Class B3

Gigi finally escaped from the worst situation of his life. Reaching his class undetected was nothing short of a miracle.

As time resumed its normal pace, the commotion inside the B3 classroom returned, with students trying to spot the intruder outside the windows. None of them noticed Gigi, who acted completely unaware of everything around him.

Meanwhile, back with the security team, Principal Brown opened wide the closet door, only to find it empty.

The sounds and the shadow he had seen inside frustrated him even more. He recalled what the man monitoring the cameras had told him earlier about a mysterious black shadow detected in the main entrance.

This memory made the principal sweat. He stood looking inside the closet for a long time, unnoticed, debating whether he should share what he had seen or keep it to himself.

Eventually, one of the officers broke the silence calling him, "Principal, is there a problem?"

Brown, lost in his thoughts, jolted at the sound of the policeman's voice. "No... not really," he replied, adding, "It's empty... like the labs."

"Then where the hell is the intruder?" someone demanded.

"I don't know... that's what freaks me out," Principal Brown responded, his face troubled.

"Okay everyone... let's keep looking in the remaining areas… Tell the cameras guy to keep us updated," the officer instructed the security team.

The search continued for two more hours without finding anything.

The police officers eventually declared the school safe and left.

Principal Brown had no choice but to resume the lessons. Through the speakers, he announced, "Everyone, this is Principal Brown again… The situation is clear now… We've looked all over the school, and no intruder was found… I apologize for causing such a mess… You are to resume your classes without fear… Thank you."

An atmosphere of disappointment fell over all the classes as the commotion ended without finding anything, and the teachers prepared to resume their lessons.

In class B3, the students returned to their chairs and sat down. Gigi waited anxiously to see who would sit next to him and if they would notice that he hadn't been there before.

Among the waves of students heading to their seats, Gigi spotted the last person he would have expected to see. Her charm and elegance were unmistakable to anyone, especially Gigi.

Madeline, the girl Gigi longed for, and the one who had made his life as harsh as it was.

Gigi's face faltered at this unexpected coincidence, his eyes wide and unblinking, fixed on the one person passing by him.

Madeline continued through the rows of tables until she reached her seat at the front and sat down.

While Gigi remained stunned, another girl had already taken the seat in front of him—a tall blonde with long hair, nearly as tall as Gigi, which was rare among the other girls in the class.

Everyone settled into their places, and the teacher was about to resume the lesson. Gigi thought that everything had gone well. He sighed, "Finally… it worked."

"Thanks to that ghost, of course… if it wasn't for him… I would be on my way to prison right now. Who am I kidding… he is part of the problem... If he's going to stay inside my body… I will need to find a better way to establish a better communication with him... I can't leave it to luck like last time...This class sucks— a bunch of rich kids, flat girls, and a boring male teacher… from his words, he must be a history teacher… how boring! I miss Miss Verona. While she teaches me English, I always have something to look at; she's my favorite… what's the point of a female teacher if she can't hold our attention anyway?... Speaking of attention, who would have thought I would be in the same class as that bitch Madeline? I thought I would never see her again… I will have to change my class… not just because of her, but I can name at least four other students from my previous class… it's not good… my days here will be hell once they start talking about my past… not that I care… at this point, nothing will surprise me anymore…"

While Gigi was lost in his thoughts, the blonde in front of him turned her upper body without warning, facing Gigi with a devilish smile, a smile that tells you that I already know the answer of what I'm about to ask. It sent a chill down Gigi's spine.

His eyes widened as if he were seeing a monster.

The blonde whispered in a low voice, "Hello there... who are you?"

A multitude of scenarios began rushing through Gigi's mind. His well-crafted plan seemed to unravel with her mere words, shattering the peace he had felt just moments before.

Gigi didn't know how to respond. Speaking might drag the conversation into more dangerous territory, but staying silent could lead to trouble if she reported him to the teacher.

"What shall I do... what shall I do? This is bad... Fuck, Don't ask more... please don't ask more... What if she knows?... Did she notice me? This ability doesn't have flaws, does it?... Let's try skirting around the question."

Gigi put his hand on the back of his head, smiling innocently. "What do you mean? Sorry, I mean... Gigi, my name is Gigi... nice to meet you." As he finished, his eyes sharpened, focusing on the blonde's lips, anxiously awaiting her next words. Inside his head, Gigi was a mess, hoping she would just say her name and turn around.

Finally, the blonde spoke, "I'm Lea... nice to meet you too." Gigi felt a wave of relief as she responded as he had hoped, and he waited for her to turn around, a smile plastered on his face.

But Lea didn't turn. She continued to gaze at him, making Gigi uncomfortable. He tried his best to maintain his fake smile and composure.

"It's not my imagination..." Lea said. Gigi felt a shock, like an electric jolt. He responded, "What! What did you say?"

Lea replied, "You weren't here before, were you?"

This made Gigi lose all hope. "Fuck, fuck... how did this girl notice me of all people? She looks so dangerous... I can't mess with her, I'm in big trouble... Man, I barely made it out of that situation just now, and now I'm in another one in less than a few fucking minutes?".

As Gigi's mind struggled to find a suitable answer, the teacher rescued him by calling on Lea to turn around and pay attention to the lesson.

Lea was about to comply when she said her final words, "You are an interesting one... We will continue our little chat later."

Gigi sighed in relief as Lea finally turned around, unable to believe he had been saved by the teacher he had just called boring.

"Leave it to luck," he thought. "If things continue like this, I surely will get a heart attack."

"I'll use this time to get a good explanation... If it's only her who noticed me, then it's manageable," he resolved.

The lesson dragged on, and Gigi couldn't help but steal glances at Madeline from behind. Despite his current feelings of animosity, his admiration for her beautiful body remained unchanged.

After the history lesson, the final class of the day, physics, began. Gigi had grown accustomed to the classroom atmosphere by then.


✓Thanks for reading

✓Feel free to give your review ✌️

✓The next chapter is being cooked now 🔥