gone back already was because Ning Xue didn't want to go back with so many spirit stones, as she felt it would make her and the others look like they wanted to hoard them. As she was thinking of where to go next, a voice called hers and the rest of the group's attention.

"You treacherous wench!" a young man suddenly called out before he unsheathed the sword that was hanging off his waist and pointed it toward Ning Xue.

Anyone who had been present at the scene back at the pavilion where Li Wei met the three would recognize the young man as one of the victims who had his women stolen from him by Li Wei. 

Ning Xue immediately furrowed her brow and narrowed her gaze at this young man. "I would advise you to mind your tongue and not to defame your betters with baseless accusations Shen Mu," she warned, but the young man named Shen Mu didn't look like he was willing to listen to her at all. His eyes were extremely bloodshot, and even his hands could be seen trembling as he pointed his sword.

"Baseless accusations? You dare claim my accusations are baseless after everyone saw you leave with that pretentious flower boy? If it weren't for me, you would've long become the plaything of those Slithering Hill Bandits. I saved you from them, and this is how you repay me?"

Ning Xue maintained her cold demeanor and crossed her arms. "I have already thanked you multiple times for saving me, but that does not at all mean that I owe you anything."

"Shameless!" Shen Mu roared, looking ready to strike. But at this time, another voice appeared on the scene.

"What is the meaning of this commotion?"