the legend begans

Gigi arrived at the school gate, eyeing the security guard stationed there. Sneaking inside unnoticed was going to be a challenge.

Forced to find an alternative, Gigi crept around to the back of the school and stared at the imposing wall. He waited, scanning the area to ensure no one was watching.

"What am I doing? This is undoubtedly illegal... I could get caught, and the police will be here in no time... Am I really going to do this?" Gigi questioned himself, feeling uncomfortable with the plan but seeing no other option.

"Since no one is around, I better get going. I have become such a lowly person... very unfortunate... Despicable me"

Summoning his courage, Gigi climbed the wall, which wasn't that tall. Reaching the top, he tossed his school bag over and quickly scanned the surroundings before jumping down.

"That wasn't hard... was it?" he thought. "Now... where am I supposed to go? The first day of school was meant to introduce the buildings to new students, but since I missed that, it's going to be rough... This day can't get more worse."

Unbeknownst to Gigi, a girl named Sania had seen him from her second-floor classroom window. Alarmed, she thought he was an intruder and immediately alerted her teacher.

"Excuse me, teacher," she said. The teacher, a stern and serious man, replied, "Yes, Sania?"

"I just saw someone jump over the school wall," she reported.

The news piqued the entire class's curiosity, but the teacher reacted most dramatically. "Who dares to set foot in this school without permission?" he exclaimed, striking the blackboard with his hand. Adjusting his glasses, he marched to the window to see for himself, followed by the eager students.

The teacher then swiftly went to inform the security and the administration.

Principal Brown, a firm and strict man, wasted no time. Grabbing the microphone, he addressed the school with authority, instructing everyone to remain in their classrooms until the intruder was caught.

"Hello everyone, this is Principal Brown... I want to inform you that an individual has sneaked onto our campus... The security team will handle the situation... Until then, please remain in your classes... Thank you for your understanding."

The announcement, reverberating through the halls, created an atmosphere of both excitement and mystery among the students.

Those in classrooms near the school gate quickly spotted Gigi outside. They crowded by the windows, watching the mysterious figure who had broken into their school.

Gigi, meanwhile, wandered aimlessly, unaware of the noise and commotion he had stirred up behind the building walls.

The security team, along with some administrative staff and teachers, began their search, sweeping room by room, methodically clearing each area before moving to the next.

Gigi finally reached the main building's gate. "Finally... this school is like a maze... Who designed this place? Must be stupid... It's so complicated."

He took a few steps forward. "Now that I'm in, I just need to find out which class I'm in... Normally, class lists are posted at the main entrance or emailed... Ah, there it is."

Gigi walked toward a bulletin board facing the administration block.

Security cameras caught Gigi's movements at the entrance, but due to a peculiar anomaly, the cameras only registered a shadowy figure moving with human-like speed.

The security agent monitoring the cameras was baffled. Unable to comprehend what he saw, he called the team. "Hey... I don't know how to explain this," he began.

Principal Brown responded, "Have you found him on the cameras? Where is he?"

"I'm not sure what I just saw..." the agent replied.

"What do you mean? Stop playing around," Brown said sternly.

"I'm serious... I saw something at the main entrance... It looked like a human, but it was just a black shadow... like a ghost, maybe."

"A shadow? What are you talking about? Have you lost it?" The team questioned the agent's sanity.

"Let's go check it out... Maybe there's something wrong with the surveillance cameras," Principal Brown decided.

The team split into two groups, planning to corner the intruder and end the commotion before the police arrives.

"Where is it… where is it… not here… same… what about this one… that's it, this is me… class B3… finally solved one problem, now I need to find which bloc it's in... Wait a second, this is a detailed map of the building's structure… bingo".

Gigi began checking the plan to find the direction toward his class. After he finished, he took the stairs.

Just after the first step, he heard a sound hard to miss, one anyone would recognize: a police car just arrived and two police officers had just passed the gate of the school.

Without thinking too much, Gigi ran away, certain he was in big trouble.

