"There's another awakener" A middle aged man stood up from his reclining chair as he squinted his eyes. The temperature in the room sharply rose but the lady in front of him did not even flinch.

"Judging from the energy fluctuation, he is an ultimate awakener" The lady said.

"How long will it take us to reach the area?" he asked.

"An hour" The lady answered.

"Then let's set out before he is captured by another person" The man's voice echoed but he had already left the room.


Inside Wallace alpha region, a major reaction is going on, Energy from different corners of the universe were coming together and started to swirl in his alpha region. The three main energies are the red and white lightening energy and the blue water energy. The started swirling in his alpha region and after sometimes, from the dark heart in his body, black energy arose and started to mix with the two energies. He slowly noticed the change in his alpha region as he looked at the three energies. Not long after, they slowly condensed into a figure.

The figure has white gem like skin with white hair and red scales surrounding it's body. On one of its two palm, a red and blue like gem was condensed and on the other hand a blue gem was condensed. A red armor that is intricately carved into minute triangular shaped scale was on his body. No one will even know that it is an armor because it is no different from a scale. It covered the whole body of the figure including its face while its eyeballs are deep like abyss the moment the figure was fully formed. It disappeared from the alpha region. He felt a disturbance in the outside world and opened his eyes. The world has drastically changed in his face. He could feel what's happening within ten meters of him and even form a model in his mind within a split second.

Behind him, a ten meters figure condensed from energy stood. It is the figure in his mind. The water around the area could not get close forming a vacuum around him. He clenched his fist and felt strength like no other in his body. He felt like he can rip a hole through the most advanced armor vehicle America has to offer. He look at his shadow and it elt like he has connection with it and not only it, every other shadow in the sea. The dark heart in his body is beating vigorously.

The figure behind him slowly turned smaller until it is around his size, then it merged with his body. He felt his strength increase a thousand fold. His hair turned white while his eyeball turned deep black like abyss. He could see the shadows of animals around him clearly. A red and white crystal appeared on his left hand while a blue crystal appeared on his right hand. His skin turned crystalline while it is emitting a frigid aura like netherworld ice and red triangular shaped scales appeared on the skin. He felt the close connection he has with water, lightening and shadows while mnemonic chants resounded through his mind. His eye ball turned deep black like an abyss that can suck soul in and in it one could see shadows moving around.

"Time to settle the scores" He said. The first thought that came to his mind is revenge while the first voice that came out from his mouth after the awakening is cold.


Meanwhile on the surface on the spaceship, the night fury organization already noticed what happened and sent five spaceship to scout the area. Inside the main ship where the experiment on Wallace was carried out, a youth in his twenties walked out from a pod. It is the youth that stole Wallace DNA. He clenched his fist and felt pure strength rippling through his body. His hair is white and his body is shining with a metallic luster.

"This is invincible strength. The guy potential is great. I'm in divine realm because of this and I've even developed an ultimate form that has merged with me and has pure metal element. With this I will definitely be able to reach unity realm in the future and dominate an era" the guy said as he laughed.

"Congratulations Master on your successful awakening" The people around said but they are far from him because of the aura radiating from him.


"Whoosh" Water rushed into the sky as a figure with white hair and crystallized body and white hair long enough to reach his back and also red scales rushed out on a pillar of water. He stepped on the water with his hand behind him as he looked at the five ships surrounding his coldly. The eyes of the people on the ship widened as they saw his face. Wallace already controlled the scales around his face to recede into his face so his face was bare for everyone to see.

"This is bad" The people in the ship sent signal to the main ship-.

"Test 3919 is still alive and from the look of things, he has already awakened" The voice was quickly transmitted into the main ship. The eyes of the guy that was still laughing in the main ship turned cold.

"How is it possible, his boy potential was sucked dry" The guy asked. The scientists whose face were already white nodded.

"Then his potential is great to be able to use what's remaining of it to awaken but he must be on his last leg now, I will go and deal with him" The guy said as he walked out from the ship. Metallic wings appeared on his back and he walked to the edge of the ship, his feet left the solid ground and he started to levitate through the air while the scientist looed at him with reverence. He stabilized himself after some minutes and slowly flew through the air.


Earlier, Wallace rushed out from the water and he stood in the sky with water beneath him and he looked coldly at the five spaceship that are scouting the area.

"Die" He said coldly as water rushed into the ship and surrounded the ship drowning everyone within. The people struggled but they could not break free. Minutes passed by like years but they are still inside, some of the weaker ones are already starting to lose hope.

"Stop" A voice resounded through the air as a figure zipped through the air towards Wallace. He looked coldly at the youth that is coming and

"Freeze" It felt as if his will is the water will. The water in the ship froze trapping those within, everyone died unable to withstand the coldness. The guy that talked quickly arrive in front of Wallace.

"Laurel Martino" He said. Laurel Martino is the sole heir of Martino family, a family that control almost thirty percent of the software world and is one of the sole decision maker for the Night Fury organization. Wallace was the leader of the night fury unit in the family. As an ambitious heir, Laurel has always wanted to control Wallace but he does not give him face, the only person he gives face is Laurel's father and this led to a lot of friction between them. He still remember the word the latter said to him that day after he was sentenced to death only to be transferred to the night fury again.

"You're just a slave that we can release anytime, the so called respect we are giving you is just to provide you with an illusion till you outlive your usefulness" The latter told him that with a cold face.

"Hmm" Laurel was surprised at the aura Wallace is emitting now but the surprise soon turned into a smirk.

"You should have been dead now, how did you awaken another set of genes when we've extracted the one's in your body" The latter asked.

"You are just a parasite leeching off me, my DNA is the one that provides you with the genes inside you" Wallace asked him.

"For a slave, you have a pretty good potential but its wasted in your hands, I wonder how much stronger I'll get when I fuse your newly awakened ability into me" The latter said.

"Come try" He answered.

"Whoosh, the latter appeared in front of him and threw a punch at his unprotected face, the punch that has already broken the sonic barrier appeared in front of him in an instant and connected with his face, the sound of something cutting through air followed after. The skin around his face cracked in many places as his head was thrown back and he lost control of the water around him, then he dipped into the ocean.

"A trash will always be a trash" Laurel said as he followed him with a series of punch on his body but the armor neutralized everything but he was thrown around like a ragdoll. The peopled in the ship sighed in admiration as they saw the fight. Meanwhile three there are five people on the beach that are watching the fight.