A new goal is made: Pervy-Gi

The B3 class was engrossed in their physics lesson, while Gigi He found himself preoccupied with a pressing dilemma.

Convincing Lea of his presence that morning seemed an insurmountable task. The only solution, as he saw it, was to devise an excuse that would defuse the situation without arousing any suspicion.

He bent down slightly, positioning himself behind Lea to avoid the professor's gaze.

Closing his eyes, he reached out to the ghost inhabiting his body. "Where are you... Don't tell me you've gone back to sleep? Hello…?" After a moment, the ghost responded with a yawn, "What's the matter? What's all this fuss about? Don't tell me you haven't solved it yet…"

Gigi smiled, trying to mask his anxiety. "No... Of course, I took care of it... Actually, I've encountered another problem…"

The ghost, clearly annoyed, snapped back, "Are you serious? Are you a magnet for trouble? Maybe I made a mistake choosing to live in your body."

"It's not like I invited you in," Gigi retorted. "I don't like it either, but since we're stuck together, why don't we team up? Like real buddies—or ghosties, in your case."

"Stop calling me a ghost," the spirit demanded. "I have a name, and I'm not your buddy… You suck."

Sensing the ghost's stubbornness, Gigi pushed further. "Then tell me your name… I'm all ears."

The ghost, indifferent to Gigi's plea, replied, "Maybe later… So, what's your problem? Name it."

Gigi explained, "Well, after I regained control, I couldn't leave the school, which you need to explain it to me later… So, I decided to come to class and act like I'd been here since morning... It worked, except for one problem… This bitch in front of us noticed I wasn't here earlier and just appeared out of nowhere… Did I explain it well?"

The ghost sighed in exasperation, "What am I going to do with you?! Stupid moron".

"Hey, it's not a good time for insults… we have a problem here to solve," Gigi stated firmly as the lesson neared its end. Despite his urgency, he still hadn't found a convincing excuse to sway Lea.

The ghost floated nearby and taunted, "Why don't you just tell her the truth? It's not like she'll believe you anyway." Gigi scowled at the suggestion. "Hell no! I'm already being called Pervy-Gi and treated like dirt… I don't want to be called a madman too... Forget it."

The ghost pondered briefly before responding, "Pervy-Gi, what a beautiful nickname… I've got an idea, listen…"

Hope flickered across Gigi's face as he urged, "Hurry up and spell it out…"

"Since they call you Pervy-Gi anyway, why not take pride in it and use it to your advantage?" the ghost proposed.

Gigi nearly had a heart attack from the disappointment. "Really! Is that all you could come up with? Do ghosts even have brains to think with? I'm wasting my time listening to your stupid ideas…"

The ghost interrupted Gigi's rant. "Stop nagging like an old lady… think about it for a second... You possess an unusual ability to stop time, and these people calling you a pervert don't know about it... What you need to do is use it against them… pay them back. If they see you as a pervert, then give them one… a pervert that can't be caught. Amazing, isn't it?"

Gigi started considering the idea. "If you put it that way… it sounds fair, but I can't make myself a proud pervert publicly... It's just not a good path to take."

The ghost added, "Then don't make it obvious it's you... Try a different approach, like manipulating things from the shadows and making your victims believe it's someone else."

Suddenly, a brilliant idea popped into Gigi's mind. "That's it, a ghost! What makes girls tremble in fear more than a ghost? Perfect... With me being able to stop time, all I need to do is create a fuss about a ghost residing in this school, and everyone will believe it… this way, I can manipulate everyone from the shadows…"

A devilish look spread across Gigi's face as he imagined the possibilities that lay ahead. His heart beat faster, as if he had discovered a new goal, a new path towards his payback, and his way to take control of this school.

"It's all mine... I will make this school a playground for me... finally," he declared with unwavering determination. The ghost, intrigued by Gigi's newfound resolve, gave his approval.

"A great one indeed," the ghost said. "Let's put it to the test, shall we?"

"Okay, let's do it," Gigi agreed. "So all I need to do is say the words and snap my fingers, right?"

The ghost nodded. "Yes, but you need to have strong concentration and desire to activate it. Keep that in mind."

Gigi nodded. "Okay, here goes."

"System call... time freeze," he intoned, snapping his fingers.

Some students at the back of the class noticed the snapping sound, but before they could turn their heads, time froze.

"It worked! This isn't bad at all," Gigi thought with glee. "Now, let's make our move. First, I'll target this blonde bitch... the first time she saw me, she made things difficult... She needs to learn not to mess with me-or rather, not to mess with Pervy-Gi."

Gigi approached Lea, standing in front of her and taking a moment to look at her. "I admit, she's a hottie... just imagining her naked makes me sweat... okay, let's try something... first, check her boobs... mmm, no kidding, soft and smooth, like them... her lips are so amazing too... she is definitely my type... I would date her without a second thought..."

After a few seconds of touching, Gigi began thinking of a way to leave Lea a hint about the ghost he intended to create to spread the rumor. He took her pen and left a message in her hand.

Then, he returned to his place, took his seat, and snapped his fingers again.

Time resumed its normal flow.

All those who had heard the snapping sound turned back to see where it came from. When they couldn't pinpoint it, they shrugged and returned their attention to the lesson.

For Lea, it was a different story. Just a moment ago, she had been focused on the lesson, and now she felt a lingering sensation on her chest and lips. The experience left her in shock, and she put her head on the table, breathing heavily.

From his seat, Gigi watched her reaction and thought, "Mission successful."

Lea noticed writing on her hand and brought it closer to her eyes to read it, still breathing heavily. The message that had appeared there only seconds ago read:

"Your time is now... I'm looking forward to more of this. Make sure to keep it a secret."