"Extreme coldness" is the first sensation Wallace felt in the darkness that surrounded him. He shivered, the feeling is simply like needles drilling into his body. He is already deep in the ocean but apart from the cold and brain splitting headache he is feeling, he is not feeling any discomfort again. A normal human is not supposed to be able to breathe underwater but he is breathing. His whole cell are converting the oxygen in the water and they are transporting it around his body making him feel comfortable underwater. Unknown to him, he is undergoing a complete evolution of life, starting from his cell. One that he has a very low probability of surviving because of the state of his body. 

"Death, we've fought for countless times and you were not able to take me away but I think you don't have the chance now" He thought a he resolutely gritted his teeth and tried to open his eyes but the headache worsened. His brain can't process any information now and any small information can cause it to implode. 

The serum that has been injected into his body for three months kicked in. Even though they are poisonous to his body but they are a great nutrient to his brain but the nutrient is too much. The genes that are in his body has been forcefully extracted along with his DNA.

Without DNA, no human can survive but the nutrients are forcefully breaking down his body to provide an exhaustible energy that his powering his body. Points are formed on his body, those are the points that contain his DNA but they are revolving. Even though the DNA allow the human to survive, they also serve as a limitation no human can break. A limitation that can't be seen now but somewhere far in the future. The points are constantly flickering because there is nothing that is used to power them. If this continue, he will definitely die. The serum made its way into his head and slowly sunk in. 

The brain is the most elusive theory of the body. The mystery behind it has never been unlocked till date, There are theories about the brain talking about how we only use ten percent of it but researchers has rendered the theory useless. It has been researched that we fully utilize our brain, the brain has one hundred billion neurons and the human use everything. They all has their specific function. Later, when technology advanced and with the aid of dead bodies, it has been discovered that there is a region in the body that can only be unlocked in special place, Because of that, when a human dies their body turns into energy. That is the reason the region for burial after millions of years can turn into a crude oil reserve. 

Researchers has looked for ways to unlock the region but it only leads to one thing, death. They named it the Alpha and Omega region. Alpha because it leads to evolution of the body and Omega because it leads to end of life. It is the rebirth from ashes that no human has ever been able to successfully undergo. 

For some reasons, the Night Fury has been researching in this area but they have not been able to make any breakthrough. They decided to go through another process and that is to power the DNA and unlock the full potential of the DNA at the cost of breaking down the body and extracting it before infusing it into a human body and allow it to meld completely with the body.

The serum entered Wallace head and the headache worsened. It got to a point where he felt his rain is full and it detached from the rest of his body allowing him to sink into a half dead state. His heart stopped beating and his bodily function stopped. 

"Boom" Minutes after an explosion happened in his head, blood flew like arrow from the pores on his face. His whole head rocked. The headache gradually stopped and he opened his eyes and met himself in a white space. 

"Hmm, is this the alpha and omega region of my body?" he asked himself. 

"Maybe I should call it the alpha region" He said. 

"Boom" Explosion like firecrackers sounded around his body. His body shook because it's like his whole body was exploding. He saw his body exploding into a matter of flesh and blood. Everything exploded leaving his brain and he felt as if nothingness surrounded him. His brain rotated as sky region around water darkened. Clouds formed and lightening roared. Red and white lightning descended but instead of striking him the surrounded his brain formed into the outline of a body. Not only that, the ground of the ocean split and from the deepest of the deepest part of the ocean, water that is blue came out. The purest form of water and the progenitor of water. They surrounded him and merged with the lightening. Energy seeped into his brain and the image of a human slowly formed in the alpha region. 

As the body was slowly formed in the alpha region, the energy also slowly formed into a skeleton. A long time passed and a pure white skeleton with outline of blue was formed. The next phase started, formation of organs. The first thing to form inside the body was heart. One pure red heart and one black abyssal heart that look like gems was formed in his body, then blue liquid enter his body and entered the two heart. Pure red gel like liquid left the heart and ran through his body. Most of the function of his body started. Two white kidneys were formed and following that is the liver that is formed. Thin red bundle was formed on the surface of the skeleton. They slowly condensed into muscle and veins.

White bundle from the lightning and blue bundle from the water slowly formed turning into a path of pale skin. It was soon formed and a bald beautiful guy was revealed. His face are sharp, the jaws and the chin look like they could cut through things. Lean but solid abs are on body and he is tall. Silvery white runes are like liquid flowing on the surface of his skin. Silvery white hair slowly grew out from his head.