"You will be leaving Milky Way soon so it's better to lay low before you leave or you might not live to see the day you will leave," Vice said with a threatening voice.

"Oh man, why are you just yapping? I know I will be leaving soon but do you think you can do anything to me" The man said as he yawned.

"Even that lady up there and shadow, you four can't do anything to any one of them and they are weaker than me. You've all just been here for hundreds of years, that's the reason you all sit on your stagnated strength and do not go out to experience the world" The man said. The five surrounding him looked at him with a death glare.

"Looks like I will be able to have a good fight as my send-off ceremony and cripple your strength for something, mes," He said as a pagoda rose behind of him. The pagoda stretched as far as one thousand feet making all those demonstrations behind the five look like children before his. Surrounding the pagoda is a four-clawed azure dragon. Its two eyeballs were fiery red as it looked at the other four with hostility.

"Bloodline demonstration," The other four said surprised.

"I've never demonstrated my bloodline ability so you should all be happy to witness it,t," He said. The temperature around him rapidly rose.

"Strength," He said as a white light descended from the pagoda onto him and immediately rippling strength burst out from his body.

"Defense," He said as another white light descended from the pagoda and red scales surrounded his body. His hands formed a series of seals that descended upon the pagoda and it shrunk and entered his body.

"Let's fight," He said. The hundred-foot werewolf, bats, and nine-tailed foxes rushed toward him.

"Destroy them," he said. The massive dragon behind him roared towards the sky as it rushed towards the three. It grabbed the fox and slammed it on the ground.

"Bang" The fox dissipated while the lady controlling it spat out a mouthful of blood. The remaining two beasts engaged it, no they were being pummeled by it.

"Let's end this fight fast," Vice said as he disappeared and arrived behind him. The werewolf also arrived in front of him in an instant while thousands of freezing arrows rained down on him and branches of a tree rushed towards him in a quest to bind him. A mind attack also rose from the fox lady towards him.

"Inferno" Almost at the same time a coat of flame surrounded him. The ice arrow melted before they could even get close to the coat of flame. The tree branches ignited immediately. The intangible mind attack crept past the flames and entered his body but met a pagoda surrounding his consciousness. The pagoda shook and it dispersed immediately. A fist coated with white fours rushed toward him with another fist coated in red but

"Bam" The two attacks got caught by his fist. The forces around that fist got transferred to the ground and the ground sank. A radius of almost a hundred meters sunk in by more than five feet but he is still standing there. The eyes of the five leaders widened in horror when they saw what happened. Their strongest attack just got nullified like that.

"How is it even fucking possible?" They thought in disbelief.

"Have you broken through to the next realm?" Vice asked.

"No it's impossible, you are not even up to fifty yet" Vice quickly denied.

"You're all too weak seriously," he said as he shook his head.

"If not that I can't kill you, I would love to kill you here right now," He said. The dragon came back, it had destroyed the werewolf and eagle. The two connected with it spat out a mouthful of blood as they looked at the middle-aged man. It destroyed the tree and the ice bow before entering the body of the middle-aged man. The five lay on the floor while continuously spitting out mouthfuls of blood. The destruction of those demonstrations has impacted them severely. He left them as he walked away.


Extreme darkness. Wallace looked at the darkness surrounding him.

"You're ours" Voices came from around the void and they kept talking. He closed his eyes and held his ears.

"Ahh," He gasped Wallace opened his eyes. He looked at himself, the red scale had already receded into his body but the gems on both of his palms were still there just that most of the visible path has been covered. He looked around and saw that he was in a room and was currently on a bed.

"Where am I?" He asked himself with utmost vigilance.

"You're awake" A voice was heard as the door opened revealing a middle-aged man.

"Come out," The man said. He frowned as he followed the man outside the room. They went to the living room.

"Who are you" He asked.

"Name, Wallace Ace. Your early years are filled with brutality before you were later taken by night fury until you were caught last year and sentenced to death early this year. Your life....." The man sighed.

"I don't need the pity of anyone. I will appreciate it if you just tell me who the hell you are" he said angrily.

"I'm Vincenzo Martinez" The man answered.

"The leader of Life organization in this galaxy" He introduced himself.

"This is all a scheme of come and work for us again" He muttered.

"Do I have any other choice apart from joining you??" He asked.

"Nope," The man answered.

"Then kill me," He said.

"Hmm" Vincenzo squinted his eyes.

"This is going to be a lot more difficult," He thought.

"I can leave you to walk free but I promise you'll die in four hours after I leave you," Vincenzo said.

"Why" he asked.

"You've become an enemy of the other most powerful organization in the Milky Way galaxy. Night Fury" Vincenzo said.

"Hmm," Wallace squinted his eyes.

"Unlike us that operate in the dark, the night fury is also powerful and they have an establishment in every planet across the Milky Way galaxy. They are well known in all planets because the political structure of almost forty percent of the Milky Way galaxy is controlled by them while we only control five percent" Vincenzo said.

"Then how can you still protect me" he asked.

"Don't think about us only being able to control five percent makes us weak, we come from a top-grade galaxy in the universe and we are a little bit stronger than Night Fury. We just arrived ten years ago because the night fury is conducting some experiments to create a perfect graded entity from the origin energy of the universe and do you know what will happen if the origin energy of a planet is depleted?" Vincenzo asked.

"Within ten years, it will become an uninhabitable planet and within a hundred years the life forms in it will be erased giving rise to a universe parasite. They've been doing this and they've destroyed thousands of galaxies and it is harming the balance of the universe" The man answered.

"They also come from the universe like us but they got here before we did and conquered forty percent of the whole Milky Way galaxy, if they are allowed to continue, your home planet will be destroyed," The man said.

"This is just another quest of becoming the hero and saving lives," Wallace said.

"Why do you think I will give a damn about the home planet that did not even give a damn about me. The only feeling I've experienced ever since I've been given birth to is a negative, I even killed my cruel mother to survive. The organization I sacrificed my childhood for betrayed me and here I am. Do you think I will ever trust humans or want to save a life again? You're just joking. I don't give a damn about this planet, this galaxy, this universe, and even things that will come after so kill me" he answered. Silence ensued.

"Ok I'm not persuading you to join us," Vincenzo said. "You can't stay in this galaxy again because you will be captured if I take you outside this galaxy. You're still too weak, you will be crushed by space and even if you get somewhere in the galaxy, there are more dangerous things there. You will die, you should know that the basis of surviving in the galaxy is strength which you don't have. You have potential not strength which is a disaster for you" Vincenzo said.

"And not to talk of external threats, let's talk about the internal threats. Your life-core is severely cracked, I can tell you only have a year to live" Vincenzo said.

"Hmm," he nodded his head.

"There are two ways of surviving, the first is continuing and within six months the dark heart in you will take over you, then you will become stronger, but you will lose yourself. The dark heart will take over every ounce of your being"

"You will become a mindless killing machine that will do everything to raise the strength of your shadows and you. You will become a worldwide enemy. Even now, there are quests over your head because a carrier of a dark heart is known as the enemy of most organizations out there. You will want to be killed by those so-called righteous organizations and your dark heart will be wanted by the dark organizations" Vincenzo told him his situation.

"Right now, you are the enemy of the whole world, internal and external threats hanging over your head