Chapter 30: Battle Between Young Masters Part 2

Everyone on the scene turned to the source of the voice, revealing a young, well-dressed cultivator. 

The mass of people dispersed, creating a clear path for the confident young cultivator as he walked boldly towards the center of the commotion. The energy emanating from him commanded attention, and all eyes were drawn to him as he moved through the crowd.

He wore a flowing robe of deep blue silk embroidered with golden dragons, his long black hair tied back in a simple, elegant knot. His deep brown eyes swept over the crowd, conveying both curiosity and authority. 

"It's Zhou Tian!" one bystander exclaimed. 

"The young master of the Zhou clan," another murmured. "What's he doing here?" 

Zhou Tian came to a stop then turned to Shen Mu, his expression composed but his eyes piercing. "Why are you pointing your weapon at a defenseless woman, brother Shen Mu?"

Shen Mu straightened his posture, refusing to back down even as he recognized Zhou Tian. The Shen clan was a major power in Crescent Moon City as well, and he felt confident enough to hold his ground. "Brother Zhou Tian, it is good you are here, an arrogant young man stole my woman and had the audacity to be friendly with your fiancée earlier today at the Heavenly Treasures Pavilion," he explained bitterly, frustration evident in his voice.

Zhou Tian's eyes narrowed as he looked over at the Liu clan members, focusing on Zhou Wen whom he knew. "Senior Zhou," he spoke with respect, directing his question towards him, "Is what Shen Mu claimed true?"

Zhou Wen recognized a chance to test Li Wei's arrogance in front of Zhou Tian, so he gave a slight bow. "You are correct, Young Master Zhou Tian. However, I am not fully aware of the depth of their connection. It would be best for you to ask him directly. The man you are looking for is currently at the Liu clan residence."

Zhou Tian's expression hardened, and he gave a firm nod. "Alright then. I'll head to the Liu clan's residence and get to the bottom of this myself." He then turned to Shen Mu. "You're coming with me. We'll see if this young man has the audacity to show such disrespect towards both the Zhou and Shen clans."

After Zhou Tian announced his intention to visit the Liu clan, members of the Liu clan were silently cursing Zhou Wen as they tightened the holds on the baskets of food. They believed that he should have resolved the situation instead of making it worse.

'Damn that Zhou Wen,' one elder thought bitterly, glaring daggers at Zhou Wen's back. 'He could have diffused the situation, but now we're all dragged into this mess.' 

Another elder scowled. 'I've lived long enough to know a schemer when I see one. Zhou Wen's definitely plotting something.'


Ning Xue, standing silently beside them, also had her suspicions. 'Zhou Wen must have some hidden agenda, but I can't afford to offend the Zhou clan,' she thought, her expression carefully neutral. 

Zhou Wen, however, ignored the hateful looks from the elders. His mind was already several steps ahead, calculating potential outcomes and benefits. He turned to Zhou Tian with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Young Master Zhou, we can head back together. We were gathering food for a feast in honor of our guests." 

Zhou Tian maintained his kind demeanor, nodding in appreciation. "Thank you, Senior Zhou. I hope we can resolve this matter peacefully."


Before Zhou Tian could begin walking in the direction of the Liu clan, Mei Yu mustered the courage to speak up. 

"Uhm… senior Zhou Tian, master Li Wei is currently resting so I don't think now will be a good time to see him." Mei Yu explained in a shy tone, not even meeting Zhou Tian's fierce gaze.

Zhou Tian immediately stopped and turned to face her, a smile appearing on his lips as he did. "And who might you be? His servant?" Zhou Tian curiously asked, his voice domineering but his demeanor polite.

Mei Yu lowered her head immediately and struggled to answer, feeling immense fear in her heart. 

Jia Lin then came forward and bowed in Zhou Tian's direction. "We are his disciples senior Zhou Tian. We mean no disrespect. Our master is simply… a bit difficult."

One elder felt like spitting when he heard those words. 'Difficult? Try impossible!'

Though Zhou Tian remained calm and unfazed on the surface, he was inwardly very curious about this Li Wei.

'If what Shen Mu says is true and he really showed two of city's biggest clans such disrespect without batting an eye, he must either be a mad man or a true expert. And to have elders collecting food for feast…'

Zhou Tian found the whole situation a bit mind boggling, but it was partly because of this that he wanted to meet Li Wei and see just what type of person he was.

More importantly, if he didn't, rumors would quickly spread about him not seeking out the person who not apparently took fancy to his fiancé.

"Do not worry yourself. I'm sure your master will see reason. After all, it would be bad for both parties if this matter didn't get properly resolved. But do not worry, I'm in no rush, if you still wish to shop for goods then I will wait patiently." Zhou Tian kept his hands at his back and revealed this with a smile on his face.

Though his words made both Li Wei's disciples and the Liu clan elders feel that this wasn't going to end well. 

Zhou Wen was the only one with a smile on his face. Very much looking forward to the meeting of the two.

After Zhou Tian spoke, the elders looked in Ning Xue's direction, as she was the most vocal of Li Wei's disciples and thus the decision to continue shopping or not fell to her.

Her expression turned stiff but she still managed to show a smile. Inwardly though, just like the elders, she cursed Zhou Wen.