first meet

Gigi, a fifteen-year-old boy with jet-black hair, stood at an average height, his features undeniably handsome. His charm extended beyond his looks, marked by a kind heart and a genuinely good-natured personality.

After enduring a prolonged struggle, he had finally reached the threshold of high school. Middle school had not been kind to him; a single, monumental mistake had cast a long shadow over those years, leaving him to grapple with numerous psychological challenges.

Gigi got caught red-handed peeking into the girls' locker room by a girl named Madeline.

Madeline was the prettiest girl in Gigi's class, a very elegant beauty, a charming princess that has excided all the boys expectations, not to mention her so well rounded butt, and an outstanding chest, that makes everyone who look at it wonder how it feels like to touch such a magnificent treasure.

Madeline grow faster than the other girls in her class, so she was the center of the intention, all spotlights were fixed on her, for that the main goal for all the boys was to take a closer look.

The boys used to try to peep on her including all the other girls, some has succeeded, and started to spread the rumors among the boys, describing what fabulous image they witnessed, for that Rin was apset and made her made to catch the one who peeped on her.

For Gigi, hearing the rumors about Madeline's allure became too much to resist.

Curiosity gnawed at him until he could no longer hold back, he decided to see for himself, choosing the moment when the girls typically changed for their sports lesson.

Skipping his own class that day, he waited until the changing room was bustling with activity.

Quietly, he sneaked around to the back, hoping for the ultimate glimpse.

As wise people say, every great thing comes with a great price. Gigi was willing to pay that price for the first time in his life.

Gigi claimed to the window, while the girls begin to enter the room to change their clothes," it's now or never " Gigi told himself, he waited while enjoying the cuteness of his female classmates, seeing all that skin made him so happy and greedy to see more.

" Nina looks so pretty... I never thought she was this hot... Ohh I wish I could date her",

"Rin isn't half bad either... So yami ".

Gigi was so happy, his tongue flicking out as if he were about to eat something sweet, that he momentarily forgot Madeline wasn't there. Lost in the moment, he didn't realize his anticipation was for nothing.

The girls were now finished changing, and some of them were about to leave the room. Gigi's excitement quickly turned to disappointment. "Hold on... where is Madeline? She isn't absent today, is she? Damn it," he muttered to himself. All he had done was in the hope of seeing Madeline just once. "What should I do now?" he wondered, feeling the weight of his fruitless effort. "All this for nothing... At least I saw Nina."

Just as Gigi was about to descend from the window, he saw Madeline below, holding a phone and taking a picture of him. The moment hit him like a thunderbolt, he knew then that everything was fucked up.

Madeline continued taking picture after picture without pause. Then, she said, "So it was you... I can't believe it... I never thought you were that kind of person..." Gigi, shocked and feeling hopeless from the window, stammered, "Wait... It's not what you think... It wasn't me."

But Madeline cut him off sharply, saying, "Shut up... You jerk. You said horrible things about me... I will never forgive you... Never." With that, Madeline stormed off, leaving Gigi standing there, trying to process what had just happened. No matter what he thought, he knew things would get messy for him if Madeline started talking.

Madeline strode purposefully down the hallway toward the teacher's office, her mind consumed by what she had just witnessed. However, her determined pace faltered as she passed a group of boys lounging against the wall. Their lascivious stares bore into her, igniting a wave of burning embarrassment across her cheeks.

"It's all your fault, Gigi... you imbecile," she seethed quietly. "You will pay dearly for this... I swear it".

Without hesitation, Madeline retrieved her phone and uploaded the damning picture of Gigi onto the internet, using an anonymous account.

Almost instantaneously, the image began its viral spread among the students, swiftly reaching the school administration and faculty.

In a matter of minutes, the once-pristine image of Gigi, the model student, crumbled to dust.

The revelation of his voyeuristic behavior branded him a pariah among his peers, his previously spotless reputation irreversibly tarnished. From that pivotal moment onward, Gigi's existence became a living hell.

As Gigi faced the escalating fallout from the incident, he found himself plunged into a nightmare that extended far beyond the school gates.

News of his misdeed spread like wildfire through the village, staining his family's name and inviting scorn from neighbors and acquaintances alike. Even his own father, once a pillar of support, now met him with silence, unable to reconcile the shame brought upon their household.