As he reached the second floor, he heard another troubling sound. The security team was descending from the third floor. Quickly, Gigi ran to the left, all the way down the floor corridor. Before he disappeared from sight, Principal Brown caught a glimpse of him.

"He's there… let's go!" Brown shouted. "Stop there… stop!" All the men began chasing after Gigi.

Gigi heard the shouts, but he knew if he got caught, there would be no room for explanation. So he kept running.

"What the hell is happening to me… Have I become this jinxed? Damn it, damn it… what the hell is wrong…" Gigi muttered to himself, his face showing signs of fear and fatigue from running through the school corridors.

The policemen were informed about Gigi's location, and they joined the chase.

Gigi ran as long as he could, but a harsh reality awaited him: a dead end.

He stopped, catching his breath, leaning on his knees with his hands. He looked around, trying to find a way out of this predicament, but to no avail.

The men and the police began to approach him, with only one hallway separating them. Gigi quickly opened the door to the cleaning supplies storeroom, a small room that looked like a closet, and slipped inside to hide.

All the chasers arrived at the dead end and began looking for any possible way out.

"You sure he went this direction?" a police officer asked the security team. Principal Brown responded, "100%... We didn't lose him... he headed here... I'm positive"

"Then he must be hiding somewhere around... Okay, block the corridor and begin searching the rooms." Policeman replied.

Alongside the closet, there were only four rooms there: laboratories.

The team searched the labs one after another, not leaving a single place unchecked. Meanwhile, Gigi held his breath, listening to the officers and men searching for him outside.

"This is bad… very bad… I'm a goner for sure this time…" He closed his eyes, trying to communicate with the ghost. "Where are you, stupid ghost?... I need you here, right now… help me out." But nothing happened.

"This is the end, I guess…" As the search team finished checking all the labs, the only place left unchecked was the closet. Principal Brown had the keys in his hand to open it.

As Principal Brown put the key in the door, Gigi lost hope and accepted his fate.

He closed his eyes out of fear one last time, and then he saw the ghost finally appear.

"What a great nap… I surely loved it," the ghost said. Gigi couldn't believe it. "Bastard, you were sleeping? I'm about to go to prison and you where sleeping? … hurry up and get me out of this situation, or I swear once I get to prison, I will ask for an exorcism."

The ghost didn't like the way Gigi talked to him, but he thought for a second. "This brat is still nagging, and I thought I told him to respect me more… what! exorcism? How funny… but anyway, if he gets to prison, I will be stuck with him for a while… that won't work…" The ghost replied to Gigi, "Okay, this time I will help you… you will apologize to me later." Gigi, without hesitation, apologized to the ghost.

"I'm sorry… truly sorry… just get me out of this situation"

The ghost took over Gigi's body and activated the ability to stop time.

"System call… time freeze," he said, followed by snapping Gigi's fingers.

Principal Brown heard that sound but didn't understand it, and more he saw the door being pushed from inside which was weird, than, before it fully opened, Brown saw a shadow of a man inside. But before the light could illuminate the inside of the closet, time froze across the entire school.

"Oh, finally… that was close," Gigi said, his heart beating fast. "You should have done that way before."

The ghost ignored Gigi's words and declared, "It's all up to you now… take over."

Gigi regained control over his body and got out of the closet while everyone was frozen.

"Now… what should I do? Maybe I should leave the school at once." Gigi ran toward the main entrance and got outside of the building. But as he was about to reach the gate, he hit an invisible barrier.

"What's this… am I trapped here? Are you kidding… hey ghost, what's this?" Gigi freaked out, but he remembered that time might be frozen, but his 180 seconds were passing.

Gigi thought quickly and decided not to leave the school. He ran towards his school bag, grabbed it, then returned inside the building, took the stairs, and headed looking for the class B3.

After he found it, he entered quickly and took a random seat at the back where no school tools were on the table.

Then he snapped his fingers and said, "System call… unfreeze."

Time started running again all over the school, and a shock awaited the principal.