Chapter 6: Regrets.

"You overestimate the importance of your constitution, if I wanted to make a cauldron with you, I don't need you to be alive; "I could have killed you the day I picked you up."

I was surprised by the sequence of words that came out of his mouth; It is true that he had the option to kill me, and he did not do it. But then, why did he collect all those materials? Is lying to me? No, that's not possible. He is the most powerful on the continent, he doesn't have to lie to make me feel more relieved.

"I wanted to give you this as a gift for when you rise to the void stage; But seeing the situation, you better take it now."

'This is …'

A well-decorated bag emerged from his ring and fell into my hands. I used my consciousness to look inside; In it were the necessary ingredients to refine me into a human cauldron. In addition to this set of items, there was a sheet of paper, and an even more extraordinary collection of celestial materials.

I was curious about the content of the sheet as if the answers she wanted so much were written in her. A bad feeling came over me as I picked up the paper; Before even reading it, I could notice a look of sadness and disappointment in Mo Hei Xin's eyes. Is it possible that everything is just a misunderstanding? Did you never have any bad intentions towards me? Does that mean that I have tried to kill the master who has raised me since I was young because I have misunderstood his intentions? Have I betrayed your trust?

I was afraid to read its contents when I realized that I could be the one who betrayed him first by planning his murder. I repressed the doubts that arose in my mind; The answers are on the page; I just must read it. I picked up the paper and read it with trembling hands.

'No, this cannot be.'

On the page was the solution to the deepest fear that I had in my mind since I was a child. It detailed a method to maintain the effects of the divine yin body and eliminate the possibility of being turned into a human cauldron. The only requirement to carry it out is to gather large quantities of extremely rare and scarce materials. It is a requirement that only one person on the continent could fulfill, my master.

'A misunderstanding, it was just a misunderstanding.'

'The master will understand me if I explain everything that has happened. Yes, we haven't done anything yet. It is possible to solve everything.'

I tried to open my mouth, but the master gestured for me to sit down and not speak. I considered listening to his words and sitting down; but the words he said before echoed in my head.


'Don't worry, it will just be our last meal together.'

'I'm not here to listen to your complaints, I'll say a few words and leave.'


'Our last meal together? Will he say a few words and leave?'

'Does that mean he's going to abandon us?'

'Is it impossible to return to our old relationship?'

'Is it my fault that he's leaving?'

'No, I can't let him leave before I even have a chance to speak. It is still before me; everything can be fixed; the master will forgive me as always.

"Master, I don't…"

"Sit down! If I wanted to listen to your excuses I wouldn't be here. I just want to resolve the debts we have, so I don't need to listen to your explanations or reasons."

My words were cut off by his shout, the master is angry. He had never yelled at us like that, he always spoke to us with love and care. He even forgave us for all our mistakes.

'What debt are you talking about? We are the ones who owe you, our lives. And instead, all you have received from us is a cold betrayal.'

'Have I gone too far?'

'The master doesn't want to put up with me anymore?'

'Am I going to lose him forever?'

A tear escaped my eyes, realizing the seriousness of the situation. I didn't want to disappoint him anymore, so I sat down in my seat. Once I sat down, I tried to look him in the eyes, to convey that I was sorry, and that I could correct my mistakes. But he wasn't looking at me anymore. He looked away from me and ignored my complaints.

'The master doesn't want to know anything more about me.'

Tears continued to flow from my eyes uncontrollably. I didn't want him to see me cry; but if I leave now, I may never see him again. The master continued talking, but I couldn't hear his words. The only sound that resonated in my ears was a constant ringing.

'The master will abandon me; It's my fault.'

'He will leave, and I will never see him again.'

'It's my fault, everything is my fault. As the first disciple, I should have shown more trust in the master. But doubt him at the slightest rumor. I am no longer worthy of your trust.'

Reality hit me hard. The master has already decided what he will do; It's too late, he's not going to change his mind. I felt as if my heart was being squeezed hard, sobs escaping my mouth uncontrollably. The words couldn't come out of my mouth. I kept repeating the same phrase, absent from what was around me.

'Because of me, the master will abandon me.'


[Hei Xin]

I directed my gaze towards the twins; They both walked towards me and knelt on the left and right respectively. They both bowed their heads, waiting for my words. Unlike before, they now showed confusion over his older sister's condition. It is understandable, but it is not excusable.

I could notice that the senior disciple's emotional state was getting worse and worse; but I didn't console her, it's too late. My future self has suffered the most, seeing how none of the five defended me when Ye Xiu dealt me ​​the final blow. They could have taken away my cultivation and let me live as a civilian; but no, they decided to kill me, and my last breaths showed joy.

I sighed, pushing those thoughts out of my head. That hasn't happened yet, so I can't blame them for something they haven't done yet.

I looked at the twin sisters who still had their heads bowed.

"What did he say to you? That I organized the murder of your people because of a dispute I had with your father?

They stared at me for a while and nodded in confirmation.

"And what evidence do you have for you to betray the master you love 'so much'?"

They hesitated to respond when they heard the sarcasm in my voice. The oldest was the one who spoke for both.

"They have shown us that your emblem was nailed to the skulls of the murderers. Whenever you get a subordinate, you stamp that symbol on their skulls as a sign of identity."

"Yes, those who attacked your village were my former subordinates. They realized that I was aware that they are spies, so they escaped. The one who revealed the information to me was your father."

"As revenge, they laid siege to your father's village. By the time they arrived at the scene, it was too late. Your father was in his last breath, and his last wish was that I take you as my disciples."

"It is difficult to believe only in words; "You better see it for yourselves."

A multicolored bubble emerged from my head, getting bigger and bigger. It showed the scenes that I just explained.

Although they are naive enough to fall for the MC's tricks; They know that memory fragments are impossible to manipulate.

"I have fulfilled your father's last wish. You have become very talented cultivators; you no longer need my help to survive in this harsh world. Your father died for me, and you have planned my death. Let's consider that the debt is jumped; I no longer owe you anything, nor do you owe me."

"Sit down."

I manipulated the Qi so that they sat tightly in their seat; Like the first, they tried to explain, but this time I didn't even give them the opportunity to speak. Their cries won't change my mind, so listening to them is pointless. I already know all the details from the novel, there is nothing you can say that doesn't sound like a pathetic excuse.


"I'm getting tired of explaining, so hear it for yourself."

"I swear to the heavens, if I ever covet the blood of the 'Bai Xie' clan in my life, my cultivation will disappear."

"I am aware that you belong to the 'Bai Xie' clan; That's why I raised you. The ancestors of your clan betrayed me by allying themselves with my enemies. I almost died because of them; Even though I have taken revenge, I allowed his clan to continue to exist through you."

"The blood of your clan has the effect of increasing lifespan. I eliminated this rumor so that strangers would not direct their greedy eyes towards you, nor towards the tombs of your ancestor."

"You must know that betrayal is paid for with extermination according to the rules. I allowed you to live by my whims, so you don't owe me anything. Now sit down."

"Finally, get up my dear spy."