The story follows John, a Sigma One with powerful abilities, who has been keeping his family safe in a world transformed by superhuman powers. When a catastrophic tsunami threatens his city, a mysterious group demands subservience from the city's inhabitants. John must find allies in order to protect his family and city, even if it means killing anyone who stands in his way.
PS; if you wanna check out the character designs I produced with the help of Meta AI (I still had to finish it into what you'll see when you check out my page), you can see them on my Instagram page:
Please give me a like and a follow! thanks!
the author's writing style gets better with every chapter. keep it up...
I really enjoy your work! I'd love to stay connected and keep up with your latest creations. Do you have any social media or email? It would be great to be in touch~
this is one of those books were fight scenes are the number main line and yet it's still better than most marvel movies a true sigma 🍷🗿