Chapter 4

Before I could respond, he smoothly transitioned to a different topic. "Can I have your number? I'd like to take you out to dinner tonight at 7 pm to make it up to you. I'll text you the address.

"I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. 

Okay, try starting your engine now," he instructed, gesturing toward the ignition.

I held my breath, I turned the key, praying for the engine to come back to life. 

And to my relief, it roared to life with a satisfying hum. "It worked!" I exclaimed, feeling a rush of excitement.

He grinned, looking genuinely pleased. "Glad I could help.

He brought out his phone from his car and handed it to me, "Can I have your number, Sam"?

I collected his phone from him and dialled my number, feeling strangely compelled to comply with his request. 

He got into his car and waited for me to drive off. He acts strangely just like his strange name "CAVEMAN"...


After the fight, I needed something to take the edge off, something to calm my nerves and clear my head. And what better way to do that than with a good fuck in my car?

So, I decided to relieve myself in the embrace of a woman. 

In the dimly lit parking lot, I found her waiting for me beside the car. Didn't care about her name, she was eager, as always, to please me. 

Wordless, I got inside and she joined me in the backseat, hungry for the pleasure that would temporarily drown out the thoughts of the girl I'd met earlier, Samantha.

She was unlike anyone I'd ever met before, beautiful, fascinating and unattainable. As we lost ourselves in the heat of the moment, I couldn't shake the image of Samantha's face from my mind. 

Hours later, I woke up in my hotel room. The woman who had shared my bed had already disappeared, leaving me to struggle with my thoughts in loneliness.

I showered, letting the hot water wash away the remains of the night before, but the memory of Samantha lingered.

I quickly dressed up in my training fits and stepped out into the bustling city streets. 

I got the news that Dad was getting married, he informed me but I was unable to attend the wedding.

Although I got to meet Mrs Madison afterwards, she's a good woman and they both look good together.

I have mixed feelings about everything. I'm super excited because I get to be free from my dad's constant complaints, nagging and always wanting to know where I am.

I'm sad because Mrs Madison is not my mother. I wished she hadn't abandoned Dad and me. I haven't set my eyes on her since she left. We would still have been a complete family.

I have been struggling to please Dad ever since and make him see me as worthy to be called his son.

All he cares about is his aspirations for me, I had desires and dreams of my own, but unfortunately, it didn't align with his expectations.

He's the only family I have since my mom left us. I can't afford to lose him or break his heart by telling him about my dreams because he would just die. 

I wanted to pursue kickboxing full-time.

But I can't afford to tell him I'm into kickboxing, he would just die, I can't afford to lose him or break his heart, he's the only family I have since my mom left us.

Besides, my father's wishes weren't going to dictate my life forever.

As I drove down the road, standing by the side of the road, I saw a lady, whose car stalled out in front of her, maybe I could just get her booked for tomorrow since I have got some booked for tonight.

"Hello, are you okay?" I called out, my voice cutting through the silence. She turned around, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

It was her, Samantha.

"Do you need help?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest. She hesitated for a moment before responding.

"No, I'm fine just waiting for someone," she lied, I could see the frustration etched on her face, the uncertainty in her eyes.

"you sure about that? This is a lonely route, how can anyone ask you to wait here?" I pressed, unwilling to let her brush me off so easily. She gave in, admitting that her car had stopped. 

I wasted no time in offering my help, eager to make myself useful. As I worked on her car, I couldn't help but steal glances at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked, her tone tinged with irritation.

I laughed quietly, unable to resist the urge to flirt."I'm sorry, but I can't help but notice how beautiful and charming you are, Sam," I confessed, my words hanging in the air between us.

Before I could stop myself, I found myself asking for her number, hoping she would say yes, a sudden burst of boldness moving me forward.

To my relief, she nodded in agreement, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. I handed her my phone, feeling a surge of excitement as she entered her number.

As she drove off, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building inside me. And I wasn't about to let this chance slip away. She's gonna warm my bed soonest.

Samantha POV....

I stepped out of her car with my mind still reeling from my encounter with the Caveman. 

Should I accept his dinner proposal? The thought lingered in my mind, clouding my thoughts as I made my way to the front door of my stepfather's house.

The last thing I wanted to think about was falling in love, yet the Caveman had managed to stir something inside of me that I couldn't quite understand.

As I made my way upstairs, I heard my stepfather expressing his deep affection for my mother as I was entering. Together, they looked lovable and content. 

I couldn't help but feel a sting of envy, wishing I could experience that kind of love for myself.

Got into my room, and I threw myself onto my bed, my thoughts consumed by the Caveman. I didn't want to get heartbroken again and didn't want to let anyone else in. 

"All guys are jerks," I muttered, trying to convince myself to stay guarded.

Just then, my phone rang, jolting me out of my thoughts. I reached out my hand until I found my phone, which was charging on the bed.

Without looking at the caller ID, I answered."Hello?" said tentatively."My good luck charm," came the familiar voice on

the other end of the line. 

My heart skipped a beat, her pulse quickening at the sound of his voice...