On to high school.

A few years have passed since my sister helped me that day. I had a lot of ups and downs. I was constantly getting into trouble with girls. One time there was an incident where my young homeroom teacher Inc middle school tried to kidnap me. That was awful. My sister went into a rage and hunted us down. I never new May could be that scary. That wasn't even the worst part my mother was ready to kill that teacher.

Come to find out my mother is the chief of police in Orange Peak. She was known for her fast and calculating actions as well as her ruthlessness towards criminals who committed crimes involving children. To make it worse, her own son has been kidnapped. Needless to say, the teacher was put into prison. She was charged with kidnapping of a young male child and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Apparently since the birthrate of males have dropped so low the government has a special policy in place to protect them.

After that incident my sister has always kept a keen eye on me acting as a bodyguard when I left home. My mother pushed for a police officer to accompany me while at school to protect me. And I was forced to take martial arts classes every week. I had a feeling this world was dangerous.

Now I'm 15 years old, about to have my first day at Orange Peak Public High School.

I wake up excited. I quickly put on my uniform and head down stairs. My family is sitting at the table. On the left side of the table is my dad his name is James. He doesn't seem to have aged a day since the first time I saw him, although he does wear glasses now, he still looks like a young man in his early twenties. At the end of the table is my mom , April, she is still beautiful and kind, although her police uniform is a little intimidating. At the left side of the table is my 22 year old sister, May. She's grown into an even more beautiful woman then I though was possible. Her bright pink hair flows down the curves of her back to her hips, her deep blue eyes are always filled with affection, her smooth yet full lips are parted into a beautiful smile, and her body is as beautiful as a supermodel.

You might think I'm messed up for thinking so, but my sister is the most beautiful person in the world. She used to be scary, but now I see her as a goddess of affection and protection who heals me when I'm hurt and protects me when I'm scared. So I guess you could say I have the ultimate sister complex, however by no means am I in love with her, I am merely a boy who is attached to his big sister because she spoils him, completely normal if I say so myself.

"Good morning June," says my mom and the others follow suit. I reply to their greetings and sit down at the table beside my sister. My parents laugh because I once told them the seat beside May is reserved for me and me alone. May pats my head as I get comfortable.

My dad sighs," At this rate May won't be able to get married because June is always attached to her by the hip." My mom laughs, " Well, June always did say he'd marry May, as his mother I'm jealous he never said that to me as most kids do to their moms." May smiles and says," I don't need to get married. If I get married to someone, I'd have less time to spend with June, besides, there aren't any men my age. So if I want a family, I can just get Gene therapy to have a child, I don't need a husband who is double or triple my age." She hugs my face to her chest.

It's the softest thing I've ever felt in my life. Wait no, this is wrong. I'm starting to get dizzy, my air is being cut off. Everything is fading out. I begin tapping May's arm so she would let me go, but to no avail. My mom noticed my trouble and pinched May's back. She finally let me go.

I ran to the front door after finishing my breakfast. "I'm off to school," I said happily as I waved back to my family. But what I didn't know was the meeting I'd have right outside the house would be both amazing, yet troublesome.