Chapter 5: Sadness?

[First Disciple point of view]

"The master has given the order for you to report to the dining room right now."

After saying those words, Shadow disappeared without saying goodbye. I was surprised at how fast he was; his cultivation must be very high since he only takes orders from Mo Hei Xin.

Hearing him say the word 'master', I felt disgust in my heart. I always considered him a father to me, but how can he betray us five sisters like that.

Thank goodness Ye Xiu warned us, otherwise I don't know what would have happened to us.

I found it hard to believe that the master who always looked at us with love in his eyes would have such ulterior motives towards us.

But his evidence was conclusive, I could not refute his claims. Now I can't even look him in the eyes; I felt that, if I looked at him, I would reveal the contempt I had for him.

I don't think he suspects us much; we have hidden our expressions very well.

I didn't notice anything strange in his behavior either; but protecting Ye Xiu was a risky move.

I'd better quickly go to the dining room; he'll probably want to discuss why we defended Ye Xiu.

Unlike Shadow, I haven't broken through the void stage yet, so I can't use space to move quickly. I have to try harder; I don't want to die at the hands of that two-faced monster.

I continued running to the small room where we all used to have lunch together, this brings back memories that it would be better to forget.

'I mustn't show compassion to that devil, or he will kill me without realizing it.'

I need to be cautious, Ye Xiu presented us with a plausible plan to kill him, so we can't fail now. Even though he does not surpass us in strength, he has been able to devise a plan capable of killing the strongest on the continent.

He is handsome, fair and intelligent, it wouldn't be bad to consider him as a future martial partner. It began to be cultivated later than us, but it is almost up to us.

That shows the immense talent he has. I have heard numerous good rumors about him, in which he defeated vile cultivators who preyed on the weak or saved a sect of demons.

While I cannot be sure of this information, it is safe to assume that some of it contains elements of truth.

The bad thing is that he is obsessed with having concubines. When I make him my dao companion, I will get rid of all of them, he will only belong to me.

If the sisters also love him, I will only be able to grant if they become concubines; i will be the first wife.

It's still too early to talk about this, we haven't even killed Mo Hei Xin yet. Every time I think of Ye Xiu, my image of him improves. This must be the innate charisma of those blessed by heaven.

With one last jump I arrived in front of the dining room windows, it seems that I am the first to arrive.

'Where are they?'

I sat in my usual seat so as not to make him suspicious about us, it would be better to appear normal despite the situation.

Despite the evidence, there is still a glimmer of doubt about them. Although he has committed many evil acts, he has also raised us for many years.

But we have already gone too far, we have even devised a plan to poison him, there is no turning back for us.

Interrupting my thoughts, I noticed four presences approaching me. Once the doors opened, I could see that my four sisters had also arrived. Each one of them greeted me considering our seniority; As the eldest, I calmly awaited their greetings.

"First sister, you have arrived soon."

"Greetings, first sister."

"Older sister."

"How are you, big sister?"

I nodded at their words: "Sit down quickly, Mo Hei Xin will be arriving."

Suddenly, an immense bloodlust fell upon the entire palace. I felt that my instinct was warning me of great danger; but the immense pressure prevented me from moving.

Unable to do anything, I felt like an insect that could be crushed with the slightest movement.

The atmosphere persisted for half an incense; I fell to the ground at the sudden release. An immeasurable fear took hold of me as I guessed who this powerful aura came from.

Mo Hei Xin is much scarier than I expected. Even though we now know what his plan is, we haven't shown it, so I don't think he's aware of it.

What caused this change? Has he heard about our plan?

But that's impossible, we just discussed it with Ye Xiu yesterday. He couldn't notice any presence around us at that time.

Ye Xiu also checked to see if someone was spying on us with his heavenly treasure.

Heavenly treasures are very rare and powerful; even Mo Hei Xin only has 5 in his possession, that shows how difficult it is to get or create.

"Sister, the master…"

The fourth sister looked at me with fear in her eyes; She didn't need to finish the sentence; we all knew what she was going to say.

"Should we escape?"

"You must know that it is impossible to escape from he; If he really found out, then let's confront him head on, let's not show weakness in front of him. If we die, there will still be Ye Xiu."

After saying those words, we sat down in our seat; preparing to face the situation that was coming.

Although our eyes showed determination, the bloodlust caused a deep fear that reached our souls. As the oldest, I should not show uncertainty about what is coming.

As if demonstrating his power; The doors opened on their own, with Mo Hei Xin calmly walking in with his hands clasped behind his back. He walked slowly towards the main chair located at the far side of the room. As he passed behind me, he uttered a phrase that left me paralyzed.

"Don't worry, it will just be our last meal together."

Those words were spoken like a death sentence to my ears, a declaration that this will be our last supper. I wasn't the only one who thought that we all looked at each other, accepting our fate.

As he sat down on the chair, plates of meals poured out like a river from his spatial ring.

In them were all our favorite dishes; It's like feeding the chicken the best grains, and then killing it.

None of us dared to eat a single bite of food, believing that a powerful poison was found in them.

As if reading our thoughts, he said with disturbing calm: "The food isn't poisoned, I don't need to resort to such a low trick if I want your lives, unlike some."

Those words were said with seconds; He wants to signal that he is aware of our plan. I wanted to argue that it wasn't true, but he continued talking.

"I'm not here to listen to your complaints; I will say a few words and leave."

Hearing his words, I felt that a great burden had been lifted. He has never lied, that means he will only leave after speaking.

"I know what you have been told about me by that Ye Xiu guy. You are not young anymore, so you can believe what you want."

I felt like all my secrets were seen, as if he had eyes with the power to read our thoughts.

We underestimated Mo Hei Xin's power too much; we didn't even reach the soles of his shoes. Has he just been playing with us until now?

"First disciple, come closer."

Interrupting my thoughts, he spoke to me. I hesitated to follow his words, until his indifferent eyes landed on me. Somehow, I could feel sadness in his gaze.

Did I see wrong? The ones who have to feel sad are us. Why are he showing me that expression?

I was stunned to see a new expression; It will be better to listen to him, the most I can lose is my life. Once I knelt before him, he continued speaking.

"Tell me, what did Ye Xiu tell you?"

His question made me hesitate whether to answer or not, should I tell a lie?

But if he could see through us all this time, it's unlikely that this lie won't be discovered.

After making up my mind, I looked at him with determination in my eyes, and proceeded to express everything I have repressed until now. Despite the evidence, deep inside me, I wanted to hear the answers come out of his mouth.

'Has he ever loved us? Am I just a tool for him? Is everything Ye Xiu told us true?'