"Bang" Wallace was hit in the chest and he flew back, he felt a dull pain even though the scales neutralized most of the force of the punch. He looked at his chest and saw that there are cracks on the scale. The man that spoke earlier rapidly approached him and appeared in front him when he has not stabilized himself.


"Bang" Another punch hit the same place causing the scale around that area to rapidly crack.


"Bang, Bang" Rapid punch hit him five times, the scales around the area was already mangled and his skins already crack open. Blood gushed out from the space as he dove into the ground and


"Bam" He landed on the floor unmoving. The bones around has been badly damaged and he is not close to any source of energy there so there's no way for him to heal. The man simply walked towards the unmoving Wallace.


Wallace finger twitched as he tried to move his body but his body is not answering to his call anymore, he is feeling intense pain in his chest.


"Am I going to die now that I've just awakened" He thought as he struggle to stand up with a defiant heart. As if responding to him, his two shadow summons walked out from his shadow.


"Hmm, what's that" The man walking towards him thought. His shadow rose from the ground and wrapped around him coupled with the two shadow summons. They merged into his body and his body turned into an embodiment of dark energy. He turned into a dark being or to be precise a shadow being with massive wings. Dark energy quickly stabilized his wounds and assisted in the division of his cells allowing his wounds to rapidly heal and he slowly stood up. The man walking towards him stopped as he looked at him and felt a dangerous aura coming from the dark being in front of him.


"Abomination" The man said as he stepped back. The other four were also surprised at the ability he displayed. "


Let's work together to deal with this taboo" He told the other four as black scales grew from his body. The other four also manifested their abilities, two has the ability to transform, one can control fire and the other can control earth.


"Die" Three rushed towards Wallace as the other two resorted to long range attack. Fire spells are hurled towards him and the earth around him turned into a quagmire before turning spiky. The Earth spikes pierced into his legs but they simply passed through because shadow spewed out from the place that was pierced and quickly merged back into it. In this form, he is impervious to any form of attack


His wings fluttered as he rushed towards the three coming towards him. The three quickly surrounded him but he arrived in front of one. Three fists tore through air from three different directions cracking the air around him into pieces and they hit him.


"Hmm" Their faces scrunched up as the impact they're expecting did not happen but the force got sucked inside and the surface of the place that has been hit rippled transferring the force to other part of the body. Ignoring the punches, Wallace dark fist hurled towards the man in front of him. The man cannot react in time so he gritted his teeth and hope the punch does not pack much force and


"Bang" A solid fist hit him in the face and he felt something pierce into his brain. He fell on the ground losing all semblance of life. The other two looked at Wallace fist and saw a spike receding into his fist. Their face paled when they saw that.


"Rise" A voice that is as cold as underworld ice came out from Wallace mouth towards the corpse. In front of the other two, an eerie cry was heard as two black hands climbed out from the body of the dead guys followed by a head soon followed by the full body and in front of them stood a shadow being in his full glory wearing the robe the man was wearing earlier. The remaining four of them shrieked.


"This humble subject pay respect the liege" An eerie voice came out from the mouth of the shadow.


"Kill" Wallace said and pointed towards the fire and earth wielder. The shadow stood up.


"Bam" The ground around it cracked as it launched itself towards the two. They directed attack towards it in a flurry but the attack that hit it only caused a ripple on the surface of its body. Without giving them the chance to react, Wallace arrive in front of his second target and threw a fist towards the latter. The latter also threw a punch to defend himself.


"Bang" The two punch collided causing the air around the area to explode.


"Argh" A pained cry was uttered from the mouth of the latter because he felt something sharp pierce into his fist.


"Puchi" A dark spike was pushed into his heart and he died.


"Protect the young master" The last one seeing the way the second fighter ended shouted towards the man carrying laurel as he slowly retreated.


"Arise" He saw as a hand followed by a full body crawl out from the shadow of the dead body. Wallace directed the latter at him but he has arrived beside the man carrying laurel, a light surrounded them and they disappeared.


"Hmm" he frowned in displeasure.


"Ahh" With a miserable cry the fire wielder also fell to the attack of the dark being.


"Arise" Two shadow being crawled up from the dead bodies and bowed to him. Staggering slightly, the shadow embodiment was cancelled. "Pain" was the only sensation he felt. Nerve wracking pain hit him in droves, he fell unconscious immediately. Water surrounded him as his body started to slowly heal and the four shadows surrounded him as if protecting their sovereign at all cost.


"Click, click" The humans around that place quickly took pictures. This scene is something that will be talked about in years to come. A whirring sound was heard as a light appeared and an airship appeared in view. The shadows looked towards the airship full of hostility. The aircraft stopped in the sky and


"Bang" dust rose in droves, the humans that wanted to surround him quickly created space. A lady with wings made of light emerged from the air ship and a middle aged man walked from the dust.


"Well it's something interesting that we have here, abominable being" The man said as he chuckled and watch the shadow soldiers that are growling at him.


"He even killed two divine and four meta-divine realm experts in his temporary unity stage" He said in admiration.


"Take him and I'll distract these gorgeous thing" The man said.


"Gorgeous indeed" The lady said as she looked at the elegant shadow soldiers. The man slowly walked towards the shadow summons.


"Calm, I don't mean any harm" He said but the four ignored him and rushed towards him. Fireball and earth spike rushed towards him,


"Whim" He disappeared and the next thing that happened was the four shadows dispersing and returning to Wallace shadow. The lady's eyes glinted as she slowly carried Wallace up and flew towards the spaceship.


Just when the man thought everything had ended, four light appeared as four spaceship came into view.


"It's going to be a bit troublesome now, the five major family are here" he said as he looked back and saw Vice that had appeared not long ago.


"You should know that what you just took is a property of the dark organization" The old man said.


"We agree" Four voices echoed simultaneously as two middle aged men and two middle aged women walked out from the spaceship. They are the leaders of the four families controlling the dark organization.


"Bastards, knowing when to unite and when to fight to amongst themselves" The man cursed underneath his breath.


"Wallace Ace, worked for the dark organizations all his life before being betrayed and turned into an experimental rat whose potential was absorbed and later killed. You say he is a property of the dark organization" The man mocked.


"What we do with our personnel does not concern you" Vice answered.


"Well I've called dibs on this one, stop me if you dare to, maybe the leader of the five families will die here today" The man said. Immediately, Vice turned into a young handsome man and the image of a bat stretching over a thousand feet appeared behind him. His hair turned blood red while his eyeball turned blood red and a pair of fangs grew out from his mouth. The other four also undergo their own transformations. One of the middle aged man turned into a being over three meters tall while white hair grew out from his body and a pair of fangs grew out from his mouth and a werewolf stretching over ninety meters tall appeared behind him.


The other man has the image of a bow stretching over hundred meters feet appeared behind him emitting a frigid coldness. One of the two women had a tree appear behind her and a white light surrounded her. The other woman had the image of a nine tailed fox appear behind her and claws grew from her fingers and a tail appear behind her. The atmosphere turned tense in an instant.