Chapter 5

Uh, h-hi," she stammered, her mind racing. "It's the Caveman, yeah, I know".

"I just wanted to ask if you got home okay and your car hope it didn't stop again?," he said, his voice soft and reassuring.

"Yeah, I'm home, thank you," I answered, my heart still racing."Alright, so the…" he started to say, but I hung up on him before he could finish.

"That's so rude of you, Sam," I scolded myself. "I know where this is headed, and I need time to think.

"Pacing around my room, I tried to ease the stress I was feeling. My phone rang again, and this time I took a deep breath before answering.

"I'm sorry about that, bad network I think," he said, trying to sound composed."Yeah, it's fine," I replied. "I'll come pick you up at 7 pm. Just text me your address."

"No, I'll meet you there," I said quickly, cutting him off. "Just text me the address.""You sure about that?" he asked, sounding slightly surprised.

"Yeah," I said confidently. "See you at 7 pm. Bye."As I hung up, I couldn't help but feel tense and a rush of excitement.

 "OMG, I have a date," I exclaimed, my mind racing with thoughts of how to act. Without hesitation, called Chloe, her best friend. 

After a few rings, Chloe finally picked up on the third ring, typical of Chloe who never picks up on the first and second ring.

"Chloe I'm in a tight corner, I really do need your help, I have a date and I don't know what to wear, how to look or urghhhh", i said in a rush of words.

"Calm down, girl," Chloe said, trying to reassure her. "Just breathe." 

"How do I even go about it?" I exclaimed, my mind racing with questions. "I didn't even know what made me accept.

"Do I put on makeup or not? Urghhhh."Chloe's laughter echoed through the phone, as my frustration only grew. 

"This is not funny, Chloe," I insisted, trying to keep my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

"I'm sorry, Sam, but you just have to calm down. It's just a date," Chloe reassured me, her voice soothing. "And by the way, who is he? Where did you meet him? Have you been seeing guys behind my back?"

I felt a pang of guilt at Chloe's question. "No, Chloe, stop it," I protested. "Well, it's a long story."

"I want to hear all of it," Chloe declared. "I'm stopping by the house after the close of work to help you go through with your date. So just get a red wine and get into a Jacuzzi, relax, and wait. 

Chloe to the rescue will arrive soon."With a sigh of relief, I replied, "I'll be waiting. Don't be late." I hung up the phone and collapsed back on the bed, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me.

Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard a knock on her door. "Please come in," I called out, sitting up slightly.

The door creaked open, and Sarah, the housekeeper, stepped inside. "Lunch is ready, ma'am," she announced, concern evident in her voice as she glanced at me.

"I'm fine, Sarah. I'm not hungry," I assured her, offering a weak smile. 

"Are you sure you're okay, child?" Sarah asked, her expression softening."Oh yes, Sarah, just need to take a nap," I replied, hoping to put her mind at ease. 

"Okay, child. Bless you," Sarah said before leaving the room, closing the door softly behind. 

Alone once again, I lay back on my bed, my thoughts spinning with anxiety about the evening ahead. I couldn't shake off the image of the Caveman from my mind, his presence lingering like a shadow over my thoughts.

As I zoomed off to Dreamland, hours later the sound of Chloe's voice woke me from my slumber. "Wake up, girl! We've got a date to plan," Chloe exclaimed, her excitement contagious.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I sat up and watched as Chloe explored through my wardrobe, pulling out clothes and tossing them onto the bed.

"I want the full details of this guy," Chloe insisted, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal. 

"Uh, well, it's not really a long story," she began. "I only met him on my way back home this morning."

Chloe's eyebrows raised up in surprise. "So you're saying you just met him a few hours ago, and he already asked you out on a date?" she repeated, sounding skeptical.

"Yeah, sort of," Samantha confirmed, feeling a bit sheepish."Well, is he cute? Does he have charming eyes? What about his lips, are they chewable?" Chloe fired off questions, her excitement visible..

With Rolled eyes, I shook my head. "Chloe!" I scolded, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. "You're such a pervert. I don't know what you're talking about. Just get me prepared, please."

Chloe grinned mischievously. "Really, Sam? Tell me you don't want him already. I can see it in your eyes." We both burst into uncontrollable laughter.

Chloe helped herself to a bottle of red wine which came out of nowhere, and popped it open.I couldn't help but feel grateful for Chloe's support. 

"Cheers to your first date ever in California, and more dates to come since you finally gave love a chance," Chloe toasted, raising her glass.

I clinked my glass against Chloe's, the warmth of friendship filling my heart. "Cheers," I echoed, feeling a sense of excitement building inside me. 

Maybe, just maybe, this date would be different…..


Hello, sir, there's an update," the voice said.

"Go on," came the reply, brisk and businesslike.

"She's going on a date. I really don't know who the guy is, but I feel we should act now, sir," the voice continued, urgency evident in the tone.

There was a moment of silence on the line as they listened to orders given. "Are you sure about that, sir?" the voice asked tentatively.

"Yes, I am," the reply came, firm and resolute. "Understood?"

"I'm sorry, sir, understood," the voice conceded, their tone respectful

"Bye for now, sir," they added before the call abruptly ended.

The air hung heavy with tension as the anonymous figure on the other end of the line contemplated their next move. It was clear

that Samantha's date had set off alarm bells, and action needed to be taken swiftly…..