"The second option is to join us," Vincenzo said.

"As one of the strongest organizations in the world, we can take beings with dark hearts and any being with dark hearts that we have will have the organization badge which means that we will be responsible for their actions and also their lives. You will be protected by us and the protection law the Emporium Empire has given will also apply to you" Vincenzo said.

"So there's no choice other than becoming your puppet" He asked.

"You're not becoming my puppet. You will be registered in the organization directly under me which means you will have the protection of my master and no one will dare to do anything to you. You will use the organization to get resources for your strength. You will complete quests for us and receive credits in return and you will be able to exchange for resources except the core ones till you get stronger enough that you can decide to leave. We are not asking you to save the world or anyone, it all comes down to doing things for your benefit, you will save people and get paid for it" The man said. He sighed.

"Do I even have any choice? Since the conditions you gave are like that then I'll join you temporarily" He said.

"Good," Vincenzo said as he smiled at him.

"The relationship between us is only symbiotic. I do things of my own volition for your organization and I will get rewarded and I can exchange it for resources" he said.

"Yes but on one condition," Vincenzo said.

"What condition is that?"He asked as he squinted his eyes dangerously.

"You will promise never to harm any innocent being in your quest to get stronger and if I find out you are turning the other way, I will spare no effort to destroy you" Vincenzo threatened.

"I've heard you" He answered.

"So can you tell me about this ability that I have" He asked but his stomach grumbled. It's like the grumbling of his stomach led to a strange reaction within his body allowing waves of hunger to hit him and also a wave of weakness to hit him.

"You've overused your energy in yesterday's fight already and your cells don't have enough energy to continue with their activities," Vincenzo told him.

"So I've been asleep for a day," he said.

"Yes," Vincenzo said and directed him to the dining where delicacies were waiting for him.


"On this planet, our strength comes from four dimensions, our geno-spirit, our bloodline, our combat body, and the combat techniques. The geno-spirit is what you've experienced earlier, it is what first comes out from the body when it has just awakened and it has a manifestation but it has perfectly merged with your body right now" Vincenzo explained to him. After they finished eating, they went back to the living room.

"There are four known ranks of geno-spirits, the low grade one that only grants their user attributes like strength, speed, regenerative abilities, and that stuff. There are mid-grade geno-spirits that grant their users the control of different beasts and elements, and there are high-grade geno-spirits that grant their users two attributed abilities, for example, the bat that Vice used earlier, granting him bat ability and also the ability to control blood and the ice bow is a weapon elemental geno-spirit. They all fall into these categories" Vincenzo explained.

"The highest one is ultimate geno-spirits, unlike the other three whose range is still known. These grades of geno-spirits have varying ranges of strength. For example, your geno-spirit if fully developed will be far stronger than mine and we both have ultimate geno-spirits" Vincenzo told him.

"Only people with ultimate geno-spirit can break past the sage realm into the unity realm" He explained.

"There are five realms that you must know. They are the evolver realm, the divine realm, the meta-divine realm, the sage realm, and the unity realm which is the highest realm the milky-way galaxy can accommodate".

"The evolver realm is simply absorbing astral energy and opening the energy nodes in you. People in this stage take a long time because they have to absorb essence from evolved beasts to be able to increase the strength of their body which in turn increases how much astral energy their body can accommodate. You will understand later.

The divine realm is where you start to open your blood meridians where you will be able to make use of your bloodline abilities.

The meta-divine realm is the phase where you start developing your combat body from your geno-spirit.

The sage realm is where the astral energy in you will be condensed into an astral core and will be transformed by your geno-spirit and the unity realm is the transition between the sage realm and the law realm but it's still advanced for you. You will know how these cultivation realms later" Vincenzo said.

"Hmm," He nodded his head.

"The combat body is developed from the geno-spirit and is a battle accessory but it's more than that while the bloodline is simply a medium that allows us to access and use our blood energy. The blood energy is the energy that connects us to the dimension of the malevolent age. In one world, it allows us to harness the power of divine creatures inside us" Vincenzo told him.

"You will know more about it when you reach the realm," he told him as he continued to explain more things to him till evening before he handed him a box. The box melded into his skin and he also gave him a badge

"The badge is proof of your identity and the cube is where you can get cultivation and techniques of the life organization. It's a key to the core techniques" He said as he handed it over to Wallace.

"Why are you doing this" Wallace asked him.

"Just felt like" He answered.

"Ok, thanks" he answered.

"You can go to the room down there, well prepare for your movement tomorrow," Vincenzo said.

"There are ten thousand credits on your badge that you will pay me later," The latter told him as he watched him walk to the room.

The earlier lady appeared behind him.

"Can't believe you gave him the highest ranking badge and you even gave him the core technique of this organization even though he does not feel a sense of belonging here. Aren't you afraid that he will go rogue in the future" The lady asked him.

"He has gone through a lot already, I just want to raise him. If he dies it will be a massive loss to the organization behind and if he escapes he will turn to the other side and that will be a massive disaster to the universe. The universe needs every strength it can muster" Vincenzo answered.

"Meanwhile I can feel a peculiar energy in him but it has been covered with the sinister energy around his life core but I still can't take my mind off it," He said.

"But he is still not to be trusted, he does not even give any damn about lives. What will happen if he gets paired with people in the future" The lady asked.

"Who says all heroes start with having the drive to save the world, he does not need to have the drive" The man answered.

"What if one day this universe does not benefit him again" She asked.

"We'll cross the bridge when we get there" He answered.


That night, the top families of the dark organization could not sleep. Five families are controlling the dark organizations, the Ouyang family that hail from the Chinese, the Park family that are Koreans, the King family that are from the United States, the Martinez family from France, and the Marcus family from London. The lady with the fox ability is Mary Marcus, the matriarch of the Marcus family. The werewolf is Williams King, the patriarch of the king family. The one with the ice bow is Ouyang Kuansheng, the patriarch of the Ouyang family, the lady with the tree is Park Sung from the Park family and lastly Vice Martinez.

"Why didn't you tell us about that experiment?" The lady asked.

"The Genius meet is in one year, I'm simply doing something that will generate an heir for my family so why should I tell you" Vice answered.

"But your selfishness has made us lose a talent with top-grade ability," The lady said angrily.

"We will be disadvantaged ithe n the Milky Way now. Vincenzo, Maria, and Shadow are three powerhouses that we can't handle, now there is the addition of this Wallace to their younger generation" Mary said.

"You should not worry, the experiment is successful and I've generated an heir that is as powerful as that one for our family" He answered. Others perked their ears up when they heard that.

"What are his abilities?" Mary asked.

"That will be a secret until the pass" Vice answered.

"So you don't want to tell us anything now that one talent has been taken away," Mary said incense.

"Who the hell are you to think of getting information out of me?" Vice blurted out angrily.

"Meanwhile it should be my family loss and should have nothing to do with you. If not for my family, would you know that something like that exists? We should all be talking about how to destroy the life organization here now not you criticizing me" He said angrily.

"You...…." Mary pointed at him and wanted to talk but

"It's ok" Ouyang pacified them.

"What Vice said is right, let's talk about how to deal with this. Life organization already has one Vincenzo and two shadows, we can't permit a fourth one and luckily the bastard will leave in some days so their strength will be weakened" He continued. The leaders finally dropped their grudges aside and started to talk.