Branded with the cruel moniker "Pervy-Gi" by middle school peers and society at large, Gigi endured relentless ostracization.

The pervasive coldness he encountered made forging new friendships impossible, leaving him isolated and hollow, like a walking specter among the living.

Every day became a battle against ridicule and bullying, each moment a reminder of his plummeting reputation and shattered life, a present hell and a dark future.

As he faced the prospect of starting high school, Gigi awoke on the first day with a heavy heart.

The night before had been spent immersed in PUBG, a mobile game, which became for him a fleeting escape from his grim reality.

Eating breakfast mechanically, he set out for the distant high school on foot, determined to avoid any chance encounters with classmates who now viewed him as a pariah.

Gigi's footsteps echoed softly on the pavement as he trudged through the town, his demeanor a reflection of the inner turmoil plaguing him.

Passersby cast sidelong glances, interpreting his somber expression as a sign of drug addiction or illness, prompting him to keep his gaze fixed downward, shielding himself from their speculative stares.

Amidst this bleak journey, a sudden olfactory assault diverted his attention—a familiar scent wafted from a nearby hot spring, a place typically frequented by women for soothing hot baths.

His eyes flicked momentarily towards its entrance before he continued on his desolate path. Yet, something inexplicable tugged at his senses—a fleeting, indistinct vision of an extraordinarily beautiful woman poised to step inside. Her long, flowing hair and impeccable attire captivated him, momentarily halting his aimless march.

A whisper of temptation crept into Gigi's thoughts, clouding his already troubled mind. "How much worse could my situation get?" he mused silently. "It's not like there's anything left to lose."

Driven by a desperate yearning for a brief reprieve from his harsh reality, Gigi retraced his steps, yielding to the allure of the forbidden. With cautious steps, he slipped into the hot spring silently hoping for a momentary escape, however fleeting or reckless it might be.

Gigi cautiously maneuvered through the empty bathhouse, his senses on high alert looking for the elusive beauty who had captured his attention.

With each silent step, he scanned the shadows, hoping to catch sight of her once more. It didn't take long before he stumbled upon a closed door, beyond which he detected faint melodies of a woman singing. His heart raced with anticipation; this had to be where she was.

Desperate to catch a glimpse, Gigi attempted to climb over the door, but his efforts were in vain—it was too high and sturdy to scale.

Undeterred, he persisted, scouring the perimeter for an alternative vantage point. His persistence paid off when he spotted a sturdy tree positioned strategically next to the hot spring area.

Determination flaring, Gigi approached the tree, his movements deliberate and careful to avoid detection.

With steady hands and cautious steps, he ascended the tree until he reached a secure perch offering a clear view. From this elevated position, he could peer into the hot spring area, concealed yet observant.


The lady was so pretty, her skin was so soft, white and smooth... beautiful curves, she was washing her body, and with each move she makes, Gigi's temperature raises.

Gigi mused " I which I can touch her... I wonder how it feels...", Gigi spend his time admiring the beauty before him, and forget about the school.

The beautiful woman just finished her bath ritual. The soft glow of the bathhouse lanterns highlighted her graceful movements as she poured water over her body, a sight that mesmerized Gigi despite the illicit nature of his spying.

As she emerged from the hot spring, water droplets glistened on her skin like delicate jewels in the dim light.

Gigi held his breath, captivated by her every gesture. With a sense of both reluctance and longing, he watched her gather her belongings and make her way towards the exit.

A rush of conflicting emotions surged through Gigi, as the door closed behind her, the bathhouse returned to stillness.

As Gigi descended from the tree, he slipped and fell hard into the bathhouse courtyard, hitting his head and losing consciousness with blood trickling from the wound.

In his unconscious state, Gigi found himself in a strange dream. A white, transparent creature resembling a ghost floated towards him. It exuded an ethereal glow, its presence both calming and mysterious in the depths of his mind's eye.

The ghost talked to Gigi while he was lying in the ground, " now now, what we have here... Another pervert... You sure have payed the price .... Look at you.. in the verge of death", Gigi was just gazing at the ghost as he didn't make any reaction, he thought maybe he is death, coming to take his soul, so he accepted it and just layed there.

