
"Test 3919, Wallace Ace is here"

A voice is heard as two agents wearing a special black uniform escort a guy who look like he is in his eighteens. The guy has handsome feature with a tall but slender build.

Wallace sighed as he was led to a white chair in a pod and was strapped to the chair. He know that the probability of him making it alive out from that pod is bleak. Even if he get out, who will accept him, he will become useless and will be killed. His memories flashed and he was transported bake to his early years. He don't even know who his father is and well, his mother is just a depressed Noveau Richie that got her money from prostitution.

He is born out of wedlock and because of that, she takes her frustration out on the poor three years old boy by beating him up but does not let any scar appear on his body. The once vibrant boy turned into a shadow of his once bright self by the time he reached ten. His mates are happy and always think about the bright side of life but all he has ever experienced is the dark side of life, an experience some people can never experience all their life. He developed a habit of keeping everything to himself and does not mix with anyone which turned his personality into a twisted one.

One day to his tenth birthday, his life changed and entered fully into darkness. It was that day he learnt that his mother sold him out to the Night Fury, a dark organization that span around the whole world. His world turned upside down because the woman he thought had a little bit of affection towards him did not even think twice before selling him out. As if the devil knows of his anguish, he was given two options. To kill his mother and continue living or to not do it and he will die. With shaky hands, the little boy took the gun with a shaky hand and headshot his mother. The last bit of feeling he has disappeared with the sound of the gun shot. He watch as his mother laid in a pool of blood and did not even feel and ounce of guilt.

He was taken away to a place where he had to undergo torture with children that are at least five years older than him. Within a year, out of a hundred kids, he was the only one that made it out alive. There was only one rule, its either you kill or get killed. He had to kill for survival.

At fifteen, he already got a master, PHD and doctorate degree in writing and he had also published five world shaking novel. With each of those books, he received an international Nobel Prize award making him the sole person with the most amount of Nobel award received and became the youngest multi-million dollar tycoon. In the day, he had great achievement but in the night, he had to go through different degrees of torturous training.

At fifteen, he already killed a thousand people, learnt reverse psychology, san shoot twenty meters away and still hit the bull's eye, learnt Japanese taekwondo, American boxing, Chinese ancient martial arts and six ingenuous fighting method. A master of sniping, can assemble and disassemble all type of bomb, proficient in piloting fighter jet and also proficient in thirty firearms. Kids of his age are still being pampered by their parents but he has no choice but to go through different type of grueling trainings to survive.

He became a fearsome assassin with no weakness by sixteen. His name invoke fear in the mafia world and he can trigger a wave with just minor action in the mafia weapon. He became the strongest and most dangerous weapon of the Night Fury. It continued till eighteen where he made a major impact in the quest of the night fury taking over most of the forces in the world.

In his eighteenth year, everything changed. He was betrayed by night fury, an organization he dedicated his childhood and youth to. He was used as a scapegoat, an instrument used to pacify the rest of the world. He was sentenced to death and thought everything will end there but it just begun. On the surface he was sentenced to death while underground, he was transferred back to the Night Fury to be used as an experimental specimen.

Simply an irony. An organization he helped conquer the world did not hesitate to turn their back on him and exhaust the last bit of potential in him by making him an experimental specimen. He was transferred with some people but the people he was with at that time all died with the longest one only living for one month. The experiment that was being performed on them is gene modification experiment where they have to use poisonous solution to triggered the hidden DNA in their genes. Three months felt like an hundred years. His gift is simply a curse to him.

He closed his eyes and sighed as he was injected a blue serum.

"Hopefully I will die completely today" he muttered because he could feel his body condition start deteriorating a week ago. The effect of the serum kicked in immediately and he felt a splitting headache that is threatening to make his head explode. His body condition started to deteriorate immediately.

"Test 3919 condition is already deteriorating, he is the first test subject to have successfully completed the three thousand serum integration procedure and his genes have successfully bloomed" A voice was heard as a holes was passed through his body to a man in another pod.

"Commencing extraction of genes" Red liquid started to leave his body and got injected into the body of the guy in the second pod. A change was taking place in the body of the man the liquid was being infused into while he felt his body getting weaker and a wave of pain assaulted him. The extraction finished and he was carried out from the ship and thrown into the ocean.

There ends the dark like of Wallace Ace, the man whose gifts turned into curse because of uncontrollable circumstances.