"Splash" After the fifteenth punch on the face Wallace was

thrown into the water. Cracks already covered the skin on his face as he dived

into the water. Water around him quickly entered his body and turned into pure

energy that entered the cells on his face and boost the abilities of his cells.

The cells quickly divided healing the wounds on his face and in no time, the

wounds on his face was healed.

"I need a flying ability" he thought. He is at a

disadvantage against Laurel who can fly in the air, he feel like he is stronger

than the latter but without the ability to fly, his advantages was nullified.

As if responding to his anguish, the dark heart in his body started to pump

vigorously and devour the energies of his bodies whilst turning them into dark

energies then pumped them out. They went towards his back and merged with the

cells of his back then it continued onto his hands and his legs. Dark wings

appeared on his back and his palm was covered with dark energy forming a

gauntlet on his fist. He quickly felt his connection with water and lightening

has been caught off. He felt the massive wings on his back and

"Whoosh" With a slight flutter, he soared into the air with

fast speed leaving dark energies in the air behind him. He arrived in the air.

"Hmm, you should have been disabled" Laurel frowned as he


"By a trash like you" Wallace asked.

"I will simply pummel you till you die" Laurel said. Scales covered the latter's face and the dark wing on his back fluttered.

"Whoosh" he appeared in front of Laurel, the latter was surprised at the speed and before he could do anything, a punch hit him in the

chest and he felt as if a massive hammer has struck him in the chest. The bones

around that area cracked as he spat out bright red blood.

"How?" His brain went into overdrive. The metallic body he

gained is a manifestation of his ultimate form and it has improved his defense

to an insane degree while also strengthening his organs but Wallace was able to

bypass that.

"What an insane strength!" He exclaimed as he dived

downward. The latter did not give him any chance to recover and arrive below

him again leaving dark current in the air.

"Bang" The punch collided with Laurel body again and another portion cracked while the latter was thrown into the air. He followed up with series of punch and by the time he was done, cracks already covered the

latter's body and he is almost unconscious and he dived into the water.

"Hmm" After sometime, Wallace frowned his face as he felt energy permeate from the metal used the make the ships into the water. He recalled the shadow covering his fist and he soon felt his connection with water and lightening again. He froze the water but It's too late, the energy from the metals around the area has already been absorbed and the aura inside the ice is getting stronger. The metal around the area has turned into scraps.

Wallace brought his two hands together as he recalled the chants in his mind.

"With my body as the vessel" He started.

"I connect with the judgment inside the deepest of the universe and the deepest of the abyss" His face turned pale but red and white lightning appeared in the sky in massive quantities.

Lightning descend" His voice echoed through the surroundings and lightening descended upon him, it covered his body making him

look like the god of lightening. The ice on the sea cracked as Laurel rose out from it, his aura is now stronger that before and spikes were already on his arms and feet. His eyeball already turned white but his eyes widened when he saw Wallace. From the lightening surrounding the latter, he formed a spear and

hurled it at the latter.

The spear zipped through the air, he could not even see its trajectory before it pierced into his body. His whole body shivered and the

area around that place begun to melt. It destroy the cells around that area halting the ability of the cells to regenerate. Before he could even react, lightning zipped ad he was pierced in different part of the body causing

massive damage to his body making him lose his ability to fight. For the first time, he felt the aura of death.

Wallace looked at him coldly and hurled a

spear towards his head, this strike will definitely kill him. However, the strike he was expecting to connect did not connect but a man wearing a black robe appeared in front of Laurel and a shield made from earth surrounded him. The shield was blown apart but the energy from the lightening was exhausted.

His face squinted in displeasure.

 "Who the hell are you" He asked. His body could not sustain

the energy required for the wings again so he summoned water and arrived on the

dry beach. Thy already arrived somewhere not far from the beach when they were

fighting and it's a sunny day so people are on the beach. Their fight already caused a lot of disturbance on the beach, the normal citizens seeing everythingwere surprised when they saw two superhuman fighting.

"Why not let's put the matter of the past behind us and come and continue working for us" The man said and two men appeared beside the disabled Laurel. He smirked when he heard that.

 "I sacrificed my childhood and youth to you. You turned me into a heartless instrument that can only be used by you only to be dumped when i've finished outliving my usefulness and you are now asking me to work for you. You think I don't know that you want to transfer my abilities to that

bastard" He asked.

"A wise man submit to circumstances" the man sighed as he answered.

 "It's different now, the two of you are ultimate awakeners

which is very rare so we will value you" The man said.

"Hell no" He answered.

"Then let's proceed with the second plan" The man answered.

"There's only a day before his body fully sublime with the abilities so let's be fast and deal with him" The man told the second person that has already arrived beside him.

 "I'll go, you cover me" The man answered as his whole body

turned massive and he rushed towards Wallace. The Earth around Wallace turned

into a quagmire that trapped him,

"You think the two of you are enough" he asked. The water behind him rushed and submerged the three of them. Ice spears pierced into the body of the two and the lightening around him got discharged into the water electrocuting the other two. They soon turned into a pair of dried fish.

 The dark heart in his body started to beat vigorously as he felt connection with the shadows surrounding the other two.

"Summon" a sinister voice echoed in his mind. His dark eyeball started to twirl and he saw the shadows of the two dead men calling for him.

 "Summon" He pointed his finger forward and said. Eerie shouts echoed as two shadows crawled out from the two dead bodies. The two shadows are simply like the two he killed except they are black. He felt connection with the two of them as he felt that one has divine strength and the other has the ability to control earth, the same ability they had when they are alive. The two bowed to him and entered his shadow. His triggered his shadow

and saw the two of them, the shadow is like another dimension but dark energies are swirling in it, they are being converted by the dark heart inside him.

He remember that he is still dealing with something and returned back but he found out that Laurel and the third man is not there. He saw five people donned in black robe waiting there for him, the man and Laurel is at the back of the group. They don't know that the activities there has already reached the other four major families and superpower of the world. A storm has been kicked up as

various airship headed for the beach.

"Where's Vice" He asked.

"The patriarch does not need to be here personally to deal with you" The latter answered and disappeared.



Vice Martino is the patriarch of the family, the grandmaster of the family and the only unity realm expert in the family. His eyeballs are

red and a pair of fangs are protruding from his family. The middle aged man is Laurel's father, Laurel father gave birth to three son and two of them has already awakened. One awakened super speed ability while one awakened immortality but none of them has potential that is as close as to the old man,

he is the only ultimate awakener of the Martins. His life is already declining,

that's the reason he started the Alpha awakening project, he want to create

another ultimate awakener in the family that's like him because the other four

families have heirs that are ultimate awakener.