The ghost added " so about your wish... that's it? All you wish is to touch a wemon is body, Gigi looked at the ghost and replayed " I don't know... In that time it was just that...", the ghost said " if you have a wish that can be granted... What would it be? If I may ask", Gigi thought about a lot of wishes, he felt strange that he didn't have a real wish, other people must all have one wish they want at least, but me... Why I don't have any... What do I want ?"

Gigi put his hand on his head, trying to come up with an answer, he took a while thinking.

The ghost couldn't wait any longer, so he just talked " if it's hard for you to find one... What about I suggest one for you? I promise it's so interesting" he smiled, Gigi looked at him and replayed" oh yeah what is it?", the ghost answered " time... A Wish that could stop time, what do you think?", Gigi just turned his head from the ghost " like something like that is even possible...", but the ghost added " just make the wish... And you will see, I promise you won't regret it", Gigi just wanted to prove that something like that isn't possible so he said " fine... I wish I could stop time", the ghost just made an evil smile " granted...", "Now it's settled, you have received the ability to stop time" , Gigi responded " stop fooling me, jusf go away", the ghost added " let me explain now so listen carefully... This ability let's you stop time for 280 seconds in any closed place...", Gigi got up from the ground excitedly " really? You are not messing with me aren't you?", the ghost answered " no it's the truth... keep listening, Don't exceed this limit and keep in mind it's strictly forbidden to harm anyone while you froze time or you will frozen in the time space... One last thing, every time you use this ability you loose the same Amount of time from your actual lifespan", Gigi was shocked by these rules, he started thinking " what the hell... What kind of abilities is this, totally sacks, and I got excited for a second... Thanks for nothing whatever you are".

" So it's time... I will be entering your body now", Gigi refused" ohh oh wait for a second... I didn't agree on this, my life is miserable as it is, the last thing I want is a ghost in my body... Keep away from me".

But the ghost answered " it's necessary for you to be able to use the ability... Otherwise you can't, more it's already over... Not that you can do anything about it", " now, excuse me...".

The ghost entered Gigi's body, the pain Gigi felt made him wake up from his unconscious state.

Gigi woke up and found himself in a hospital room, surrounded by angry people, as he was found peeping on wemon hot spring.


As Gigi lay prone on the ground, the ghost's voice pierced through the haze of his consciousness. "Another pervert peeping..." , it remarked coldly, observing Gigi with a mixture of disdain and curiosity.

Gigi remained silent, his eyes fixed on the spectral figure above him. For a moment, he entertained the notion that death had come for him, resigned to his fate as he lay motionless.

The ghost continued, probing Gigi about his desires. The ghost added " so about that wish... that's it? All you wish is to touch a wemon is body?... Gigi looked at the ghost and replayed "i don't know... In that time it was just a good one...", the ghost said " if you have a wish that can be granted... What would it be? If I may ask".

Gigi hesitated, grappling with the realization that he lacked a clear wish of his own. "I don't know," he finally responded, his voice barely a whisper.

He wrestled with his thoughts, wondering why he seemed incapable of conjuring a heartfelt desire while others could effortlessly do so.

Impatient with Gigi's indecision, the ghost suggested a wish: the ability to stop time. Gigi scoffed, dismissing the notion as absurd. Yet the ghost persisted, assuring him that such a wish could indeed be granted. Fueled by skepticism and a desire to prove the ghost wrong, Gigi reluctantly uttered his wish to stop time.

A malevolent grin spread across the ghost's face as it declared "wish granted...".

It proceeded to outline the conditions of this newfound ability: 280 seconds of frozen time within enclosed spaces, strict prohibitions against harming others, and a grim consequence of losing time from his own lifespan with each use.

Shocked and dismayed by the reality of his wish, Gigi began to regret his impulsiveness. Before he could protest further, the ghost announced its intention to inhabit his body, claiming it was necessary for Gigi to utilize the newfound ability.

Despite Gigi's protests, the ghost merged with him, causing a surge of pain that abruptly jolted him awake.

Reality crashed down on Gigi as he found himself in a hospital room, surrounded by angry faces.

The consequences of his actions were starkly apparent—he had been caught peeping again on women in a hot spring.

As accusations flew and hostility filled the air, Gigi realized with bitter clarity that his life had taken an irreversible turn for the worse.


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☑️The next chapter is being cooked now 🔥