Getting to know my sister.

Five years have passed since I was born in this place. Come to find out it isn't all that different from earth. I guess you could say I've been reborn into an alternate reality. The places look the same as my previous life. You have the same stores, doctors, movie theaters, and schools here as I did. You see families going out together, friends playing with each other, and people heading to and from work. The only difference is, there are no guys my age.

Everywhere I look only the adults have guys in the mix, no kids are boys. This is frankly troubling. I feel like a kangaroo in a zoo. I can feel the gazes of the girls every time I leave home to play. It makes me feel uncomfortable. So I rarely leave my room.

I normally stay in my room since no matter where I go I'd be out numbered. The last thing I'd want to happen is becoming a plaything for one of the neighborhood girls. Frankly it's frightening to think about.

As I'm thinking my monolog I hear a knock at the door. As the door opens I notice the pink haired lioness coming in. She's now about twelve so she's already at that age where she has friends and stays out of the house a lot.

I haven't had much to do with her over the past 5 years. Honestly, I was afraid to have anything to do with her since she always had a hungry look on her face when she visited me as a baby. So the question is what does she want?

"Hey June," she says," don't you think you need to play outside every once in a while. Staying in your room all the time is not healthy." What? Did she just suggest I go outside. Hell no! There's no way I'd get eaten, kidnapped, or become a part of a shady experiment to see why I was born a boy, no thanks. I shake my head proud of my realistic deduction.

May looks at me with a pitiful look on her face. No matter how many times I see her I can't help but think she's beautiful. After all she is mom's daughter after all. But her beauty is what makes her scary. When it comes to the foreign race known as girls I have never had any experience with them before.

You can never tell what women think. They always seem to be in a bad mood. They always have to be right. And when it comes to familial hierarchy women are on top while people like dad and I are on bottom. I just don't understand it!

May grabs my hand and pulls me out of my room. "Let's go play June."

"I don't know sis," I sigh, " I don't feel like getting into trouble with those girls. They always treat me like a pet. " It's true everything a girl seen me she'd start breathing heavily before squealing and holding me tight while petting my head. What am I a dog of some sort? I am against it, I am all about equality and human rights. I'm not a pet or plaything thank you very much!

May stops walking. She turns to me and kneels down in order to be face to face. She's the only person who does this kind of thing to make me feel at ease. She puts her hand in my head and says, "June, I know you don't like leaving your bedroom because you're scared. You are scared of those people who look at you like a rare animal. You're afraid of being surrounded and played with by the older girls. But you don't have to worry, to them you may be something like a rare animal but to me you are my cute little brother. The little brother whom I've loved and protected since he was born. I know you haven't spoken to me much, I know you're scared that I might hurt you. But June, you're my little brother, all I want is to see you happy, protect you, and be with you when you're sad like a good sister should. So don't worry I'll always protect you. "

That day when May said those words I realized something. This girl, this beautiful goddess that was my big sister truly loves me and cares for me. I was happy to take that first step outside with her.