"Purchase Supreme saint butterfly conversion art," Wallace thought. He had already spent almost half an hour going through all the techniques in the cube and he could tell they were core abilities of the organization because they were very powerful skills. According to Vincenzo, there are four skills he must buy. They are the ultimate immortality art, Nine Dragon prajna art, Supreme Saint butterfly conversion art, and nine ripples. The ultimate immortality art allows him to form a perfect body by absorbing the essence of the beast. The nine dragons stimulate the potential in his skeleton and allow his skeleton to be able to boost his attack power.

The supreme saint butterfly conversion art is the cultivation technique recommended to him by Vincenzo after checking the attributes of his life core. He still remembered what he saw. A cracked life core surrounded by scalding dark energies and also occasionally golden light spilling from it. He was told that only three people can cultivate the art in the whole of life organization, it makes the astral energy more condensed, and astral energy that has been condensed has to go through the life core before stabilizing to allow itself to attune itself to the body of the user and also filter out the unnecessary part of the astral energy, it's because of this that the effectiveness of astral energy differs because the purity differs in the body.

Pure astral energy is absorbed from the atmosphere and it passes through the life-core which only takes the part useful to it and discharges the remaining before being later condensed. This continues until an astral core is formed. The cultivation technique is only useful to those with special life cores which is the rare of the rarest. He proceeded to tell Wallace that ever since the Life organization has been founded, there have only been three people who have mutated Life's core. Why? Life comes from the same source in the universe so the life core is supposed to be the same. Those with different life cores are called anomaly and Wallace is one of them.

Wallace spent 9100 credits on the supreme saint butterfly conversion art and the information of the cultivation technique appeared in his mind. The cultivation technique is a cultivation technique that allows him to transport the astral energy in his body to the life core through a set of channels while it also at the same time allows him to find the energy node in his body. The human body always absorbs astral energy but the inability to link it with the inexhaustible life core allows them to be discharged out from the pores of the individual.

He closed his eyes as he started to sense the energy in the air, within a matter of seconds, he was able to sense the energy and how it was being absorbed into the pores of his body. He directed the energy scattered in his body into his head where the life-core is. A black mark shone on his head. Within a minute, a scalding black energy was ejected from his life-core and it went towards his brain. In his brain stem he saw a shining dot.

"The first astral node," He thought. The energy continued to move around his body where he found two nodes in his spine, two in his lungs, one in his stomach, two in his heart, and two in his kidney.

After another minute, another astral energy was formed and he was told that to break through to low-stage evolver rank, he would have to condense ninety-nine drops of astral energy. He directed the energy to his first node but his life core suddenly started to crack and the dark scalding energy on it started to move around his body. Wherever it passed through was eradicated. Within a minute, his body had disintegrated leaving the life core carrying his alpha region which in turn carried his consciousness. Two crystals also floated in the air along with a dark heart. He looked at everything,

"What happened" He thought as he saw the dark energy in the core rush upward. At this point outside, the sky already turned pitch black to the extent that even the little bit of light generated by the moon and the stars had been snuffed out. Eerie winds blew around the house.

"Wallace" Vincenzo who was in the living room talking with the lady shouted as he rushed into the room but all he saw was a dark, cracked core whose dark energy was moving upward. His eyes followed the source of energy and saw a portal slowly opening through the damage caused by the dark energy. The portal fully opened and stabilized.

"Hum ba tila balaze " A bizarre voice spoke in a language they could not understand as a leg filled with dark scales but looked like it was cracked in many places with a red volcano coming out of it but they were stuck to the cracks.

"He is not dead yet," Vincenzo said. The second leg followed and a full body soon walked out followed by the second body and the third body. Vincenzo could not help but shudder when he saw these creatures. They stand over a thousand feet with massive bodies and dark scales that look like it is cracked in many places to reveal dark red magma. Their eyes are pitch black with no eyeball while massive wings protruded out from their backs and two horns that are curved and sharp at the tip were on their heads. Their tails are long and it looked like a sharp sword.

"Primal malevolence" Is what he could feel from them. He feels a malevolent aura, rules from the deepest part of the universe descends upon Earth in an attempt to strangle Earth and snuff out the planet along with the three beings. One of them looked up and slammed a palm up, earth that was on the verge of being snuffed out stopped while a dark energy surrounded it. The dark energy is like the one oozing from the life core of Wallace, it serves as a protection to the planet but it's slowly destroying the planet also.

One of them pointed at the dark life core of Wallace but it did not budge.

"Hmm," They turned surprised as they looked at it. The creature started to form hand seals and from the portal that was still opened a crystal slowly emerged and moved towards the core of Wallace. He continued to form hand seals, Wallace could see the crystal get closer to him, he felt the alpha region in which his consciousness was slowly being dragged.

"No," He thought as he could feel a destructive energy in the crystal but nothing happened as he was slowly dragged inside and the energy baptized his consciousness. He felt his consciousness changing in the crystal as the consciousness grew condensed, he felt a malevolent aura slowly seeping into him, his mind was being taken over by chaotic energy and if this continued, he would lose himself.

"Weng" A sound was heard as a golden energy erupted from the core of his life crystal. The life crystal cracked and shattered while the golden energy forcefully merged with his soul. The dark energy is destroying his will while the golden energy is slowly caressing his will and strengthening it.

"Hmm" The faces of the three beings darkened when they saw the strange energy. The three started to form hand seals again towards the golden light. Dark characters flew out from their body towards the mini crystallized Wallace that was forming.

Just when the dark characters are about to reach him, they meet with a barrier around him. Their face turned intense as dark crystals emerged from them and turned into characters.

"Just what I needed" A voice was heard as the characters stopped and coagulated into crystals while a lady figure appeared. The lady has purple hair purple eyeballs and a pair of fangs protruding from her mouth. She looks like she is in her twentieth year and is extraordinarily beautiful. Vincenzo and the lady who dared not to move under the pressure of the otherworldly being had their eyes widened when they saw the lady that appeared.

"Is that...….." Their faces widened when they saw the lady.

The three otherworldly beings' faces changed when they saw the lady appear. Their expression turned serious for the first time.

"Why is someone with a strength of your magnitude protecting the boy? Candidate of time and supreme Void-walker" One of them asked with an eerie voice that would make a normal person shiver from the depths of their soul.

"The boy is mine now," The lady said as he looked at them.

"From the moment under that river, he is not a being of this world again. His soul is supposed to have crossed over to the nether void if not because of the little bit of supreme primal energy of creation protecting him" The creature said.

"He is now my disciple so get the fuck out of this place," She said.

"No, we are taking him," The three creatures said as they started to form hand seals.

"Just get out," She said as she waved her hand and the three were swept back into the portal. A blurry river descended from her and surrounded the portal.

"We will be back for him," The voice said as the portal was slowly closed.

"Annoying bugs" She muttered under her breath.