I'm a healer.

Sounds boring, doesn't it? But in the world I live in, that's not the weirdest ability. There are people who fly at supersonic speed, people who can outrun bullets, people who can lift buildings, turn invisible, manipulate the weather, shapeshift and other stuff. It's the way the world has been since "The Transformation" a little over two years ago.

Healing isn't my only ability, although I prefer to think of it as my special ability. My skin is impervious to regular bullets, but heavy duty weapons do a number on me. However, there's no damage my body can't heal. I also have increased reflexes and speed. I can lift stuff as heavy as a monster truck, run as fast as 80mph and jump up to three storeys high when I push myself. It's not that big of a deal. But the advantage I have is, THREES aren't as strong or fast usually, unless super strength or super durability or super speed is their special ability.

There are days I'd like to think of myself as Wonder Woman. I've always admired her, even if she's just a comic book character. She's so cool!

I've had my abilities for about two years. It all started when I suddenly lost all urge to eat, rest, or even use the toilet. I could sleep, but I didn't actually need it. When it started to become clear, my mom, my little sister and my nine year old son were all freaked out and frankly, so was I. Until my sister started going through the same thing. The only part of our normal human anatomy left was our monthly cycle - at least it was a sign we could still have babies even in this new state.

Soon enough, we saw and heard about it all over social media. The first wave of what they called 'The Transformation' had occurred worldwide.

"It was nothing to worry about", they had said. "It was just a medically anatomical phenomenon". Right.

I'm guessing the worries started coming when the abilities came and people started doing super stuff.

My Sigma Two ability itself surfaced when my little sister, Nene, fell off the first storey of her building apartment one night. How? She had leaned on one of the walls of her bedroom after we'd just resolved an argument... and she fell THROUGH. That's her ability. Passing through objects (when she concentrates)...and Pyromancy - the ability to generate and manipulate fire. It kind of fits though. She's a collosal hothead. Always ready for a fight...and slipping away after the damage is done, like it's a movie or telenovela script she's following or something. She's invulnerable to fire but she's not impervious to other forms of damage unless she remains in her phase form and that takes a level of concentration. Let me explain; If she sees a bullet coming, she can phase through it. But if she doesn't see it coming, that's not good for her even though we're always together and I'll just heal her. So, according to research, that puts her just below Sigma One and Two. She's a Three and she found out the painful way.

No one else was home when the incident occurred. I rushed downstairs to check on her. Her right leg so badly broken and bloodied, I could see a shard of bone sticking out of her shin. I wanted to scream but it stuck in my throat. I held her leg in panic, crying and next thing I know, my hands started to glow with green energy and her leg started coming back together and in less than a minute she was fine. No pain, no scar, nothing. Thankfully, it was at night. So we could clean up the whole thing and no one would be the wiser by daybreak.

I also found out I have the ability to flush (literally) toxins out of a human being. It all comes out as black goo though...from their skin pores. Eww. Still...not as freaky as some of the stuff other Sigmas can the ability to stretch ANY part of your anatomy at will into ANY shape...that's freaky.

But there's one thing I found out and that is; no matter how well I heal a person's body, I can never heal their minds. Or souls. And believe me, I've tried. I've flushed the toxins out of an addict's body but he still went back to the needles. I've healed all the scars on a sexually molested traumatized girl and she still gets startled by the slightest sound. There are just some wounds external hands can't heal. Those wounds require a personal journey to healing and recovery...even for Sigmas like me and my sister.

I can heal their bodies...but I can't heal their minds. That's my limit. Also, unlike my sister, I have no long range attack abilities. In a fight, I use weapons or depend on my fist in close range. From what I and my sister have gathered, all Sigmas have limits. Except for the ONES. No one knows the limits of a Sigma One. They're rare and hard to come by, from what we've heard and they're too strong to figure out any weaknesses.

Personally, I see myself as a superheroine. Like I said, WONDER WOMAN. Dressed in my all green super suit, I've stopped muggings, armed robberies and saved people more times than I can count. The people on social media refer to me as 'Jade'. My sister has helped when she can, wearing her red super suit. The media hasn't got a permanent nickname for her yet - more like she doesn't like the ones she's seen them give her. I watch her back and she watches mine. They call us THE SISTERS. We've even faced off against other Sigmas who decided to become villains or thugs and try to take over our area where we live. Their abilities made them strong and quick like me. But it only gave them reflexes, not special abilities. Basically, almost as strong, agile and durable as Threes, but without special abilities. These were Sigma Fours. So they still relied on guns for long range attacks. Thankfully, these guns weren't the type that could penetrate my skin. My sister, however, had to change to her phase form when they shot at us. When the bullets stopped, she hurled fireballs at our assailants - her long range attack ability. One bullet managed to nick her but I healed it quickly. Nene can't manipulate fire and phase through objects at the same time. That's her limit. That's why we decided she would need a bullet proof suit to stop the bullets when her phasing couldn't do the job.

The battle lasted for an hour or so but we won. We didn't kill them though. We are heroes. We incapacitate, but we do not kill. We subdued them best we could and let the authorities take them away. We had also threatened that we'd kill them if we ever encountered them again. I'm not sure we would actually have done it, but they believed us and we never saw them again.

The fight had damaged a lot of buildings, but they're being repaired with the help of my sister's fiance, Kaycee. He's a runner...or a speedster. That's his special ability. So of course, he's a lot faster than me. He's like my sister - they can only dodge or avoid what they can see. So he's probably a Sigma Three. He isn't always around because of his work with The Global League of Sigmas - a not-so-covert organization of super people who help fight crime and keep the peace - but he does help when he is. His limit is, he can't run that fast if he's low on sugar. So he's eats a lot of sweet and sugary stuff to make sure his sugar levels are always up. Talk about living the sweet life. And he can never have diabetes. He does regular checkups for that. The speed must wear off the excess sugar. No one knows who we really are except for my mom and son.

But now, everything we know and love is being threatened by the rise of the Sigma Ones who are threatening to destroy Lagos. They call themselves 'THE INEVITABLES'. They've issued an ultimatum to the city through a televised broadcast. The video was pretty messed up and unclear like it was experiencing terrible signal. The audio, however, was very clear.

From the TV, a distorted voice said, "Everyone must leave or everyone will die. You have three days. If you don't leave, we'll drown you all and let the sea take away your bodies. Lagos is ours now. It is ground Zero for the change this world has long needed. Any Sigma who wishes to join us may do so only after proving their fealty to us." I don't know if it was supposed to be scary or annoying, the way the message got stuck in a loop. No other channel was functioning. They were all on the fritz and sounded out the same warning.

These Sigmas Ones are trying to take Lagos for themselves. They're also trying to amass an army of lesser Sigmas loyal to them. And if the Tsunami threat is real, then it's proof they're serious.

No one knows who or how many they are. But it's clear they're ONES. Manipulating such a large body of water takes power that nothing less than a Sigma One can possess.

I'm a Sigma Two. My sister is a Three and so is her fiance. We may be heroes but we can't stop them. They're too powerful. We're the only heroes in Lagos we know of for now. There's no other hero around; the Global League of Sigmas already has their hands full with all that's been happening around the world.

We need help. Even though there's been no report of a hero among the ONES, We need a Sigma One on our side... and quickly.