First try: system call

Gigi slowly opened his eyes, greeted by a view unlike any other. Beyond the beautiful nurses, who were hard to ignore, the room was filled with angry men. A worn-out police officer, the hot spring owner, some of his relatives, and most notably, his father, whose fury surpassed them all. They had one thing in common, their anger towards Gigi.

Seeing this, Gigi felt a wave of resignation wash over him. He knew he was fucked up. With a heavy heart, he closed his eyes again.

"Fuck, this is the end," he thought. "Who would've thought I'd end up in prison at such a young age?... No one could have guessed that lively little Gigi, on the path to becoming a doctor or an engineer probably, would turn into such a failure... I've ruined my life and brought shame to my family... What I have done, If only I could turn back time…"

Then, a memory struck him. "Wait a minute, speaking of time, what was that dream I just had? It felt so real... I spoke to a ghost... Am I losing my mind? Maybe I'm still dreaming!"

Gigi cracked open his left eye, hoping this was all a bad dream. But the sight of the angry crowd confirmed his reality. He quickly shut his eye again.

"Nope, I'm not dreaming... I'm screwed for real, What should I do now? I can't fool these guys for long... I guess I have to accept my fate."

Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind—the ghost from his dream. "Well, well, your body sucks, dude... I feel like I'm suffocating here... We need to start changing things here for a healthy cohabitation…"

"Where the hell did you come from? Am I hallucinating now?... Calm down, Gigi, calm down... Just focus... This is just a nightmare. You can do this... Just breathe and relax."

"Stop wasting time," the ghost replied. "It's already over... I'll be living in your body for a while... Just accept it... Nothing you can do about it anyway."

"I didn't agree to this! Get out of my body! Get out!" Gigi ordered, but the ghost ignored him, floating around his mind with apparent boredom.

"It's time to go... We need to leave this place at once... I need some fresh air."

"'We'? Don't 'we' me... It's my body, not yours... And besides, I can't leave now; there's police here, you whatever-you-are."

The ghost was unfazed. "Just leave it to me. It's a good opportunity to try out your new ability... I'll teach you. Repeat after me..."

"What are you talking about?" Gigi wondered.

"Stop being a dumbass... To activate your ability, just say these words and snap your fingers... Repeat after me: System call... Time Freeze."

Gigi was skeptical. Freezing time sounded like a joke or a fantasy just like time machine. But if it would stop the ghost from nagging, it was worth a shot.

"Okay, okay, I'll repeat your bullshit. Are you happy now? System call... Time Freeze!"

"Not bad, huh? Now, it's time to move... When you open your eyes, you won't see me, but you'll still hear me... Let me handle this first time... I'll take control."

"What do you mean you'll take control? It's my body... Hold on, do you mean it actually worked? Wait, let me check..."

Gigi opened his eyes, and to his astonishment, everyone in the room was frozen like statues. He freaked out; this was something out of a dream, something unbelievable.

"I'm taking control now," the ghost declared.

Gigi, overwhelmed by the surreal situation, realized that his life had just taken a turn beyond his wildest imagination.

The ghost used its ability and possessed Gigi's body.

Gigi felt himself being taken over, cast aside, with nothing he could do to resist.

Now in control, the ghost spoke through Gigi's lips. "Yeah... It's been a long time since I used a human body... I can't say I like this one since it's a male... I certainly prefer females. How tricky it is... I had to try male bodies, but I see no huge difference at all... I got it."

The ghost moved Gigi's body, rising from the bed, pulling out all the medical tubes from his arm. As he took a few steps, he passed by the nurses—exceptionally beautiful nurses—and Gigi's body reacted instinctively.

"What is this?" the ghost wondered aloud. "I've never experienced this feeling before... This body is getting nervous as I approach this female... Humans are so exciting... Is that what they call hormones? Well, I've got some time... Let's try something out."

With curiosity, the ghost moved closer to one of the nurses, fascinated by the unfamiliar sensations coursing through Gigi's body.

Moving it slowly and steadily all over, the sensation was getting good, the ghost felt it, so he grabbed it using Gigi's fingers and pressed a bit harder.

The feeling intensified, and the more he grabbed, the more Gigi's body felt excited.

" So this is what males feel when the do it... I can't say it's not good.

No wonder their thoughts are so focused on these parts".

"The other part is down here... So juicy... Smooth and well rounded, I like that... This female is indeed my favorite type... I miss my days leaving inside them... Hold a second, this body is reacting differently now, yeah, his private part is growing up, getting bigger... He must be so excited... I wonder if this is his first time touching a female's body this way... He will be so happy after this".

"He should talk to me with more respect from now on. I gave him this unique ability... This brat is so lucky... He can do all this without any problems, and all he does is nag."

The ghost maneuvered Gigi's body, reveling in the strange sensations. "Time will run out soon, and this female will probably lose it if I keep touching her like this... I should be going now."

"One last thing... Let's give these guys a good farewell. Okay, this one, and this one... Ugh, disgusting, old males are so repulsive... This one too... Let's see, one more, and I will leave... Okay, I'm done. Now goodbye."

The ghost opened the door and stepped out, moving a few steps before snapping Gigi's fingers to unfreeze time.

He continued his way out of the hospital. "Now, where should I go first?"

As for the people inside the room, when time resumed, a shocking situation awaited them. The nurses and visitors were stunned to find Gigi gone, and chaos erupted as they tried to comprehend what had just happened, but most importantly, the nusre which received a lot of grabbing and touching from Gigi collapsed after finding her self in a horny state.

For the men, their shock was mush bigger are they found their pants down, revealed naked in front of the others.

As for Gigi's bed was empty.

The ghost continued to walk with Gigi's body, until he reached the street, where he realized that it was better to return control to Gigi due to his ignorance of how to deal with the road and traffic lights.

"This is it brat... It's yours now".

Gigi breathed finally as just he survived from drowning, until those around him were frightened by the way he was breathing.

"W.. wh... hat... the hell... was that... I can't believe it... It actually works... Fuck... I can't believe it".

Gigi was so surprised that he couldn't help it but to set down in the middle of the street, he just went through the strongest experience in his whole life.

Gigi stood up and went out of sight into a public park. He sat in the swing while it was almost empty, he closed his eyes and said, "Okay, ghost... that was wild... I admit it, you must teach me how to do it again."

The ghost didn't appear or even respond, so Gigi kept talking and talking trying to speak with him but no response from the ghost.

" What's up with him... Just few minutes ago he couldn't stop nagging and now... What's wrong with you... bastard".

As the ghost remained silent, Gigi had no choice but to stop trying, then de decided to head to his high school.

Gigi had missed the morning class period, so his first day of school started with a problem.